
Anybody into YOGA


took the red pill
YO, there are so many types of yoga these days. I'm looking for local classes, but most of it seems yuppie-ized, commercialized, and not really based on the fundamentals of traditional yoga. I'm wondering what type would fit me. I'm looking for more of a spiritual type than a physical exercize type. Yes, I want to do stretching and stuff and become limber once again, but I'm all about the chanting, meditation and whatnot. I've been researching Kundalini Yoga and it seems that that type might suit me, but it also sounds dangerous as if your unprepared and you "wake up your kundalini" , you might be screwed. I actaully bought a yoga ball too, it's quite big, but my wife and I have been using it for
"OTHER STUFF" besides yoga :D
Anyhow, can anyone elaborate on any particular types of yoga? I want to get into this this Winter isntead of pacing about the house freaking out about snow and not being able to ride.


Julie (my wife) does yoga. There are some classes with an old man instructing she goes to for like $35 every 6 weeks. Once a week for 1.5 hours. There are more trendy expensive joints for sure. There are places that promote the lifestyle (whatever that is) in Austin. I say buy those new Star Wars videos and maybe the little green guy can show you some new tricks.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
So the source of your rage is the constant exhaustion? :thumb:

..I think his wife just likes to demean him in the bedroom.. She calls him her little b!tch and makes him dress in pink frilly lace things. That'd make me angry too.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
I have friends that swear by hotha yoga. But Kundalini is pretty cool, more intense. I knew a girl that did kundalini yoga and she geo all emotional and started crying in the middle of a session... she couldnt explain it.


took the red pill
golgiaparatus said:
I have friends that swear by hotha yoga. But Kundalini is pretty cool, more intense. I knew a girl that did kundalini yoga and she geo all emotional and started crying in the middle of a session... she couldnt explain it.

That kundalini is some crazy sheit. CRAZY LIKE ME YO. It's decided. Kundalini it is
