
Any XC Riders Out There?


Jun 13, 2004
Seems like mostly FR and DH folks here... There's got to be some XC types in the Seattle area that lurk on this site. Stand up and be counted! Lets go ride!
Later, Dave. :D
Dave_Schuldt said:
Seems like mostly FR and DH folks here... There's got to be some XC types in the Seattle area that lurk on this site. Stand up and be counted! Lets go ride!
Later, Dave. :D
Hey Dave, there are a few XC peeps on here, Skookum,Tenchiro, and some Oly folks and a bunch others...I started doing XC..but Im too fat :) But if you ask it it will come. :D


Turbo Monkey
I'm leaning more toward the freeride scene, but I have been known to do the odd Corral Pass/Tiger grind here and there.
If all goes to plan, I am going to take my current rig and make it more of a straight trail bike for epics/tooling around town and have a freeride only bike by next spring.

I think the XC folks are just a shy type and you don't see them as much as us babbling adrenaline junkies.;)


Sep 13, 2004
i ride alot of xc, well as i put it "freeride XC"... its just hard to find either a trail that isnt tiger or st edwards (although either or work in a pinch) or a friend or anyone to acompany me... feel free to pm me if u have any ideas.. i might have some free time


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
Dave, I am riding a lot but almost all of it has been on the east slope of the Cascades between Kachess Ridge and Devils Gulch. I once ventured to Olympia to get my #ss kicked by the locals down there. Most of my rides are of the training variety-up and down Cle Elum Ridge. If you are interested my favorite rides are Taneum Ridge, Devils Gulch, Freund Canyon, and Umtanum Ridge. With the recent rains over here I am thinking Umtanum or maybe Manashtash would be pretty decent. Umtanum is about a 30 mile loop with about 1800 feet of climbing. My last Devils Gulch ride was with the BBTC and we ran the whole figure eight in about five hours. Before that it was Kachess Ridge, running a reverse loop-that was kind of crazy. I am looking for something dry right now.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
I calssify myself as an all-rider. DH, FR, XC (trail), Road. As long as im on some sort of bike im happy. I live in OLYmpia, so if you want some fall/winter sessions in capital forest drop me a PM. I usually ride sundays, in the morning.....


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
Dave, you are correct in that there's definately more buzz here on the FR/DH scene and some who actually poo-poo those of us who chose to ride up. But, it's good to keep tabs on all aspects of our sport. And, it seems to me that there may be a trend to the big bike crowd doing more climbing as the 5" travel bike genre is gaining momentum.
Looking for people to ride with? I figured you already had plenty with the STM and BBTC postings you made. There's never a lack of people to ride with nor places to go. For XC, there's at least 37 seperate areas I know of within an hour drive of Seattle. Probably more.


Jun 13, 2004
The number of places I can get to are limited 'cause I don't drive. Since I can't make up my mind till the night before what I am going to do the next day some club rides are full. Also I like to get an early start, the 11AM or noon start times for club rides seem strange to me.


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
Check with the ride leaders on the BBTC rides. Usually there is some carpooling. Yeah the ride times are sometimes a little late. I am glad the guys run on "mountain biker time," last ride I was 30 minutes late and the guys were still waiting. If they had been roadies they would have been long gone.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
Hey! I don't get it. :help:
Isn't WARider's license good in this state? Or is it just fer shackin' up, all legal like, with your Montana sheep herd?

I guess I'll have to take that Big Hit back and all that funny padding stuff and go back to peddalin' up hills... :(

Dave, I'm always up for riding real early and I usually do. On time at that. It's HUGE pet peeve for me about late starts. 10 minutes and I'm gone. The late starts crack me up too. Why blow the whole day by starting a ride at noon?


Jun 26, 2004
PNW woods
Hi Dave,
If you ever get to ride mornings during the week, that's when I ride the most. I do a little of everything but always try to hit one ride a week for endurance sake.


Jun 13, 2004
Weekends only...... but once and a while I will take a weekday off and work Saturday for an all day thing. I would like to go to Fort Ebey and Anacortes Forest Lands this winter.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Dave_Schuldt said:
Weekends only...... but once and a while I will take a weekday off and work Saturday for an all day thing. I would like to go to Fort Ebey and Anacortes Forest Lands this winter.
i'm with you there, i've heard great things about Anacortes and just haven't got around to gettin there.....