
Another trip to Otis


Nam I am
Well We decided we had so Much fun last week, we wanted to do it again! and after seeing last weeks Pictures a few other decided to join us ( espcially when they have over a foot of snow in there area )

ther ewas a little snow on the cape this week but nothing to worry about .

anyway we started wioth a crew of 14 riders , and covered a lot of ground. it was a bit cooler today , it was about 20 degrees when we started.

Here is SlapheadMofo

Storkula on a roller showing off it is still shorts weather . ( riding a rigid )

May day , mayday !!!

CP same roller

Donny checks out the view of Buzzards Bay.

BadDNA across the bridge , down the roller .

After doing a Small drop to an off camber snowy landing , he cleared the landing area of snow and Kissed a tree with is cheek/chin. mearly a flesh wound.

we made it ofer to whale rock this week

Donny Hopping off of it.

BadDNA showing his new Bighit can fly


CP from the front

And Bo, this got messy fast!

donny 2 foot to Icy Flat

Bo coming up a small rise , you can see behind her how things were melting and getting a little bit sloppy!

Our rewards awaited us

and finally on the highway home



Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
What a blast today, and I'm going back for more tomorrow.

CP was dead on with his comment about the Big Hit too, he said it looks like landing it is as smooth as riding in a Caddy :thumb:


Nam I am
Well I also tried my hand at playing with taking video , using a "hacked" CVS disposable Video Camera ( read : reusable now :) )

The video makes this look a lot easier than it really is looks in person.

first attempt, while taking a still photo at the same time. Sorry for cutting off your Head Eammon

This is the one that came out the best, sorry I forget what his name was .

and finally Storkula , but the batteries cut out half way through , thanks to my kids, and beinga cheap camera doesn't exacly tell you when they are dying .