
Anybody else like racing more than riding, itself?


Not long enough
I'm having a hard time this year,actually the last few weeks,coming to the realization that Im not really gonna be able to afford to race the way I want to.
I do /did like going to some of the bigger races unlike some of you who prefer the smaller,local type stuff.

But being self employed has it's benefits as well as it's downsides.The economic down turn has put such lack of confidence in my day to day stuff, that I can't really justify the cost of getting to races.Believe me,I've tried to.But what's weird is as soon as that happens,I completely have lost interest in riding altogether.Anybody else do that?

Yesterday,I went to do shuttles,out of obligation,I guess.I thought I'd try and get ready for Fontana,which I've never done and know I would suck at,because I'm not gonna be able to do the race I wanted to in washigton in April .

Well,my head/heart wasn't in it,and we were on this xc hike a bike section and since the 951 bb is too low,I wacked the pedal and it sent me off the left side of the bike ,where I dislocated my knee that has no Acl.It popped back into place ,hurt like a MF'r and is gimpy today.

So,in short global banking corruption has taken my will to ride and dislocated my knee.I gotta admit, I'm kinda lost,here.I think about how great stuff was 10 years ago,when I was even slower.But going to races and getting my butt handed to me was great motivation.It's just not enough for me to be the fastest guy on our hill,or to look at the pretty flowers on a trail ride.
Sorry for the long post,but this is a major thing for me to mull over.And as you know,you can't talk to "normal"people about this stuff.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Bummer about your situation, but I can't really relate.

I never ride DH for any reason other than fun, so it never becomes a chore or obligation. The ride itself has always been enough.

I've done a few DH races over the years, but I don't really care if someone gets down the hill before me, and the hassle and expense of racing gets old quickly, especially when you're pack fodder. The occasional Super D (Downieville, Ashland) is all the racing I ever do these days, and that's mostly 'cuz they are fun events with lots of friends and hours and hours of awesome riding in the days before and after the event. The race itself is always anti-climactic.

But, I like pretty flowers too, so there you go.


Turbo Monkey
"Sorry for the long post,but this is a major thing for me to mull over.And as you know,you can't talk to "normal"people about this stuff."

LOL, we feel your pain...

What is it about the racing that you like so much? The competition? The friends? The speed? The umbrella girls? (I wish.)

If you need competition or the constant need for improvement, maybe get yourself a moto-timer. Another thing to try is to go work on just a few corners and get them dialed to see the improvement. Small pleasures if you don't dig the flowers!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
I've come to the realization that DH is such an undertaking for such a short amount of time on the bike. Specialized bike, specific trail, truck/lift, on and on. I've found that good long XC rides or moto rides are way more value. Even though you are only on your bike for 5 minutes a run, its an awesome 5 minutes.


Jun 16, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'm the same exact way now. I never ride downhill unless it's at a race. This is partly because of the distance to any mountains for me (Mt Creek is probably the closest one and that's over 4 hours) but I went to my local mountain (1 hour away) and I had like, no fun. I used to "freeride" all the time and never raced. I think I was almost against it in a way...I used to be a professional paintball player and that was ruined for me and I was worried that would happen with bikes. I always thought it was the pressure to do well and stuff like that that ruined paintball but it turns out that is what I liked about it...the competition. I started racing a couple years ago and that's all I want to do now. I think I like having a goal or something...just riding the same trail all day trying to get faster and then maybe even actually beating some people down the hill!


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
I used to barely ride DH besides racing or a couple of weekends a month at the local mountain. Since I moved, I have fallen in love all over again. Almost daily DH shuttles or rad trail rides (not XC, just earning the downhill type rides) have me super stoked on riding bikes again. I rode daily following rampage until mid December. It was epic.


Not long enough
Other than my kids having their milestones,the only things I remember are race runs,good or bad ones,that 3-5 minutes of pure focus exists nowhere else in my life.Even the times I've raced moto I've caught myself drifting off somewhere else.I'm 41 now,but Ive never lived in the past till lately.It sucks,I hate it.I've always had a race to get ready for and keep me psyched.I'm not ready to turn into a semi retired shlub,I just don't know what to do,now.
I don't see pulling back and putting down the mtn,"trying"to have fun.I get hurt.Even though ,sometimes crashing gives a better spike adrenaline than the ride.

.....anybody know how much meth is going for?


Jun 4, 2009
If its not fun dont do it...period. I lost the race bug a year ago probably because of riding at Highlands. Now I have fun EVERY time out. I no longer have the want to race and hang the old bones out there anymore.

Also you are physically hurting right now and that will skew your thoughts.


3 Dude Approved
Ehhh racing is fun but ripping it upwith guys that fly on nastystuff is a blast. The only 2 races I will try to iron down is progrt in wa and the beacon bomer as well as double down there... beacons more of a freeride dh race and some of the coolest people.....fontannas good and fun to rip local good talent as well...

But lock and load a driver and gas up the truck, off to the mtns.....


Jul 9, 2002
What is wrong with being a semi retired slub? Been doin it for the past 3 seasons, feels great. I get out for a ride a few times a week and that seems to do the trick. You gotta get out of the valley, that place is toxic. It will be a few years, but I do plan a triumphant return to the world of DH racing... just have no idea what class i will race, nor do I really care.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 8, 2006
New York City
I love to ride DH. Racing is fun riding with your friends is fun too. THe trick is to ride your bike. Why just ride DH when a cross counrty bikes are pretty affordable. I have a season pass at Platty but ride Stewart airport twice as much because it is closer and more of my friends ride there. Its like anything else you got to mix it up.


Oct 23, 2008
rain rain go away
Larry, I agree with JP. You need to get out of Phoenix. The rain up here is miserable but we've only had a couple weekends of downtime due to snow. The competition up here is unmatched and there are always people riding. I know you can't up and move your life but it might be what you need.

Like Yopaulie said, being injured physically or mentally always skews the thought process.

Go up to Flagstaff at least, clear your head.


Not long enough
I'd go on a shooting spree by the time it rained for a 3rd day in a row.I love Phoenix.It ain't that.
And c'mon JP ,who else on earth is gonna say some of their best times where spent in your company?Listening to that crap you called music?
If you were any kind of friend you'd get back and race this year.

I'm glad that alot of you get joy out of pure riding.I just ain't there.I mean sometimes it's ok,it ain't enough to keep me in shape or to keep me from riding the way I know I could---which gets me hurt.
I realize I've painted myself into a no win situation.But that's where I am.


Feb 14, 2011
take 3 weeks off riding, go riding..see if you miss it.. rinse repeat, make the duration 2 months next time.. find the time to figure out if thats all you needed ?

ive been in the same situation, with a different sport, and at that time, some years ago, i really just needed a 2 month break, then i could not wait to get back into it :)


Oct 18, 2007
This July it will be two years that I have been off my downhill bike since I crashed over in France and separated my shoulder, one thing lead to another, recovery time, commitments in university, and the thing that I found easiest to do was get on my road bike and put in a serious amount of miles, I am at a fitness level now that I was never at before when I used to just mountainbike, but I find now after a lengthy time away from my DH bike and getting back into XC that I actually can't wait to get back on my DH bike now! As soon as I finish up in university here I will be back on my DH bike and I can't wait. The time away from it has done a lot for me dying to get back on it now.
It's always good to try and ride a variation of bikes to improve your fitness as well as skill level. Anyway that's just my €0.02. Hope it helps give you some insight, I don't regret taking a lengthy break from my DH bike plus it has helped my shoulder recovery.


Jan 12, 2007
Bratislava, Slovakia
SCARY, I see your loss of motivation. I love going to races, and see how bad it feels to miss a race, especially if you do no other riding than races. Getting older brings an extra sensation of "carpe diem" instinct so it gets harder to just sit and let things flow. Still, there's nothing bad about it. Don't be afraid of yourself. You surely don't have as much spare time and money as before, and apart from riding, you also need to fulfill your commitments. Your body and mind both need a break, listen to them.

The young lads over here do anything and everything to get on a bike, no matter how bad the trail conditions are in the winter, simply because the bike is all they ever think about. They are so excited. I haven't sat on my DH bike since october, but I don't really care. There are many other things in my life that make me happy and equally excited. Life is too short to do the same things over and over again.
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Jan 20, 2008
Although I enjoy racing I count it as a day wasted riding wise.I am gone all day and do two maybe three practice runs and my race run.If I spent eight hours just shuttling the local mountain I could get more runs then I could handle.That is my idea of a good day riding.
Not to mention all the attitude at the races I'm faster than you blah blah.You don't have the right kit on blah blah.
I would way rather just get out and ride with my buddies or my dog or just me.


Not long enough
You undervalue a beautifully coordinated matching bike/kit.That way I don't have to have an attitude about being faster than you.I'm probably not,but you think I am cuz I'm so pimp looking.And that is worth all the time and money I spent trying to look badass rather than doing intervals like I should have.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
You undervalue a beautifully coordinated matching bike/kit.That way I don't have to have an attitude about being faster than you.I'm probably not,but you think I am cuz I'm so pimp looking.And that is worth all the time and money I spent trying to look badass rather than doing intervals like I should have.
I laughed out loud. Nice one.

I'm 41 and the joy of riding a bike never gets old for me. On pretty much every ride I have a moment of just being stoked to be rolling on two wheels. And I've never seen it as a means to an end. Getting fit from riding is a bonus, a happy side effect, but it's not why I do it.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2006
i've never been that much of a competetive person, so missing out on races is / was no issue to me. but i had a serious drop in motivation this winter / spring, although i got myself a new demo II, so much that i thought about selling the bike and starting to focus more on the XC / AM side of things. i hated getting up on sundays, packing up the stuff, driving for hours to get away from the snow, making sketchy runs on a bike i wasn't used to, driving back for hours and unpacking the whole muddy mess.
i also had an injury from last season, which took painfully long to get better. this didn't help either....
but this past weekend we had good weather, so we could ride here at home, and the whole crew came together for the first time after winter, the new bike finally seemed to be dialled in for the first time and i had such a blast, that i'm all on fire again! alll seems good at the moment...
i'm 40 years old and i know, if i stop again (as i did a few years back), the probability to get back into DH will be extremely low. so i always try to stay as positive as i can and when i start thinking about quitting (as i did this winter) i always make myself aware, that most probably there will not be a come back (i'm not brett favre either...).
i guess my point is this: try staying positive, get some good people together, ride as hard as you can and challenge yourself in some other way then racing.
and, of course, this:

Sounds like you need to start smoking weed.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
What about?

Find someone fast around you. Talk a bunch of sh!t over the course of a couple months about how fast you are. Then go riding with him and try and back it up.

Sounds like you need an excuse to get pinn'd. Make those excuses yourself!


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
i guess i'm one of the few who still gets a kick out of just riding DH. I think there's nothing better than heading to a mountain on an off weekend and just putting as many runs down as you can do. No pajamas, just having some fun out in the woods. I guess I ride for fun first, and competition second, and racing is just a way to add a new element of fun.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I've never cared for racing, plus at almost 45 I really have nothing to prove or gain for that matter. To me it's all about having fun with my friends, & riding at my own pace. I don't need to break my neck for a little medal & a T-shirt.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2008
Start building tracks/jumps/pumptracks. When I am not feeling like going for a ride I still find motivation to build. And building new stuff makes me want to ride it and gets me stoked to get on the bike again. Being motivated to ride and having new stuff to ride = win-win situation! :D

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Over the past 7 years, I have really enjoyed racing solely for the reason that it pushes me to ride "better" than just riding alone. I really don't care about the competition aspect, but I do really appreciate pushing against the clock. In that way, racing has made me a better rider.

Having said that, however, I also find it harder to balance work, family, school (yea summer school! :rolleyes:) and racing. I suppose age and its effects on the body also matters - I'm less inclined to race the big stuff due to what effect injury might have on all of the above.


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
after years of racing, i got a bit burnt out from racing last year and decided to just spend the whole weekend riding, having fun and not worrying about practice, race start times and waiting around. plus riding the whole mountain and not worrying about getting too tired for my race is/was great too.
i do like the aspect of pushing myself more than normal during a race day, so i did a few races last year compared to my usual 10-12.

Hesh To Steel

Dec 12, 2007
Hell's Kitchen
If you're not having fun on the bike, then you're not having fun on the bike. I think everybody outgrows a hobby or an attitude at some point in life. Sometimes it's hard to tell that that's what's happening. The best suggestion in this thread was probably to take some time off and see if you miss it.

The only reason to do anything MTB related is because you love it and have fun doing it. I'd you can't race and don't love freeriding, then don't ride. If you get the itch, try freeriding to see if it helps. Who knows, your situation could improve vastly later this year and you'll be able to race again.

I've only raced once and I prefer to just go to the hill and ride with good folks all day. I guess I spent a large portion of my life playing a sport that's competitive by nature so I don't need to get that competition fix in through MTB.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
I use to race a long time ago. I got tired of the egos of most riders. They thought they were all the sheet. I only ride local races with my buds and then drink beer afterwards. If Im going to travel its not going to be to race. Its going to be to ride all day at my own pace and have fun the entire time.

Big J

Jul 18, 2005
Sounds like you need to start smoking weed.
That's the worst thing you could do, it's way too hard ripping a rockgarden while eating a bag of Dorritos.......

If it wasn't for the guys I travel with I wouldn't race so much and probably just freeride ride most of the time in the Upper.