
Anybody doing turndowns?


Nov 15, 2001
Marysville WA
I cant seem to get mine down. I think they look more like dumb lookbacks (not even opposite hip). I cant seem to kick my bike down enough. I know this is leading to me not being able to get my bars over my leg. Anyone have any tips?


Aug 16, 2003
Actually I was learnin them at the skatepark today, my brake level use to get in the way and i would do this wierd squirly air. But its been months since i tried one and now they're easy. Even over hips. I just say throw it down as hard as you can, turn those bars and shove em by your leg. I got sweet 360s now too, Corey Bohan style, front end pointed down. freakin awsome, have to get some pics. I went riding with sean hoskins, or the "fish" to you'll out there, tell me when you get those turn downs


Nov 15, 2001
Marysville WA
I just need to know why I cant seem to kick down hard enough.......Like a friend gave me tips on inverts. Its probly hard without seeing how my turndowns are now. All I know is that I cant get my bike down far enough to get my leg under my handlebar. It always hits my calf and I do these stupid barturny tabletop indown dumb things. someone give advice?
it sounds to me like you are actually doing the exact opposite of what you should be.
you dont really kick the bike down at all for a turndown.

I will explain.
As you pop off the lip, pop hard as though you want to launch as high as possible,
then as you rise, stand up on th bike, meaning let the rear droop down so if you wanted to you could lean over the bars and put your nose on the front tire, while you are reaching this point, not before, start turning your outside arm (the one that sweeps in the larger radii)around and down.
The bars should be very near to your hip line at this point, in fact your inside hand should be just about touching your hip bone.
what will now happen, is that the inside hand will but up against your hip, and the outside hand will push down, leveraging your shoulders around..
It will feel like you are actually PULLING UP on the bike with the inside hand, NOT kicking the bike away. and since your hand is at your hip, your legs will have to be almost fully locked straight and they will naturally pass under the bar (remember your hand is at your hip so it forces the bar over it.
when you do this just be aware that the bike will actually b e travelling sideways in the air, with the outside hand leading... Dont worry, when you pull back onthe outside hand the bike and yoru body normally and naturally return to the correct position.

This, like almost all jumps is virtually all about upper body strength. It is not in your legs. The more force you can twist with your arms and back the more tweaked out the turndown will get.
and Dont worry about head position, since your arms drag your shoulders around your head automatically looks at your rear tire.

To understand the body position a little better, stand up with feet shoulder width apart, and make a fist with both hands, now put one hand on your hip, almost around to your butt. then take the other hand and try to line it up, but around 20 in. away from it, in a straight line with your hip..

I hope that helps.
pic of turndown


Nov 15, 2001
Marysville WA
Originally posted by shootr
it sounds to me like you are actually doing the exact opposite of what you should be.
you dont really kick the bike down at all for a turndown.

I will explain.
As you pop off the lip, pop hard as though you want to launch as high as possible,
then as you rise, stand up on th bike, meaning let the rear droop down so if you wanted to you could lean over the bars and put your nose on the front tire, while you are reaching this point, not before, start turning your outside arm (the one that sweeps in the larger radii)around and down.
The bars should be very near to your hip line at this point, in fact your inside hand should be just about touching your hip bone.
what will now happen, is that the inside hand will but up against your hip, and the outside hand will push down, leveraging your shoulders around..
It will feel like you are actually PULLING UP on the bike with the inside hand, NOT kicking the bike away. and since your hand is at your hip, your legs will have to be almost fully locked straight and they will naturally pass under the bar (remember your hand is at your hip so it forces the bar over it.
when you do this just be aware that the bike will actually b e travelling sideways in the air, with the outside hand leading... Dont worry, when you pull back onthe outside hand the bike and yoru body normally and naturally return to the correct position.

This, like almost all jumps is virtually all about upper body strength. It is not in your legs. The more force you can twist with your arms and back the more tweaked out the turndown will get.
and Dont worry about head position, since your arms drag your shoulders around your head automatically looks at your rear tire.

To understand the body position a little better, stand up with feet shoulder width apart, and make a fist with both hands, now put one hand on your hip, almost around to your butt. then take the other hand and try to line it up, but around 20 in. away from it, in a straight line with your hip..

I hope that helps.
pic of turndown

Actually that helped a ton.....Thanks :). I can already "feel" what I was doing wrong and I havent even tried this yet. This should make them a lot easier, I was always trying to pull them with my inside hand and kick down, makes a lot more sense now.


Aug 16, 2003
a thing that helped me was laying on my back and getting the feel of them down. It looks goofy, but its fun. Lay on your back and put your bike above you just like if you did a manuel and whipped out and landed on your back.:think: :think: :think: