
Any quick tips about making NS drops?


Jan 17, 2005
University of Connecticut
I just got my new Dh/FR bike and im ready to start hitten it big. Big plans for this season going to start making the parts of the North Shore in my garage until it gets nice out. Im not thinking bout making any skinnies just big ass drops any suggestions about making them and clues and what not. I have $450 im about to spend and my friends will probaly put in another $200 all together PEACE thanks


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Since I grew up in Connecticut I feel obliged to help a brotha...

N* is Northstar, a ski area near Lake Tahoe that's open for DH in the summer. Pretty much all the drops are to flat.

The original North Shore stuff is built into natural terrain and came into existence to add flow and protect sensitive areas on exisiting trails. I guess it's open to interpretation but most "big ass" drops won't fit in anyone's garage if you include an approach as well as take off and landing transitions. I suggest you wait until spring and build some stuff into existing trails. It's a huge subject and if you do a search you should find lots of helpful info. Check out Ray's indoor park in Cleveland, the Dangerous Dan website, even IMBA has some stuff on responsible building. Whatever you do, don't build anything without permission, don't cut down (or nail into) live trees, and if it's a popular area put up some warning signs or create alternate lines so you don't kill somebody...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Make sure that you do it on a downhill slope. This makes it so you don't have to pedal up the ramp, and the landings will be smoother.

Use leftover wood from construciton yards/neighbors house/your back deck. Cedar is best. Processed wood and 2x4s are ugly and develop slime.

Don't buy new wood, buy a bow saw, a meaty hammer, some large nails and a shovel.

Try building skinnies, they go up faster and are more fun. (NS drops get boring fast.)

Make the drops fast, smooth and with a gap between the takeoff and landing.
(The typical mistake is a slow, bumpy, rotten bridge with nails sticking out that goes uphill and has no landing zone.)

Make sure the riding surface is level, or at least tilted in the right direction.

Be careful, NS stuff starts lawsuits more than anything else.

Inconspicuous piles of dirt are easier to maintain, and safer.


May 15, 2004
try building a step-up if you want some variation...i agree though make sure you clear whatever you build with the powers-that-be otherwise you'll end up doing a lot of work for nothing