
Any good info on supplements?


Oct 19, 2001
Austin TX
Ok this whole old age thing is killing me ( 25 :D ). Somone at work was talking about anti oxidants and if your an active person there are more free radicals (mumbo jumbo) floating around in you than a couch potato so you need to take supplements. Basically he was saying if you work out and don't take supplements you do more damage to your body than just sitting around the house. Whats the deal here? I need to get in shape and stop my knees and back from creaking.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
find a medical practicioner, training professional that you trust and talk to them. And not a minimum wage trainer from the gym either... you want a trainer with ACSM, NSCS, NATA, or APTA certifiactions. Most people/websites just want to sell you stuff.



Mar 6, 2003
Way down south
Eat more fresh fruits and veggies...few people eat enough. Research supports glucosamine/chondroitan supplements for helping rebuild cartilage (crunchy knees!). I believe that there is enough data to support Vit E and C supplements for virtually everyone. From this point, it gets a little less clear.

As for free radicals and antioxidants, one of the responses that your body makes to training is to produce MORE molecules such as superoxide dismutase...big name for an antioxidant. The stimulus to increase this IS an increase in free oxygen radicals from high level aerobic activity.

For 99+% of American couch potatoes, they do themselves MORE harm by the inactive lifestyle. Work on eating a well balanced diet and ride lots! The fresher, and less cooked your fruits/vegetables are, the more natural goodies you get. BTW, chocolate has a very high level of antioxidants! No kidding:D


Mar 26, 2003
movin' on...
Originally posted by MTBDOC
Research supports glucosamine/chondroitan supplements for helping rebuild cartilage (crunchy knees!). I believe that there is enough data to support Vit E and C supplements for virtually everyone.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I use glucosamine/ MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane), for my achy joints--very helpful.
C & E are two anti-oxidants that everyone could benefit from.

A note about their sources: if you have a sensitive stomach(partic. to acidic foods), look for buffered Vitamin C. The best type is called Ester-C (many reputable manufacturers carry Ester-C.).

For E, make sure it is natural source. The proper name is d-Alpha Tocopherol, not dl-Alpha, which is synthetic.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by trialsmasta
Basically he was saying if you work out and don't take supplements you do more damage to your body than just sitting around the house.

Ummmm....no. :D

Granted, if you lift weights and don't eat enough, you won't gain an ounce of muscle, but any kind of activity is better than sitting on your keester.

I lift weights regularly and supplement my diet with protein powder, creatine, and a multi-vitamin, but they certainly are not necessary. A good diet is just as effective.


Oct 19, 2001
Austin TX
Whats the deal with medical grade supplements? A little bird told me that stuff that doesn't say medical grade can be utter carp. But they state what units they use on the back of the bottle so whats the deal?


Feb 14, 2002
hey, dont waste money on supplements, multi-vitamin and multi mineral, and lots of good whole foods, is all you need to get plenty strong, or shredded, or anything you want, after wasting over $2000 of my hard earned money on supplements, i discovered as long as i eat enought(not hard,and quite fun) that i do not lose anything i was gaining with the supplements(EAS myoplex protein powder, and creatine) and i saved lots of money, and now after stopping taking supplements for about 4-5 months i am stronger than ever before. forget about supplements unless its vitamins/minerals.
save your money, and buy something for your bike
charlie t