
Anybody in a PT Cruiser follow me back from Snowshoe on Sunday nite?

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
It wasn't me, I passed your ass around on the side of the road in Cass!

You didn't see any cops until you hit the Interstate though, right? I got to Staunton in about 1:45 from Whistlepunk.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
LOL, yeah Matt pulled some rally-stye thru a big ol' gravel lot to get around, it was pretty sweet actually....


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I honestly don't know how I ended up in the VA forum on this thread...BUT...I guess it's time to tell my PT Cruiser story. I flew to Carolina for a friend's wedding and made a brief trip to C-Ville to ride at Walnut Creek with a girl I know, and my rental car turned out to be a silver PT cruiser, which, in and of itself, is a funny story.

Anyhow, we'd never actually met (she was the cousin of an old friend of mine from UVA), so she asked me how she'd spot me. I said I'd be the only silver PT cruiser at the trailhead. She sounded horrified, and said "Silver PT cruiser? How gay is that??!"

So, of course, I'm sitting in my rented PT cruiser waiting for her to show, when ANOTHER silver PT cruiser comes down the street, pulls up next to me, rolls down the window...and the driver gives a limp-wristed wave, leans out and lisps, "Tsthooooo, how you you like your PT cruisther??"

Self-fulfilling prophecy, I tell ya. I also went on to break my derailleur hanger pedalling out of the parking lot, so not much riding was had that day.

Really wish I'd been into mountain biking when I was at UVA. I missed so much...and ironically, I didn't have a car and rode my rigid Schwinn Sierra everywhere.



Nov 4, 2003
Columbia, MD
yeah, DBR, you about killed us pulling a rally race in your runner. I'm not going to lie, I was scared! I am definately driving next time. :nope:

and MikeD, That's a good story!
