
any other massanutten picture-takers out there?


Mar 24, 2004
i had someone take a pic of me in all my gear standing next to my bike, and can't remember for the life of me who it was... i met so many people on saturday it's all kind of a big jumble ;)

anyway, anyone know who that might have been?


Nov 5, 2003
how was the race, i managed to miss it, the few races that ive done here in virginia the whole thing is more or less a giant party rather then a real race, just the way i like:devil:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by Capt. Jack Sparrow
In the podium picture you posted of the women in your Mass. pic thread Sunday, my mom asked me why I looked like I had Down's (sp?) syndrome!
After I finally met you, i've been wondering the same thing :D


Mar 24, 2004
Originally posted by dhrider
how was the race, i managed to miss it, the few races that ive done here in virginia the whole thing is more or less a giant party rather then a real race, just the way i like:devil:
the race was awesome, i had a great time, and i did seem like it was one big party ;) unfortunately, i couldn't come down friday, and had to leave pretty early on saturday, so i missed out on all the beer drinking goodness :(

coming from the XC racing world, the DH scene is a welcome change - people you don't know come up and talk to you, they lend you stuff (and ask you to lend them stuff), and people are *much* less uptight...


Mar 24, 2004
Originally posted by BigMike
There is a picture of you on the podium at iplayoutside.com
yeah, i found all of those and downloaded them, but there was this one guy wandering around the area at the bottom of the course taking pics on a 35mm, and he took one of me standing next to my bike, all geared up, and sporting the double \m/ \m/

i wish i could remember who that was...


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
Wasn't it one of the racersedge guys? The one who helped you out with your tire the day you were having problems at that one place we ride?

I remember I was standing next to him when he took the pic....


Mar 24, 2004
Originally posted by jmvar
Wasn't it one of the racersedge guys? The one who helped you out with your tire the day you were having problems at that one place we ride?

I remember I was standing next to him when he took the pic....
oh right!!! thank you so much for remembering that... i'll have to ping him to see if i can get a copy of that shot.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by jmvar
The one who helped you out with your tire the day you were having problems at that one place we ride?

I remember I was standing next to him when he took the pic....
Was that Ed J? Tall, skinny guy who recently had knee surgery, rides with his son Chris? I have his number if you need to contact him.


Mar 24, 2004
Originally posted by DamienC
Was that Ed J? Tall, skinny guy who recently had knee surgery, rides with his son Chris? I have his number if you need to contact him.
yep, that's him.


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Originally posted by kirstin
coming from the XC racing world, the DH scene is a welcome change - people you don't know come up and talk to you, they lend you stuff (and ask you to lend them stuff), and people are *much* less uptight...
Typical conversations/statements at 1) XC race vs. 2) a DH race

XC race:
"Oh god, my platelet level drop 3 points, I hope I can race tomorrow"
"Hey can I borrow that scale after you, I need to wieght my race tires and then the serving of pasta I need to eat, I don't wanna bonk tomorrow"
"Dude, after you finish making the decision between which is lighter, the CO2 or the new Ti pump you just bought, can you tell me that trick again about shaving behind my knee?"
" I can't believe this stupid new XTR stuff, I mean it is crisp, but just listen to the way it goes into 5 & 6, I think that little rub will slow me down in the climb tomorrow"
"ya know I sometimes hate the summer cuz it is still kinda light out at 8:30 PM and sometimes it is tough to go to sleep"

DH Race:
"Oh, fack! we just ran out of beer!" Dude, it is your turn to drive down the mountain"
" Man, did you clear that......I didn't and I just totally facked up my rear wheel.....dude, what are you worried about it still spins!"
"Dude, my derail is soooo facked!" No worries you only need the top gear for out of the gate and the bottom gear for the fire road"
"What it is 2AM, man, fire jumping can get exhausting!"
" Hey, you had the bong to long!" Give it up, there are other people around the Facking camp fire!"

The aforementioned is why I became a DHer. Oh, and cuz I am old and fat!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by SDH
Typical conversations/statements at 1) XC race vs. 2) a DH race

XC race:
"Oh god, my platelet level drop 3 points, I hope I can race tomorrow"
"Hey can I borrow that scale after you, I need to wieght my race tires and then the serving of pasta I need to eat, I don't wanna bonk tomorrow"
"Dude, after you finish making the decision between which is lighter, the CO2 or the new Ti pump you just bought, can you tell me that trick again about shaving behind my knee?"
" I can't believe this stupid new XTR stuff, I mean it is crisp, but just listen to the way it goes into 5 & 6, I think that little rub will slow me down in the climb tomorrow"
"ya know I sometimes hate the summer cuz it is still kinda light out at 8:30 PM and sometimes it is tough to go to sleep"

DH Race:
"Oh, fack! we just ran out of beer!" Dude, it is your turn to drive down the mountain"
" Man, did you clear that......I didn't and I just totally facked up my rear wheel.....dude, what are you worried about it still spins!"
"Dude, my derail is soooo facked!" No worries you only need the top gear for out of the gate and the bottom gear for the fire road"
"What it is 2AM, man, fire jumping can get exhausting!"
" Hey, you had the bong to long!" Give it up, there are other people around the Facking camp fire!"

The aforementioned is why I became a DHer. Oh, and cuz I am old and fat!
Hit the nail on the head!


May 9, 2004
springfield, va
Originally posted by SDH
Typical conversations/statements at 1) XC race vs. 2) a DH race...

The aforementioned is why I became a DHer. Oh, and cuz I am old and fat!
hmmm.... gonna have to rethink that xc bike i've been lookin for. i sure don't fit conversation 1. definately do with number 2.

gettin older and i have a lotta erm... built in momemtum myself ! lol


Mar 24, 2004
Originally posted by arsenic
hmmm.... gonna have to rethink that xc bike i've been lookin for. i sure don't fit conversation 1. definately do with number 2.

gettin older and i have a lotta erm... built in momemtum myself ! lol
well, neither do i, and yet i'm racing (and riding) both XC and DH. i just never really fit in with the hardcore XC racer types... if you can do both, it's a great way to stay challenged, physically and mentally, and you never get bored ;)