
any news from old pueblo?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
That was one heck of a weekend, even if I did "shy away" from you all and spent time with my family. Meeting there should be a tradition for the future. By the way, got the best surprise Sunday morning (other than finishing). I come in from my lap, middle bro is at camp, saying how the others had gone to the expo, and I should wait for my dad to return. Well, as I'm getting ready to go out, dad walks up the road, and who's with him? My Army bro!! The one who has about 2 months to go before he's out for good (also spent 2 years in Iraq). Dad said the look on my face was priceless (no cheap use of slogans), and too bad he didn't have a camera, as I was just frozen. One of the best hugs I've had in a long time. Now to just get his backside up to Tahoe so he can see some snow instead of sand!

Echo, just for kicks, you may have been greeted by the cutest being on the planet, however, before the start, I got a hug.

Also, as the $$$ were tallied, it's now $180 for TCF and pre-school that was raised. I gave pre-school their's yesterday during "class", and dang if it didn't feel good. It was fun trying to explain to 3- and 4-year-olds about riding for 24 hours, though the distance was easy (home to Reno and back). I also tried to explain about random acts of kindness (helping mommy w/dishes, daddy w/yard, etc), and I think they got it.

By the way, this is an open invite-- Should any of you Monkeys come to the Tahoe area, please give me a shout. Road or trail riding, it doesn't matter. Ride around Tahoe or up the passes? Done. Pine Nuts, Toads, Flume? Once the snow has melted. It would be great to ride with you.



Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Kenmore, WA
Thanks Douglas, I found some more pics of all of us in there if you put in our team number and go to the very end of the last page... I think the wifey may be ordering a couple.