
Another Winner for Teva's Proof of Life Contest: Oh Snap! Frame Malfunction


News & Reviews
Jun 26, 2009

Teva's contest is rolling right along, receiving some great submissions from everyone, but we need more! Check out this week's winner and submit your photos.

Nick Teague wins this week's Teva contest with an awesome photo of a broken frame. Here's what Nick had to say about the events leading up to his frame's destruction:

"My bike was treated fairly well. However, while riding a pretty tame trail I did an embarrassingly small bunny hop and when I landed, SNAP!, the back end disappears from under me and I went skidding and sliding. I thought I had snapped the axle, but when I dusted myself off and looked at the bike I saw that both chainstays had snapped and the back end had twisted to horizontal dragging my rear derailleur across the ground."


Congratulations to Nick Teague on winning last week’s ‘Proof of Life’ Photo Submission from Teva! His winning photo just earned him a free pair of Teva Links Mid Shoes.

Make sure to submit your photos here by midnight on Friday for a chance to win a free pair of shoes next week. At the end of August one lucky contestant will win an autographed Jeff Lenosky Giant STP frameset and Teva prize pack. On top of all that, the grand prize winner will also win a $1000 cash prize.
