
Any one see the Aaron Rolsten story???


Oct 29, 2002
Outside Philly pa.
OMG what an inspiration. Aaron is the guy that got trapped on a box canyon for 6 days and had to cut his arm off to hike out. It was amazing to see him go back to ware it happened and watch him refuse help to get back in to the canyon.


Sep 21, 2001
While I give the guy credit for having the balls to cut off his own arm... at the same time I don't really feel sorry for him.

He broke one of THE cardinal rules when hiking, especially when you are going out alone. All of this could have been prevented if he would've just gone with a buddy and/or told someone where he was going and when he'd be back. Preferably he'd have done both.

Now the guy is being hailed as some kind of hero, I don't see the logic behind that.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Honeywell said:
While I give the guy credit for having the balls to cut off his own arm... at the same time I don't really feel sorry for him.

He broke one of THE cardinal rules when hiking, especially when you are going out alone. All of this could have been prevented if he would've just gone with a buddy and/or told someone where he was going and when he'd be back. Preferably he'd have done both.

Now the guy is being hailed as some kind of hero, I don't see the logic behind that.
Not only that, but he was experienced and certainly should have known better. However, I do feel sorry for the guy. Just made a little oversight and then a few unfortunate events later and he's down an arm. I more just admire him for being totally badass. I mean, cutting off your own arm!?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Honeywell said:
While I give the guy credit for having the balls to cut off his own arm... at the same time I don't really feel sorry for him.

He broke one of THE cardinal rules when hiking, especially when you are going out alone. All of this could have been prevented if he would've just gone with a buddy and/or told someone where he was going and when he'd be back. Preferably he'd have done both.

Now the guy is being hailed as some kind of hero, I don't see the logic behind that.
ARON not Aaron.

Read his book. He is very very aware of the mistakes he made nor does he see himself as any sort of hero. Any hero status is being hung on him by others certainly not himself.

But he didn't give up and did what he had to do and there certainly is a lesson in that. Stupid mistakes can lead to heroic and/or courageous acts.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
We all make mistakes of one kind or another. The measure of a man is how we handle them in the face of adversity. Could you have done what he did?
Obviously, this is one of those questions that couldn't possibly be answered unless you were in that position, but my guess is that most would have come out of that situation in a body bag.
He is a hero to others, not in his own mind.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
I kept thinking that he needs to carry a real Leatherman. There's a saw in it that would've made short work of the bones in his arm.

Maybe they'll come out with a Aron version with a tiny rock pick and a hydraulic jack. :p


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
He was just going out for a weekend vacation, he wanted to be alone. But yeah, he should have told someone, as he said. But really, I dont think that he ever expected that rock to budge at all when he was climbing over it, because he said that those kinds of rocks get jammed in there so good that they basically never move.

I know that I would not have survived that long. Remember that he went for 6 days in that situation without even going to sleep! Although he made some mistakes, what he did to get out of the situation was really amazing, to me at least.