
Another violent arrest caught on tape.


Apr 26, 2002
Charlotte, NC
KB, I appreciate your comments! The question.."how do cops know things"....well, this is going to sound strange but I can guarantee woggle bear can back me up. After cops are on the job a while, you get an extra sense about you. You can feel things! You can look into a person's eye's and tell what they are getting ready to do! Most times I can tell when someone is getting ready to run..and yes I have chased several! You get an eary feeling sometime that something just isn't right.....you better watch out. Because someone is getting ready to hurt you! Just as WB said, most cops are scared for their lives because of what they face everyday! Most criminals don't care if they hurt or kill you..all they want to do is get away so they don't go to jail. And things do escalate very quickly..sometime you don't have time to think what to do. If you do your dead! And police are trained to use force(whatever necessary) to counter act an act of aggression until the threat is no longer a threat! Now...that is where is gets fuzzy. Everyone sees it different. I might not see a threat as long as you do or vice versa! And is verbal communication a threat? You bet! If cuffing a guy and he's still trying to fight you and saying "If I get loose I'll kill you", is that a threat that needs more reaction from the cop? You decide?? Sometime you do have to be in the cop's shoes!!

Woggle Bear

May 8, 2002
Northcentral Louisiana
What DG806 said is 100% correct!

The name of this post "Another Violent Arrest Caught on Tape" ... I laughed because most people who work in Law enforcement know that it is the suspects actions that dictate how the arrest goes down. It can go either way it is the suspects choice.

Believe it or not we do not go to work thinking, "I'm gonna beat me somebody tonight!"
I mean do you go to your job thinking, "I sure hope the boss loads me up with a ton of work today, I'd hate to sit around and surf RideMonkey all day" :D



Apr 26, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by BAH

bravo!!! hear hear!!

and three cheers for policemen!
Bah...I read the other thread dealing with this also. I know all police thank you for your support! Me included. I think from what the media has allowed you to see, it does look like he may have went too far...but who knows. We weren't there!!! All I know is when your put in a situation like that, your emotions do run high and I can see how it would get the best of you! When a cop gets scared and adrenaline starts pumping, maybe you can go too far! BUt I can't blame the cop. I am sure he did not set out that day to do that! It just happened. He was probably a great guy and did an outstanding job! It is a shame he will probably loose his job over this. There are not enough people who care enough to do this job! And you get the third degree for everything you do! Let the country do without for a week. They would beg us to come back!


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
He`s one of the biggest PCP heads around ,he lives in a town close to mine and he get`s arrested quit frequently ,for being under the influence of PCP ( angle dust ),My self having had a run in with bad cops I still have a hard time trusting them ,but when the stupid media filter and crop a tape for their benifit you can`t trust them more :eek: ,the media just lies ,there is no news from them unless it`s hyped up ,and IMHO the cops should use only lead spray for douche bags ,that don`t obey ,also just fricking legalize prostitution and stop shoving your puritan order donw my throat :devil: :devil: :devil: