
Any Draft Dodgers out there?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
So by "defend your country" do you include illegally invading sovereign nations thousands of miles away? Because if the US ever needs another draft, it would probably be due to this.

Stepping up to defend your country is one thing, being sent overseas at the whim of a president with imperialistic tendencies is another.

Food for thought.
Trying to kep it from getting overly political, but yes I see what your saying. And Without eating my foot, I belive you are catching what i am saying. Personally I have very mixed feeling as to what is currently happening overseas, and what has transgressed in the past years since 9/11. I belive America was calling out for revenge for the attacks on our home soil, other than that I am going to keep my personal feeling to myself, just too many mixed feeling to share without getting everyone upset on both sides. Hopefully most will understand why I say that


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
And for me it comes down to this: Are YOU all and your lifestyles worth my life? NO. Sorry, I like you all but I am not dying for you, or your families.
This is the part I love, you have the right to feel that way, and to say it outloud, just remember that its our troops and our freedom that allows you to. Just to ask, If we were Invaded on our homeland, would you stand up and fight? Or let others take your place? I am just curious if your Opposed to what is happening currently in the Middle east, Or if tis a I want freedom, but dont want to sacrifice situation?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Out of all seriousness......................GET THE FU*K OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!!!!!! You really don't belong here if you're not willing to fight for it. Our brave solders give their lives so you can live in the best place in the world, you should be very thankful..............F'n Hippie:plthumbsdown::disgust1::disgust1::mad:
C'mon. You can do better than that. Try thinking and maybe you can come up with a better answer. Seriously, that was a very naive statement, and I expect better from you.


And Brian, the phrase is, "In all seriousness". (Unless you were joking :think: In which case I feel like a dork. )

This is the part I love, you have the right to feel that way, and to say it outloud, just remember that its our troops and our freedom that allows you to. Just to ask, If we were Invaded on our homeland, would you stand up and fight? Or let others take your place? I am just curious if your Opposed to what is happening currently in the Middle east, Or if tis a I want freedom, but dont want to sacrifice situation?
The greatest threat currently to my "freedom" is my own government and people like Brian who want me to leave because I don't agree with thier philosophies.

My reasons for what I am for or against go far deeper then most of the bumper sticker philosophies I have seen on here. I seriously don't expect you or 90% of the people here to understand.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i hate to break it to you, but our brave soldiers haven't been fighting in a war to guarantee our freedoms for over 140 years.

nope, not at all. besides, liberating all of those jews so far away was such a hassle, not really worth our time since it wasn't directly about our freedom. :rolleyes:
btw, would you prefer to speak german or japanese or some dialect of farsi? :rolleyes:


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
nope, not at all. besides, liberating all of those jews so far away was such a hassle, not really worth our time since it wasn't directly about our freedom. :rolleyes:
btw, would you prefer to speak german or japanese or some dialect of farsi? :rolleyes:
It would have been japanese. But hey, they have all those cool gadgets and wacky censored bukakke hello kitty porno.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
Erm, the japanese bombed pearl harbour and lured the USA into WW2. I'd say having your territories bombed by another sovereign nation counts towards a threat to freedom.
well i believe the japanese attacked just the u.s. pacific fleet to enable its army to continue its conquest of the south pacific, not take over the united states. i'm not saying that we shouldn't have entered ww2 or that it didn't mean anything, just that i think that it didn't really do anything to secure our freedoms and make this "the best place in the world" as brian said.

some dialect of farsi? :rolleyes:
yes, because one terrorist attack means that we are going to be taken over... :rolleyes:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
The greatest threat currently to my "freedom" is my own government and people like Brian who want me to leave because I don't agree with thier philosophies.

My reasons for what I am for or against go far deeper then most of the bumper sticker philosophies I have seen on here. I seriously don't expect you or 90% of the people here to understand.
I was originally for the war in Iraq, however I'm now wish it would end, or at least focus it more against Bin Laden like it should have been from the start. Believe me I do think Bush is a douchebag, and am looking forward to him leaving office. However there is a possibility of us going to war with Iran. Most of the issues are nuclear related, which I sure would be used against us in a heartbeat if it feel into the wrong hands. I never served in the armed forces, however my father & grandfather did, I signed up for the draft when I turned 18 and would have served if necessary at the time. I do back our brave soldiers for everything they have done to keep this country as great as it is. So what exactly are the reason that 90% wouldn't understand?


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
I signed the SS card when it came to my door because I didn't want the hassle of resisting. Not worth the time for something that will most likely never, ever happen. In general, I am opposed to the draft because I do not feel that I owe something to the clowns running the show because I was born here. Not that I would necessarily mind being drafted if it were for a good reason, but those are few and far between. Most wars are unfortunate and unnecessary and have little to do with protecting the US or its way of life (whatever that is).

Seriously, Brian, I don't think one can make a case that fighting in, say, Iraq has made the US safer or has protected the country. In all likelihood, it has caused the US more problems, made the country less safe and had only a negative impact on our way of life. Saddam was a bad guy and all, but I don't think we went about this one the right way.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
The greatest threat currently to my "freedom" is my own government and people like Brian who want me to leave because I don't agree with thier philosophies.

My reasons for what I am for or against go far deeper then most of the bumper sticker philosophies I have seen on here. I seriously don't expect you or 90% of the people here to understand.
Well I dont want you to leave because of your belives, Hell thats what makes america, Well, America. Lets face it, were a Mix of everything, thats what makes us, Us. I respect that your belives may or may not be different than mine, and its all good, all I say is to remember that the Men and women that signed up for our armed services did so to protect Yours and My own freedoms, and our belives, no matter how different they may be. Like i said before though, I am nto going to get into what I feel/think about the war in Iraq, Too many mixed feelings for me, Only thing I can really say, Is that I do wish we would wrap it up already, I understand you cant Just pick up and leave, but comeone already, stop strecthing it out.

Your responce "My reasons for what I am for or against go far deeper then most of the bumper sticker philosophies I have seen on here. I seriously don't expect you or 90% of the people here to understand" Actually tells me quite a bit, , I have alot of Military family In Iraq, I also have alot of Civilian family there, par of why I am so torn from side to side. Without rambling on, I hear in your statement that you would stand for Our freedom, If that what was really called of you, and no, you dont have o explain yourself, too hard to try something like that over an int chat board.

Anyways I am rambling now, I dont think you should dodge the draft, but at the same time, I am not one to say you should be forced into a war you dont belive in.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 8, 2006
New York City
I always find this funny. As someone who was in the army for nearly five years. I feel I gave back to my country. There are so many spoiled kids who just want to take. Snivilling cowards who think courage is a ten foot huck. Do you live off your country or do you make it better? Do you even vote? Who did your parents vote for? So much of our goverment I admit are sivieling bitches who would piss their pants if they were ever on the front lines getting shot at. But it is your country. I remember there were some people in the reserves who felt it was morally wrong to go to war and they were in the army reserve when they were called up. Then they became objectors? Believe me everyone in my squad would have loved to gut those SOBs


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Personally, I think its pretty stupid and makes about as much a statement as a bumper sticker. However, having been in the military and having been shot at on more than one occasion, I say if you are willing to suffer the consequences of your choice then knock yourself out.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I'm shocked this thread wasn't moved.
Or locked. Tempers flared on all sides. Not a good thread.

Not only that, it's very difficult to spell out personal politics or philosophies online without typing up a book. Things get lost in translation, as it would be.

I don't like this thread. If I was a mod I would have moved it on the first page and locked it on the 3rd.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
well i believe the japanese attacked just the u.s. pacific fleet to enable its army to continue its conquest of the south pacific, not take over the united states. i'm not saying that we shouldn't have entered ww2 or that it didn't mean anything, just that i think that it didn't really do anything to secure our freedoms and make this "the best place in the world" as brian said.

yes, because one terrorist attack means that we are going to be taken over... :rolleyes:
Tell that to the civilian residents of pearl harbour and the surrounding area. Having another sovereign nation state attack you, on your own home soil constitutes an act of war.

(For the GWB apologists; notice I said sovereign nation.)

Red Rabbit

Picky Pooper
Jan 27, 2007
This thread sucks. I jut finished reading the whole thing.

God damn, Agree to disagree.

Sign up, you will never get drafted.


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
I wouldn't count on it with stop loss and the quick lowering of standards of US military recruitment lately.
Wouldn't have to worry about it, if there ever was a draft again, it would take 2 years to get it going again. By then I'd be going on 30, and if they were to get that low, I'd get out due to medical complications. Feet are flat, only have feeling in two fingers on my left hand, not to mention back issues.

However, if a foreign country was to invade, I wouldn't hesitate to fight.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
so to all those who think America is "the greatest country on Earth"...exactly how many other countries have you lived in??


Mar 26, 2005
Bellingham, WA
"America, love it or leave it'
"these colors don't run"
"if you can read this thank a teacher, if you read it in english, thank a soldier"

I love my country but I hate you meatheads saying **** like that. Closed minded bunch indeed.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
so to all those who think America is "the greatest country on Earth"...exactly how many other countries have you lived in??
So you are saying just because a Saltine is the only cracker I have ever eaten doesn't make it the worlds greatest cracker?


May 13, 2007
so to all those who think America is "the greatest country on Earth"...exactly how many other countries have you lived in??
America ain't the bestest.
I blame lawyers, GWB and Jeebus.

Can I have more beer now?

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
in terms of government programs and such to give everyone equal opportunity and services, no the us isn't the best. but if you want a country where you can exploit a loophole, capitalize upon it, and get rich then this is the place to be.

the second part of that was typed with a heavy dose of sarcasm.