
Any downside to building a DJ park strictly out of clay?


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Been working with the City on a city funded(SWEET!) DJ park. Looking at three 4-packs right now, some mini-tables for youngsters, an intermediate set and then some real deals, worthy of some Pro-rider demos and comps.
Our two biggest issues SO FAR, are between black dirt and clay, and wood or dirt roll-ins... Clay is fast and will fight erosion much better, AND it's cheap. Black dirt/topsoil hurts less and costs more.
Also, think a big roll-in and a 4 pack is enough? I'd prefer it more trail style, but I have to go with what I can get. And I actually don't know what that even is, yet. Got a meeting tonight...


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
It takes forever to drain. Well packed clay is nearly water tight, so you have to wait for puddles to evaporate. On the other hand, nothing packs down as smooth & hard or holds shape as well.

Plan your drainage well and do it all in clay if you have the means.


Jul 18, 2005
Dirty South
Clay is what we use. Holds shape well, but in florida we get alot of rain and drainage is a problem. Its hard, but build everything you can above the surrounding grade. Its easy to start pulling material out between your jumps while youre working them only to find later youve made lots of small pools. At alot of work and money we had to raise our grade up about 10-18 inches in places.... hindsight is 20-20 as they say.

Far as a roll in, use what you have. Since everything is flat down here, we use a metal shipping container that both serves as our roll in(wooden roller off the top) and our shed(atv, shovels, hoses, etc)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Ug..gonna be hard enough to do this the way it is... I need more real riders! Isn't that ironic... if we'd already had some jumps around, I'd have more knowledgable riders, who could help build these jumps.

Just got back from my meeting with the Parks dept and things are looking good! Everything is on a very slight downslope to a creek. Drainage will be much easier than I was thinking. We are shipping in dirt, so no holes to hold water. The "little" chunk of land I was asking for turned into a useless(for the city)area 1 acre wide and 4 ACRES LONG! Lot's of tree coverage, a place for parking, it's between 2 convenience stores/gas stations and a creek with the main bike trail. No houses around, on a gravel road. Perfect. Looking good so far!
Oh, and they LOVED the idea of the shipping container! THANKS! They think they even have 2 that they had to try and get rid of this summer. How convenient for me!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
right on!

Where is all this going down?
YANKTON, SOUTH DAKOTA! Ok, seriously now, there are 3 serious mtbers here, and one who now just dabbles as his GF thinks bikes are for kids(he's 18). And I don't mean serious freeriders, I mean 26inch riders! BMX scene isn't much better. There's nothing for them here. They can't ride the streets, kids(and I mean CHILDREN) get taken to the police station and held for one hour or until their parents come get them for "tresspassing" in the skatepark. Which I also just found out is about to change! Good news and more good news.
Feel free to sign my petition in my siggy. Don't really want to ballot stuff, but we gotta support the sport, and you never know, someday you'll end up here in flatsville and you'll have a sick place to ride! Well, atleast one legal one, anyways!

CMC- that might be a little much for my little towns eyes! I'll just take what I can get for now!


Jul 18, 2005
Dirty South
Good deal. As far as the container, they are not smooth on top. We have a welded metal plate that runs down the center length wise. We also have 4 metal posts at each corner with wire strung between them so peeps dont fall off(think boxing ring).

Its hard to see, but look at the back right of this photo. You can see our roll in, the container and the four white posts on top.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Cool. I was actually thinking of just covering it with dirt. Building up a wood or metal lip and leaving about 6" of dirt on top. I'm a fabricator, so I've got no issues welding a railing up around the outside as well. That was a really good idea. Seemed like a HUGE waste of dirt just to have a big roll-in.

dan wask

Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2006
B-More Maryland
The thing you might want to consider about the shipping container is it will probably attract some graffiti. I know if I saw a nice big open canvas just chilling in the woods I'd be on it like cream cheese on a bagel. Like peanut butter on jelly. Like beans on chili, like flys on stink.