
Any Formula 1 Fans?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
McLaren is probably kicking themselves for letting him go. itll take deep pockets to sway Newey to another team after his new current one expires and theres only a few teams that have those deep pockets....RBR, Ferrari, McLaren, MBGP(?)
Didnt he already turn Ferrari down?


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Didnt he already turn Ferrari down?
yeah but because it wasnt enough money. i was just mentioning the teams with big enough budgets to try and again recruit him. Mclaren has the dough, but would he go back to his old team? maybe if the money's right?
i was just speculatin


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005

There is something satisfying about this picture. Maybe the look of "Look at you fools and your fancy KERS, I still have both podiums."


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
Some thoughts on the 2011 season so far:

The Pirelli's are awesome! The tires alone have made the sport way more exciting to watch due to new strategies.

DRS is Fin stupid. The F Duct was a great idea. Almost everyone took the time to develop it, it was driver operated when and wherever the driver wanted to use it. It was part of the car not a different car. DRS is stupid as the attacking driver essentially has a different car with more advantage than the car defending and its regulated by some official at certain times in certain areas. But hey, I guess something has to sell those pit straight tickets. Stupid!

KERS its back and just as stupid as DRS. KERS is less stupid as it can be used whenever the driver wants but its still regulated to 6.6 seconds a lap which is the dumb part. This tech was introduced to F1 to increase passing and the sports green image. Two things its failed horribly at doing. Overtaking really isn't increasing solely due to KERS and there is nothing green about KERS. The batteries involved are only good for one race and it doesn't really save a significant amount of fuel. You want to green F1? Tell Bernie to stop flying his helicopter around the track everyday.

KERS and DRS by themselves are great ideas but their implementation in this sport is horrible.

Qualifying doesn't quite seems as important this year as it was last year but its still a very important aspect.

Nick Heidfeld is the dark horse this year.

Koboyashi is the man.

Schumacher needs a car.

Williams WTF? Misfiring pistons and hydraulic issues? That can be good for your new publicly traded business model.

Lotus is nipping at the heels of some of the midfield runners!

Virgin- Whats it going to take for these guys to drop the CFD only pride and get that car in a wind tunnel? They got more resources and money this year and already look like their are suffering from management issues.

Renault has done a fantastic job with their car this year. They are definitely making their forward facing exhaust work out. Their engine management system is pretty damn cool too.

Ferrari needs to find the pace soon. They have a team of brilliant engineers, great drivers and a huge budget...nothing really innovative from them though and not much pace yet. ...I hope we see a ton more of Massa this year.

McLaren- here we go again. Where is the management? You have two completely different drivers style wise. You will need two different strategies tire wise. But holy damn have they caught up since winter testing! I personally think their chassis and the Renault have the most potential speed to find as the season goes on.

Red Bull- ...Jesus Christ that cars fast. Adrian Newey is a genius. Management is stellar. Vettel is on the ball. I just wonder how much more potential that RB7 has. The front running teams of Ferrari, McLaren and Renault are catching up quick. Way to early to call Red Bull the 2011 WDC or WCCs

So far 2011 > 2010 as far as excitement goes, even if a lot of it is artificial.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
The Pirelli's are awesome! The tires alone have made the sport way more exciting to watch due to new strategies.
agreed. the idea of a tire the dies off faster is a great idea. races and championships can sometimes be decided on a single pit stop (Yas Marina '10,) so having multiple stops during a race, makes it even more exciting.....i would like to see refueling brought back though

The batteries involved are only good for one race
they are really only good for one race??? nothing "green" about that at all :mad:

Qualifying doesn't quite seems as important this year as it was last year but its still a very important aspect.
i think its more important since the DRS can be used at any time and anyplace the driver wants during practice and qualifying

Koboyashi is the man.
i cant wait for him to win and or podium

Schumacher needs a car.

Virgin- Whats it going to take for these guys to drop the CFD only pride and get that car in a wind tunnel? They got more resources and money this year and already look like their are suffering from management issues.
they are just wasting all their money by not properly testing in a wind tunnel.

Red Bull- ...Jesus Christ that cars fast. Adrian Newey is a genius. Management is stellar. Vettel is on the ball. I just wonder how much more potential that RB7 has.
as a Ferrari fan, im not looking forward to when RBR gets their KERS 100% operational
see above


Oct 2, 2007
Agree completely regarding the DRS and KERS. They're kind of interesting technologies, so let the teams use them as they want. Otherwise, it feels incredibly artificial. Only drawback that I see is the idea that drivers will be trying to manage pushing another couple of buttons all the time. I say allow at least the DRS to function automatically with a manual override. I know that this won't encourage overtaking in the way that the current approach does, but it at least makes sense. If you really want to encourage overtaking, limit the leading car to half throttle on the straights and make F1 like track cycling, where it's advantageous to be the pursuer for as long as possible.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
The Green idea behind KERS isn't that it will save race gas, racing itself is a giant waste of resources. The idea is that the technology might trickle down to passenger cars.
it already has. Porsche has their KERS system and now Ferrari will be releasing theirs somewhat soon too


Sep 5, 2005
Wouldn't get too hung up on it
read more is not hung up on

1 time use everything if they could get away with it
hellz yeah.

Yeah I been around long enough to know F1 should be about whose car can go fastest. Honestly going to be hard for me to hang around after the pending change to 4's coming up. The arguement can be made that they will be just as fast after the engineers do their thing, but it really is losing it's appeal for me. I started following around '81 and like everything it has "evolved" and maybe I haven't


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
So any opinions on the Chinese GP? That was one of the most exciting races I've ever watched but I cant help how artificial it was to watch at times. Lewis Hamilton reeling in Vettel with DRS being the prime example. Literally watching a 1 second lead evaporate on 1 straight.

Some ramblings:

Looks like the strategy for this year is going to be. Develop, test on Friday. Save tires Saturday, put out 1 amazing flying lap during qualifying. On Sunday drive the pants off the tyres and box as soon as degradation shows its ugly face. Timing seems to be everything as Mercedes and McLaren have shown. Leading the race by less than 1 second is not a good place to be.

Mark Webber! :eek::eek::eek::thumb: 18th to 3rd! (with a malfunctioning KERS)

Williams WTF! Getting beat by Lotus. They have lost 1/3 of their value since they went public and created their current **** show. I don't know a lot but if I can compare outfits for a minute with regards to their exhaust blend system. If McLaren can't figure it out, neither will you. You're results look very similar to theirs pre-season. I hope this tech continues to be developed but it should be done when the points dont count. Looks like that low profile gear box isn't panning out either... The drivers are not the issue there. Perhaps the complete overhaul of that outfit is really hurting them. Patrick head, IPO, etc.

Ferrari- whats with these guys? DRS malfunctions, completely off the pace, interesting attitudes, this week its blame a wind-tunnel setup. Their threat to leave F1 returns on schedule. I guess they cant keep up without unlimited money and unlimited testing? They have more than enough technical talent and 2 great drivers, seriously get your act together.

Red Bull- KERS might just be their achilles heel if they cant get it figured out. Though, Mark Webber and Vettel's drive without it just show how ridiculously good the RB7 chassis is. They are using the same KERS system as Renault but packaged differently and apparently used differently. Red Bull has for some reason chosen to put their batteries near their gear box :eek: ...I don't quite get it but A. Newey is way smarter than I. All I know is that area is extremely hot and KERS batteries tend to not like that. I wonder what will happen over the 3 week break.

Jenson B- Get it together. Missed your pit lap, and then missed your pit all together when you did come in. You almost ruined the whole weekend for you and your team mate:rant: Also, you should take your teammates late pass personally. That pass to me was "This is my team buddy, I'm faster than you in every aspect. Including on fast degrading tyres and in a car you helped design. Put up or shut up!"

If you dont have vettel on your fantasy team for this one, I have no idea what you are doing. Flexi wings + Turn 8 = :thumb: ...this all assumes the cars don't collide.

Also, I cant wait to see the Pirelli's at Monaco! its going to be a completely different race.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
i thought the race was great too, especially seeing Hamilton's pass on Vettel. he seemed to almost pass him with great ease. im sure Vettel was really surprised when he passed him on the inside of that turn. although im a Ferrari fan, im glad to see Vettel not win another race. this was definitely one race where the DRS made a HUGE difference as you could hear the car really pick up speed on the straight.

Weber's drive was definitely the best one of the weekend. not breaking out of Q1 and yet finished in 3rd was really awesome...especially with a "broken" car.

Button's pit goof was pretty funny especially seeing how the RBR guys were totally caught off guard when he pulled in :rofl:

I do hope Ferrari gets their sh!t together, though i dont doubt they will....i mean it IS Ferrari afterall ;)

Hopefully Turkey will be another good race since this is the last year for the GP there. old man Eccelstone wants double the race fee for next year (from $13m to $26m,) and since attendance is usually pretty bad there, the organizers are smart in not putting the race on. Australia might be following suit too.

rumor of the week; Rupert Murdoch is looking for a buyout of F1 commercial rights and or it's broadcasting rights


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
looks like the rumor of News Corp trying to take over F1, seem to be true.
and owners of Fiat(Ferrari) controlling F1? hmmm

The battle for the control of Formula One hotted up last night with news that Exor, an investment firm controlled by the Agnelli family who run the car giant Fiat which in turn owns Ferrari, has confirmed it is investigating the prospect of a takeover bid with News Corporation......
"Exor, one of Europe's largest listed investment companies, and News Corporation, the global media group, confirm that they are in the early stages of exploring the possibility of creating a consortium with a view to formulating a long-term plan for the development of Formula One in the interests of the participants and the fans," read the statement.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
A 'green' ferrari is kind of like ordering a diet coke with your Double Whopper to save calories.
i agree, but its what the market wants apparently. Ferrari wouldnt spend millions of dollhairs on something that wouldnt sell. as soon as its announced, they will be sold out for two years. guaranteed.


Sep 5, 2005
and has now won 3 of 4. Thought it was a great race. Some great racing was taking place it was just that Vettal didn't have to do any of it. He and Red Bull are rolling right now.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
watching the race now....glad to hear that Ferrari did a bit better then they have in the past 3 races.
also glad to see that the DRS is making a difference like it did in China.

im hoping that RBR gets caught for some kind of infraction since they have been dominating the season just like last year, despite intermittent "issues" with their KERS. :rofl:

id love to see Kobayashi in a competitive car. it seems he keeps getting better and better...from 23/24 to 10th yesterday? thats driving. (though Webber's race in China was even more amazing)


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
SO who's going to have the best upgrade this weekend? I'm thinking anything short of a blue turtle shell for vettel isnt going to do the job at this track.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
OHhhhhh sh*t!

Formula 1's competitive order at the front of the field could be thrown on its head in this weekend's Spanish Grand Prix with the FIA having made a major change to the exhaust blown diffuser regulations, AUTOSPORT has learned.

With the design and execution of blown diffusers being viewed as a key area of the 2011 development race, teams have been pushing hard with their concepts to try and eek out any competitive advantage they can.

One aspect that has been worked on a lot is in ensuring that a flow of exhaust gases keep pumping through the diffuser, to help increase downforce, even when the throttle is not in use.

But now, on the back of some teams expending huge effort in tweaking engine modes to help gain performance in this area, the FIA has acted and decided to clamp down on what they are up to.

High level sources have revealed that the FIA has written to teams informing them that from this weekend's Spanish Grand Prix they will no longer be allowed to continue flowing gases through the engine when the driver is not on the throttle.

It is understood the directive to the teams tells them that, under braking, the throttle input can now be no larger than 10 per cent of its maximum. Some outfits had been gaining aerodynamic benefit from keeping the throttle flow at 100 per cent under braking.

To push this regulation change through, the FIA has deemed that throttle use will be allowed only for the purpose of increasing torque, not for 'aerodynamic performance'.

This effectively means that any team found to be using off-throttle blown diffusers could be in breach of the famous Article 3.15 of the technical regulations that outlaws moveable aerodynamic devices.

The change in regulations is set to hurt every team running a blown diffuser - although some may be hurt more than others.

Mercedes GP team principal Ross Brawn said: "It will affect all the teams. These staccato exhausts you hear, I don't think you are going to hear them anymore.

"The teams have all been developing their engine management systems to get the maximum advantage from the exhausts, and the FIA want to push us in a different direction now so there will be changes there.

"I've no idea what will be the outcome there, but it has forced all the teams to have a fresh look at what they are doing in terms of engine strategies."

However, with McLaren having recently hinted that it viewed off-throttle engine maps as a key to Red Bull Racing's qualifying form, the change in regulations could mean the reigning world champion team is one of the worst hit.

Speaking to AUTOSPORT about the impact of the change in rules, Red Bull Racing team principal Christian Horner said: "I think that it is going to have an affect with all teams that have been utilising it.

"That appears to be 90 per cent of the grid, if you look at how many teams are running blown diffusers. It is not something unique to this year, it is something that started last year, so Barcelona will clearly show what effect this will have."

When asked if he thought the rules change had come about as the result of a complaint from a rival team to try and slow Red Bull Racing down, Horner said: "It is inevitable and the unfortunate consequence of success."

Trying to slow down the RBR freight train are we?


May 25, 2007
RBR will not be as affected as Group Lotus who exits it in the front. The big advantage RBR has that no one can figure out is why their car works so well with that much yaw or rake to the front. Look at all the others and they are flat. The RBR is much higher in the rear


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
I guess i was more concerned with the qualifying engine mapping RBR and Renault are running. But like you said Renault will probably take the largest hit as it will impact them more in the race.

I think this coming weekend will be a telling race if they do choose to ban it.


May 25, 2007
Need to look at the politics end. Will Todt or Bernie ban something that helps Ferrari? Doubt it and they have been working too hard to get close to RBR. Need to find RBR secret and copy or ban it. They have not found it and Vettle in the right car and wiser will always be up there. Imaging if RBR had a MB engine, talk about a run away.


Sep 5, 2005
Completely agree. Just didn't want to say it first.
Changing tires and re-building a rear wing under a red flag?
Hate it for Alonso since his whole strategy revolved around the fact he had 18 less laps on his tires than SV. I really think he would have gotten by. I know it was all within the rules, but I hope Vettel backed his car into the winners circle. Other than that it was shaping up to be a classic fight to the end.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Completely agree. Just didn't want to say it first.
Changing tires and re-building a rear wing under a red flag?
Hate it for Alonso since his whole strategy revolved around the fact he had 18 less laps on his tires than SV. I really think he would have gotten by. I know it was all within the rules, but I hope Vettel backed his car into the winners circle. Other than that it was shaping up to be a classic fight to the end.
i think itd be funny is Ferrari helped petition the new red flag rules and it now comes and bites them in the ass. :D
Alonso would have definitely caught Vettel if he didnt change to the super soft's...he was on his ass up until the red flag.
not being able to rebuild Hamilton's wing would have just added to the bad weekend he already had.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
the R.P.M. segment of F1 Debrief talked about why the batteries need to be tossed after each race. He said since the batteries are so heavily overcharged during each lap/race, the batteries are useless after a race. "90% of the system needs to be scrapped after each race" he noted.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
money obviously talks...all $500mil of it :think::mad:

The 2011 Formula 1 Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix will take place on October 30, the FIA’s World Motor Sport Council (WMSC) announced on Friday. The 2011 Formula 1 Grand Prix of India, which had been scheduled for that date, will now become the season finale combined with the FIA Annual General Assembly and Prize-Giving Gala.
RBR's response
We will go through the correct channels and discuss this decision within the appropriate forum with the other F1 teams and our fellow FOTA members.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
so he's human after all.
a sad ending for the Scuderia

two DRS zones? im on the fence on this, especially with some high speed tracks coming up


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
That was one of the best races I have ever been to!

Sad to seem Hamilton crash out but the rest of the race more than made up for it!

Cant wait to see how the rest of the European circuit unfolds now that this EBD specific engine maps are outlawed starting at the British GP.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
Valencia= the most boring race of the year. As is tradition.
i was just about to say that.
hopefully Silverstone will see some change with the new engine regs...i doubt it will though

i am glad to see that the V6 turbos will be used in 2013 instead of the 4bangers