
Anybody good in Algebra??? NEED HELP!

So I signed up with a class online(stupid move) and thought I could teach myself this math class as it's algebra and I was good in algebra in HS some 8 years ago. Anyhow, I'm not getting it, and I don't want to fail, so if anyone is good in math, let me know, I have some parts I'd be willing to part with for some help. :thumb: :stupid:


Turbo Monkey
NineFingers said:
So I signed up with a class online(stupid move) and thought I could teach myself this math class as it's algebra and I was good in algebra in HS some 8 years ago. Anyhow, I'm not getting it, and I don't want to fail, so if anyone is good in math, let me know, I have some parts I'd be willing to part with for some help. :thumb: :stupid:
Why don't you throw up your problem and lets see if any of us can help?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
If you need a tutor, I charge by the letter/number typed.

Seriously though, there are some damn smart people on this board (maybe me included, but not really), so throw out your question and we'll try to point you in the right direction.


Oct 17, 2002
I didn't truly learn algebra until Calc II.

Calculus is easy if you really understand algebra and trig. If you plan on taking calc, learn this stuff inside and out.

As for learning it, like the others said, just post questions. Some people here know math so thoroughly that they helped me even with Calc III, Diff Eq, etc.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I am good at Alzebra...

I took College Alg I, College Alg II and Trig all in a summer quarter. Made two A's and a B.

Like Loopie said, Calc is 10 calculus and 90% algebriac manipulation.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
LordOpie said:
I didn't truly learn algebra until Calc II.

Calculus is easy if you really understand algebra and trig. If you plan on taking calc, learn this stuff inside and out.

As for learning it, like the others said, just post questions. Some people here know math so thoroughly that they helped me even with Calc III, Diff Eq, etc.
Akkkk I hate Cal :dead: I'm still in Cal 1 :mumble:
dirtjumpP.1 said:
whats involved in that class? is it a smart class or remedial class
Well these are the test titles:
Test 1
Algebra - Equations -Inequalities - Functions
Test 2
Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Test 3
Mathematics of Finance
Test 4
Systems of equations - Matrices - Linear Programming - Probability

They are timed, and 30 or so questions each. 4 tests, 60 min.

I've got an almost new set of Hayes 8 inch disc brakes
A Mavic 3.1 tubeless wheelset
Two sets of tires: Hutchinson Octopus 2.3 tubeless or Nokian DH NBX 2.5's
Or a Manitou Sherman Firefly fork

I'm willing to part with one of the listed items for your assistance. I'm screwed with this class, I suck in math, it's been too long and my school is on the westcoast as I just moved to the eastcoast so I can't go in for tutoring. If your interested, let me know. Or if your interested in $250, that works too.


Jun 10, 2002
i had a couple friends who did DiffEq their freshman year. they were beyond what i consider smart. lacked a little common sense, though. i wonder if there's a trade-off.


Oct 17, 2002
NineFingers said:
I'm willing to part with one of the listed items for your assistance. I'm screwed with this class, I suck in math, it's been too long and my school is on the westcoast as I just moved to the eastcoast so I can't go in for tutoring. If your interested, let me know. Or if your interested in $250, that works too.
uhh, what's wrong with just asking questions here? We'll all help for free.

You could also go to the local community college, find the class, explain to the professor what's up and ask to sit in. I did that with Trig when I returned to college 10 years later. Forgot so much. Plus, the Trig teacher enjoyed having someone who was honestly interested that he chatted with me about some of the calc stuff on his own time.

Teachers love teaching. They sure don't do it for the money. So ask one?

If you really want a tutor and are willing to pay, find a student at said college to help you out.


Oct 17, 2002
the Inbred said:
i had a couple friends who did DiffEq their freshman year. they were beyond what i consider smart. lacked a little common sense, though. i wonder if there's a trade-off.
yup, trade-off... typically. Partly from studying so much, partly from being different from all the "normal" students and being isolated.
LordOpie said:
uhh, what's wrong with just asking questions here? We'll all help for free.

You could also go to the local community college, find the class, explain to the professor what's up and ask to sit in. I did that with Trig when I returned to college 10 years later. Forgot so much. Plus, the Trig teacher enjoyed having someone who was honestly interested that he chatted with me about some of the calc stuff on his own time.

Teachers love teaching. They sure don't do it for the money. So ask one?

If you really want a tutor and are willing to pay, find a student at said college to help you out.
I didn't think about that, good idea.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
dirtjumpP.1 said:
the p is for parenthesis ... what the hell is the b for?
Ahh makes sense, all my teachers say b for "brackets" so same thing. I find BEMDAS is easier to remember. However, I know the stuff so well now it's not like I have to think...hmmmm bemdas which one goes first, addition??? :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
the Inbred said:
i didn't learn either of those in high school. what are y'all talking about?
It's just some little saying to help people learning algrebra the order of operations. So....brackets, exponents, multiplication or divison, addition or subtraction. :thumb:


Jun 14, 2003
Cambria, CA
the Inbred said:
i had a couple friends who did DiffEq their freshman year. they were beyond what i consider smart. lacked a little common sense, though. i wonder if there's a trade-off.
I'll take understanding of complex concepts over common sense any day.

Not that the two have to be mutually exclusive.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
JMAC said:
It's just some little saying to help people learning algrebra the order of operations. So....brackets, exponents, multiplication or divison, addition or subtraction. :thumb:
We learned it out here as GEMDAS and the G is for Groupings.


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
N8 said:
Diff Eq = WTF?
diff eq means 'differential equations'

I consider diff eq just another calculus class. A differential equation is a basicaly a formula for a function in terms of it's derivative.
an example.

let y be a function. let y' be the derivative of the function.

now let
y = 2*y' + 3*(y')^2

" a function y equals 2 times it's derivative plus 3 times it's derivative squared"

find y. basically y is a function so y = f(t) or something. find the function f(t) that satisfies the above differential equation.

It's been a year since i took diff eq so i may have made some mistakes or something.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
mattv2099 said:
diff eq means 'differential equations'

I consider diff eq just another calculus class. A differential equation is a basicaly a formula for a function in terms of it's derivative.
an example.

let y be a function. let y' be the derivative of the function.

now let
y = 2*y' + 3*(y')^2

" a function y equals 2 times it's derivative plus 3 times it's derivative squared"

find y. basically y is a function so y = f(t) or something. find the function f(t) that satisfies the above differential equation.

It's been a year since i took diff eq so i may have made some mistakes or something.
Oh, I have a headache just looking at that :confused: It's just like walking into a Home Depot store.....deer in the headlights.......


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
Nate at RIT said:
Yeah DiffEq is essentially an extension of calc. What you have there is a homogenous nonlinear first order DE, but it's not in standard form.
I shoulda used a simpler example. I tried to solve that diff eq... i had to resort to using the computer. it was some complete insanity.

for instance...

y' = 2*y

find y

"the derivative of the function equals two times the function"

Well, this is easy to solve by inspection. let y = f(t) = K*e^(2t) (where K is an arbitrary nonzero constant). then df/dt = 2* f(t).


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
Pau11y said:
Ouu ouch! Only been thru Calc II (and III, but that has nothing to do w/ Diff Eq), and I can see the 3*(y')^2 part added to the headache.

Hey did you do calc III where you learn about greens theorem, stokes theorem, the divergence, and vector fields???? If so then you've dealt with diff eq's (probably). My calc III used diff eq's extensibly. However, we did not know that they were differential equations. For instance, solving for flows in a vector field is basically a system of differential equations...

[edit] my bad. that's calc 4 if you are using the quarters sytem. calc 3 if you have semesters. i think.


Oct 17, 2002
I came to understand why they say advanced math is a lot of educated guess work and intuition.

(always study!)

I hardly studied at all in my combo Diff Eq & Linear Algebra class and got a B. On the final examine is where I started to truly understand math. I finished the examine and just felt weird about two of the five problems. My intuition told me something was wrong, so I worked the problems backward and forward a couple of time until I found my mistake.

There is no spoon.