
Another trip to the Hospital



Babs - the link shows we are getting smarter.

*Toni - you can leave. There is no obligation to stay here, and we don't really like the people that don't want to be here anyway. Head to I-35 and you can go north or south and be home free in just a few hours.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Thanks for the new custom title. I didn't really know the kid who hit me, but he was real upset. He came to the hospital to see me and came to my room this morning to applogize again.

F.Y.I. There is no argument here, the school is a really good school, but remember, we are kids, kids play around. I love Texas, but only the Amarillo part. I am considering a boarding school is Austin which is a very good school.

This school is to much hockey for me.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Smelly said:
I second that.

Who the hell walks around whacking people in the head with a book?! I hope that kid has some serious repercussions coming his way. You should poop in his locker.
No kidding! Dude, I think you need new friends as well as that helmet. Seriously though, maybe you should have a talk with your friends and remind tham that you are still healing. (Edit: just saw that you said that the kid didn't really know you)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
loco said:
How many people from CT do you think actually go to Yale, or teach at Yale???
if you are using that as your argument, texas fares much more poorly.

loco said:
*it's not a priority to know what Ivy league schools are located where, btw.
again, this statement doesn't make TX residents look so good. :rofl:


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Ciaran said:
No kidding! Dude, I think you need new friends as well as that helmet. Seriously though, maybe you should have a talk with your friends and remind tham that you are still healing. (Edit: just saw that you said that the kid didn't really know you)
No, don't really know him. But I do think I have some great friend, they got ina cab and came and saw me, and some girls from our sister school had their adviser bring them. I thought it was really cool that they did that.

My friends know what's up and that I have to be very safe. To bad IAB didn't come and see me, you ungrateful whore.


narlus said:
if you are using that as your argument, texas fares much more poorly.

again, this statement doesn't make TX residents look so good. :rofl:
Yeah - you seem to have a point. :ouch:


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
loco said:
When thinking about the nasty filth of a steel industry driven city, suddenly the thought of steer humping doesn't seem so bad. Are you guys all filthy, like chimney sweeps, as I would imagine??? Is the snow black there???
Actually with the steel production factories eliminated from the local area, we just command it from here!!! don't actually produce it here anymore!!! so I guess the answer to your question is no... and if you kept up with current events you probably would have known that... then again, you probably don't care and like to keep your err of ignorance!

and BTW


brungeman said:
<snip>and BTW
I agree. Please do not come to Texas people. It's awful here.

*you're right - I didn't care and didn't know that there is not much steel production there. It's ok you still have the team name. Not everyone in Dallas is a cowboy, or rides a horse.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
brungeman said:
Actually with the steel production factories eliminated from the local area, we just command it from here!!! don't actually produce it here anymore!!! so I guess the answer to your question is no... and if you kept up with current events you probably would have known that... then again, you probably don't care and like to keep your err of ignorance!

and BTW

US steel died in the 70's.... loco is several chapters behind...


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
N8 said:
US steel died in the 70's.... loco is several chapters behind...
TRUEDAT !!! we still control a lot of industry from here just we dont wanna get our hands dirty (huge mistake on the part of our nation but that is for another forum) :rolleyes:

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
brungeman said:
TRUEDAT !!! we still control a lot of industry from here just we dont wanna get our hands dirty (huge mistake on the part of our nation but that is for another forum) :rolleyes:

It ain't all that bad... it eliminates a whole lotta union thugs.


brungeman said:
# 11 bwahahaha #24 :rofl:
Please note that in all the bragging that people are getting dumber there. You are down 2 points from last year. :clue:


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
N8 said:
It ain't all that bad... it eliminates a whole lotta union thugs.
I resemble that!!! but then again we (teachers)are in a battle right now with our local union about the contract and discriminatory language that they allowed to be admitted to the newest contract.:mumble:

I am a Union person due to the problems that can occur in our profession... having said that I see some people (be it a few) that hide behind the union and are people I wouldn't even want teaching Loco's kids!!! that is how bad they loco!!!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
brungeman said:
I am a Union person due to the problems that can occur in our profession...
Yeah. Like summers off, multiple week-long vacations during the year, observation of every dumb damn national holiay.................

Teachers got it *rough* I tells ya.

Kidding. I'm kidding. I'm a kidder!


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
N8 said:
US steel died in the 70's.... loco is several chapters behind...
I don't think so. Well you might be right, but there are tons around the area I live at. My dad works at one, and I do as well when I don't have another job.

How did this turn into a Texas sucks thread.

:redhot: TEXAS RULES:redhot:


Nam I am
ThePriceSeliger said:
I don't think so. Well you might be right, but there are tons around the area I live at. My dad works at one, and I do as well when I don't have another job.

How did this turn into a Texas sucks thread.

:redhot: TEXAS RULES:redhot:
dam , all that bangin on the knogin has really messed up your Judgement


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
SkaredShtles said:
It's not hard to turn *any* thread into a TX sucks thread. :p

:stupid: Everyone should move to Texas.
actually I liked VISITING Austin... great music scene, but I don't see myself moving there so don't worry about it!!!:cool:


brungeman said:
actually I liked VISITING Austin... great music scene, but I don't see myself moving there so don't worry about it!!!:cool:
We have enough of you bitches from Pittsburgh here already. You are smart to stay where you are at. :thumb:


SkaredShtles said:
I don't buy it.

So far there are only two Coloradans that suck. Me & John Elway.
Did you forget about the jersey thing. ;)

*sorry FT, that makes 2 references in a week for that??? :D


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
SkaredShtles said:
Yeah. Like summers off, multiple week-long vacations during the year, observation of every dumb damn national holiay.................

Teachers got it *rough* I tells ya.

Kidding. I'm kidding. I'm a kidder!
Actually I have to work in the summer, cause my $$$ from teaching doesn't quite pay the bills!!! but it gives me time to recharge my patience!!!

my friends brother is a guard at our county jail, in his 6th year on the job...(a few years ago now) he was spewing chit one drunken night, about how many days teachers actually work etc... so the next day I got online and started researching his contract (public records) :clue: and added up all of his days off etc. with his Vacation time etc. he worked 3 days less... than I do!!!
Then over a few beers we had a little discussion!!! On top of him making more $ than I do, he has a straight work day... when he clocks out he is done! if he has paperwork to do... he stays clocked in, and gets paid overtime for it:redhot: I take tons of work home, and never get compensated for it... as do many teachers, and some in business for that matter. :think:
You wont hear me complaining about teaching, I love it, and the kids are great most of the time!!!