
Any Old Guys dirt jumping?


Mar 26, 2005
Bellingham, WA
I am an old guy (36) and just getting into dirt jumping. Anyone my age or older ripping it up out there? I could use some inspiration.


Nov 19, 2004
I am an old guy (36) and just getting into dirt jumping. Anyone my age or older ripping it up out there? I could use some inspiration.
theres a good handful of people rippin it up at that age. Its only a number man....so keep rippin.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
34 here.

I get torn up pretty well everynow and then. The body is neither as elastic nor does it heal as fast as it once did, but riding hard keeps me a lot fitter that a lot of desk-driving 30 somethings whom I know.

I just started riding DJs a couple of years ago. Starting out as an old man with responsibilities can be a bit daunting -for reasons that young-uns will someday unnastand, but is certainly possible. A couple of tricks to help you out as an old man:

1. Progression is the key. Start easy and step it up. That said, in order to advance you are going to have to go beyond your comfort zone. Get used to it, because there is always something bigger or more difficult. The best feeling on a bike for me is "manning up" to hit some jump, stunt or whatever and then nailing it butter-smooth. The adrenaline, endorphines and the general feeling of "shit, that was easy and FUN" are sooo worth it.

2. Positive thoughts. This one is cliché, but it is true for everyone. If you start thinking about the consequences of casing or crashing, you will. If you think about how much of a badass rock star you are, you're gonna ride like one.

3. Big wide landings and well shaped lips. A well built lip should shoot you directly onto the landing with minimum effort. A well built landing is wide enough and long enough so that you have time and room to recover from small mistakes. (disclaimer: the OP asked about "getting into DJ" and good way to start is on easy stuff not techy sniper lines...)

4. Help build stuff or build your own stuff. Building helps on two counts: 1)I find that if I build something (too) big myself, for whatever reason I am inclined to send it with less hesitation. 2)Landings (transitions) are always more forgiving right after you build them. Soft dirt is your friend...

5. Ride with the 'kids'. As long as you are cool, the younger guys (as long as they arent total dicks themselves) are usually pretty stoked to see older guys out riding.

6. Stay fit and flexible. Hit the weights and stretch to stay limber.

7. Accept and be prepared for crashes and injuries. Part of the game is eating dirt. 95% of the time eating dirt is pretty benign. You'll hit the ground, roll around, bump into something, wonder what happened and at the end get up to walk it off. However, sometimes -not often- eating dirt results in broken bones, torn ligaments and busted up internal organs (dont ask). It isn't the end of the world, but it'll slow you down a little. Be sure that you are willing to accept that outcome.

Btw, I think 'local' RM dirtjump heroes ZachDank and .WestCoastHucker. are both either pushing or over 30...

Lux Interior

Jun 18, 2005
I'm 32 and I still don't feel like I am ready to close the book on my trick list, I'm now getting the feel for nothing's, so far it's a no footer with both hands about an inch off the bars. My advice would be, invest in protection I've tried a few quality versions of the knee/shin pad combo's and nothing absorbs impact like a real kneepad. I recommend the Pro Designed brand you can find in skate shops. They have totally saved me. Also learn to recognize poorly built jumps, bad angles, rocks in the landing area, ect. And something that really works for me is tricks....If you are thinking about what to do at the apex of the air, the take off and landing go on auto pilot, I bet more people wreck on dead sailors than trying tricks.... try anything an x up an ET, one handers even looking to the side or up, if your mind is occupied on the variation, your body handles the rest.

Zach Dank

Turbo Monkey
Jun 28, 2005
Some people tell me that i'm old. I don't see 33 being old. I feel young. I hit dirt jumps daily. I crash a few times a day usually. If i'm not slamming into the dirt, i don't feel like i am riding hard enough.
I have only been riding DJ's for the last 4 years of my life. I had zero BMX background. So, i kind of got a late start as well.
Randy Spangler kills the dirt jumps, and he is 40.
Randy Couture is the heavyweight champion of the UFC, wich takes just as much skill and agility as any dirt jump, and he is 42.
Age is all in your head.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Funny this thread should pop up now. I was JUST preppin to write up the same.
Going on 35 in 6 months, I live in a really lazy town, and it's always been that way. My town's "goal" is to become the "Retirement Capital of the Midwest." Yay for my kind! Good grief. So that leaves me to ride with a couple of 18 year olds and a cocky 25 year old. I've been on two wheels since I was 2, but the most riding I ever really did was at 14-16, and it was slow flatland stuff back in the days of Ron Wilkerson, Eddie Fiola, and Matt Hoffman. Hell, they were even up-and-comers back then! I still have the original mag somewhere with the article of The Condor nailing the first ever 900! Been mtb'in for the last 5-6 years, but in South Dakota, it's mostly XC with some fun stuff thrown in(that we put there!).
So, now I ride with these kids who haven't crashed near enough to know WHY I'm scared of the things they wanna do now. I've hit some 30' gaps, 15' drops, and the other basics in the "big stuff" category, I have a few basic skills and some smaller style points, but I've NEVER DJ'd! 3-4 months ago I bought a Blck Mrkt Riot, a 65mm Z1 Sport and embraced the intention of learning to Dj. Crap, it's hard! And like stated above, riding scared will get you exactly what you fear. And yet I just can't make myself "Get after it." It's really hard, knowing what could happen, knowing howit will feel when it does happen, and the penalties for it besides the pain. Hell, I'm married to a horny wife(I'm pretty much expected to "perform." It's a rough life.), I have two awesome little girls, two new cars with payments, a fat mortgage and and a job I can't be absent from. No.. no pressure!
My biggest prob so far is that no one wants to start from the beginning. They're all past that and I'm expected to hang. So, I have to learn on sketchy(for me) stuff. I've been hurt on it all nearly every time I've hit em. Don't want to stop because I need to learn...badly, but just hope I FINALLY pick it up before I break!
It's just pretty bad when I'd rather go it a 30 foot over a gully than a 6' double.
The other prob is that we are ALL learning how to DJ so our jumps are REALLY questionable. We honestly have no idea what we're doing.
ZACH... I need ya budday! Where can I find some good pics and detailed info on some beginner to intermediate level jumps? Right now it's kinda wierd, our jumps are 2-3 feet tall, with a solid 8'-10' gap. They kinda, maybe, possibly have too much "lip" on them? They kinda roll up real nice, then get tighter at the top. No pics yet.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
Oh...and today's "learning session" cost me a smashed up shoulder(really can't believe I didn't lose a collar bone out of it!), and a swollen bruise in the shape of a helmet vent hole, I hit so hard! While it totally sucks going down, it IS nice being able to stand up and smile because you can. Hard to explain at work though, to people who tell me they think their 15 year old needs to grow up, get off the bike and get a car.


Jul 28, 2004

This link has some great stuff on riding technique and building technique.

People are ignorant when it comes to riding their bikes into adulthood. Why don't guys give up playing baseball/softball, or any other organized sport?
I just gashed up my shin this week on a pedal and a coworker said to me "your 36 years old what are you doing riding your bike". I just smiled and walked away. With that response there was no reason to explain.


Sep 6, 2005
North Carolina
I'll be 30 in Oct. and just got back on a 20" for the first time in 14 years. I just started digging jumps in May of last year and I don't plan to stop any time soon.


Jul 15, 2004
miami, fl
yup, 36 years old and just started riding/racing bmx to spend time with my son. i've been trail riding for years but just recently got into the bmx/dirt jumping. it's much harder than I thought! Zach, props to you on only riding for 4 years:clapping: ! your pics rule!!! good riding and one day I hope to be able to do what you do:shocked:

Mr Tiles

I'm a beer snob
Nov 10, 2003
L-town ya'll
30 and building a 20 to stay young ;)

I was standing in my lbs saturday and across the road were some skaters hitting what I what consider a pretty crazy drop from one parking lot to the next. They were attempting pop shuvits, kick flips, varials, etc over the drop. 9 times out of 10 they would wreck, slam into the concrete and get right back up and try it again. I guess it all boils down to knowing how to wreck to avoid injury - at any age.


Nov 14, 2004
Menlo Park, CA
34 years old and still feeling good. I still manage to jump most things at the local trails and I try to ride as smooth as possible. I am not one to throw down crazy tricks but I love big transfers and moto whips. DJ's keep you young!!!


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I'm 34. I've been riding a 20" bike since about age 5. I got into MTBing at age 18, started DH and freeriding around 31. I'm not real good at it but I sure do enjoy it. And I just bought a 24" cruiser a month ago. I haven't DJed it yet but I've been riding it at a local skatepark a few times. I love it. Biking doesn't make me feel old, it makes me feel good.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
34 in june.

i am just learning 3's, but thats about as far as i go.

my riding is more flow,whip and table.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
There are a lot of OG rippers out there.

I'll be 37 this year. I rode bmx for years - mostly freestyle ramps and flatland, with some dj in the mix. Back then - mid to late 80's - we didn't really have the steep lippy stuff that is so common now, and you didn't see the high-consequence dubs as much either (we had more tables). I've only started getting back into dirt jumping in the last few years, but I want to do more.

I totally agree with most of what chuffer says, especially the part about how good it feels to sack up and hit something clean for the first time after initially being sketched out about it.

Also, keep in mind that older guys (should) have less to prove. Don't be too cool to take a pass on something you don't want to hit - or to wear the gear.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet

I'll be 37 this year. I rode bmx for years - mostly freestyle ramps and flatland, with some dj in the mix. Back then - mid to late 80's - we didn't really have the steep lippy stuff that is so common now, and you didn't see the high-consequence dubs as much either (we had more tables). I've only started getting back into dirt jumping in the last few years, but I want to do more.

I totally agree with most of what chuffer says, especially the part about how good it feels to sack up and hit something clean for the first time after initially being sketched out about it.

Also, keep in mind that older guys (should) have less to prove. Don't be too cool to take a pass on something you don't want to hit - or to wear the gear.

Well F'n said, brother. No place for pride or ego's in this game. Whatever it takes to ride again the next day is what it SHOULD be about.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
My buddy at work asked why I hadn't posted on this thread as I fit the "old dirt jumper" part pretty well :)

I started building trails back when I was about 10 and even before I started racing BMX. My parents had a few acres with most of it being wooded and it seemed like the thing to do. 25+ year later I'm still doing it and having a ball.

There has been some great posts on how to handle it enough so that I can't really add much. Like others have said...

- pad up
- take your time
- get in with the local trail riders, they should take you in if you are cool and willing to dig
- don't worry about tricks, err on the side of flow and style. Tricks can come later

Not sure if it's been said, but get some good vids with Mike Aitken, Brian Foster, Chase Hawk, Justin Inman, Chris Doyle, Stuaffer, Punjab, Groundchuck, Brian Yeagle and a ton more. Don't care about the tricks set, just try to mimic their "straight" airs.

The Fit Life vid will be a good start as well as Building the Underground. Rythym, the Little Devils vids, and Square Ones are great ones too, if you can find 'em. Empire East and Anthem are the Holy Grails.


Sep 30, 2006
kapolei, Hi
Check out Randy Spangler that guy is like 40 and riding with guys like kyle strait and cam. just remember that its addictive like crack and more dangerous!


Mar 26, 2005
Bellingham, WA
This is what I needed to hear. Lots of geezers like me dirt jumping. I have seen pics posted, but figured you were a bunch of young punks that thought they were indestructible. Now I need to go out and ride.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 24, 2003
Pacific North Wet
I'll admit, there's a lot of peeps on here that are a lot older than I would have guessed.
How's that go..?
"You're only young once, but you can be immature forever."


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Well F'n said, brother. No place for pride or ego's in this game. Whatever it takes to ride again the next day is what it SHOULD be about.

definitely...when I was younger and single I used to let it all hang out...things change once you get a wife and kids....D

Cru Jones

Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2006
Hell Track
- don't worry about tricks, err on the side of flow and style. Tricks can come later

Not sure if it's been said, but get some good vids with Mike Aitken, Brian Foster, Chase Hawk, Justin Inman, Chris Doyle, Stuaffer, Punjab, Groundchuck, Brian Yeagle and a ton more. Don't care about the tricks set, just try to mimic their "straight" airs.
It is the sworn duty of old school shredders to keep the steez alive.


Jan 26, 2003
near 38, rubbish at it but oh so much fun. local jumps were too big so built some beginner ones with a little help from the regulars.
Feb 16, 2005
kingston NY
Yes, I am 35 years old and and still rippin on the dirtjumoing scene. I am glad there are others out there like me. Sometimes I feel the pain in the morning, but it is all worth it.:imstupid:

Mr Tiles

I'm a beer snob
Nov 10, 2003
L-town ya'll
My buddy at work asked why I hadn't posted on this thread as I fit the "old dirt jumper" part pretty well :)

I started building trails back when I was about 10 and even before I started racing BMX. My parents had a few acres with most of it being wooded and it seemed like the thing to do. 25+ year later I'm still doing it and having a ball.

There has been some great posts on how to handle it enough so that I can't really add much. Like others have said...

- pad up
- take your time
- get in with the local trail riders, they should take you in if you are cool and willing to dig
- don't worry about tricks, err on the side of flow and style. Tricks can come later

Not sure if it's been said, but get some good vids with Mike Aitken, Brian Foster, Chase Hawk, Justin Inman, Chris Doyle, Stuaffer, Punjab, Groundchuck, Brian Yeagle and a ton more. Don't care about the tricks set, just try to mimic their "straight" airs.

The Fit Life vid will be a good start as well as Building the Underground. Rythym, the Little Devils vids, and Square Ones are great ones too, if you can find 'em. Empire East and Anthem are the Holy Grails.
This should be published somewhere. Don is in the dirtjumping hall of fame :clapping: