BTDT, both my parents were gay and had secret lives unvieled when I was a teen. I wish people would just be honest about that stuff, it would save a whole lot of misery and pain. Instead, they were just a bunch of dsyfunctional ****ups. The worst part was when my dad started making passes at my boyfriends after he came out ...
Yes, honesty is probably aways the best policy no matter how much it hurts at the time, it's got to be better than lying and breaking the bonds of trust. These kid's Dad has done some really screwed up stuff. Mom ain't no saint either but I think she has a much better handle on things than he does.
Part of the problem with being honest with their kids is that they first have to be honest with themselves. That may be the hardest issue to overcome. You probably ran into a lot of that....
My wife used to play bunko with a guy who was once a girl, but wanted to become a gay man...........I was like dude, you can be with guys as a woman you know........LOL
My wife used to play bunko with a guy who was once a girl, but wanted to become a gay man...........I was like dude, you can be with guys as a woman you know........LOL
My wife used to play bunko with a guy who was once a girl, but wanted to become a gay man...........I was like dude, you can be with guys as a woman you know........LOL
I found that out. My friend I mentioned a few posts ago is married. I asked about that and was told that he and the wife are planning on staying married. He isn't attracted to men, and she is too in love to leave the relationship.
random question, does anybody here know the sexual orientation/marital status of their elementary school teachers? i know at least one was single b/c she had us over to her house for a picnic (including parents), but honestly at that age I can't say I cared enough about that type of thing to even find out. by HS, yes, we were checking out the hot younger teachers for wedding rings, or which male teacher wasn't married but a) hit on any attractive student but b) knew colors REALLY REALLLY well. but honestly before that I could've cared less.
this really is the parents flipping out and subjecting their children to their own prejudices.
Yes, but what if your elementary school teacher was a transexual that actually looked like a woman and you couldn't tell? I don't think all of them look like men in dresses. (I could be wrong though. I don't really have much experience or interaction with transexuals. They just don't seem to move in same the circles I do.) I am afraid to run a search though... probably find a ton of pr0n. And while I normally like pr0n, I am not into sex change pr0n. (Despite what N8 and BS would like to think )
And Toshi, if your avatar is a cow and a dog wouldn't that make it trans-species?
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