
Any mid weekers?


May 21, 2003
I'm thinking a ride up 410 with some elevation decending is in order for this week. Anyone interested in shuttling Suntop or trying to find out how we shuttle Ranger creek area? If your not down for the shuttling(can't see why not) then I'm down to hike a bike it as well. I seem to hike my 39lb bike up better and faster than if I were to strap in the saddle but I eventually get to the top like Crystal on Saturday and another spot on Sunday.

I'm just looking for some fellow Riderz as all my friends are too lazy to hike a bike with me and just wait for Whistler weekend to arrive...


May 21, 2003
Fast&Smooth said:
uhhhhh 27?
I just got directions to a shuttle for ranger creek with a bit of hike a bikin' just at the top to access a good 15 mile downhill. 27 is fun to check out and rip down the trail on but I'm in it for the long downhill decent rather than the stunts. My acquired MT and CA skills have me liking the fast and open area or sparced tree'd long decents. I finally found some great area's to ride but they take a good 2-3 hours to climb too, Crystal mountain being one of them.

Thanks for the invite but if your down for 410, I'm looking for other shuttlers!