
Anybody needs furnitures ?


Jun 19, 2002
VA, in the snow
So I'll be moving out of my apartment in 2 weeks as the semester ends ...

Going to Europe for the Summer, no place to store my furnitures and they're not even worth it ...

Just asking because I was in the same shietty position of "trying-to-find-stuff-to-put-in-your-dormroom" not so long ago, and it can get pretty painful/expensive and except for Ikea (Yay for Sweden!), friends with extra furniture is most of the times the only affordable solution ...
I've got
- two desks,
- one cheap ass table ,
- a TV/whatever stand
- thos plastic storage stuffs
- yard furniture style to put on your balcony
- broken television
- plastic racks
- ugly but comfortable armchair
- ...

You want something, stop by and pick-it up. or we can meet on a thursday night ride or something ...

Everything free, but of course, you're ALWAYS more than welcome to donate some cash to the starving student I am :D ( I take paypal too ! ;))

Anyways, whatever you won't take will be used to build some DJ ( yay for tables that actually have a living room table in between them) or skinnies (got some stuff very suited for that !) or whatever ...

Back to my studies, good luck to all on your finals...


Jun 19, 2002
VA, in the snow
Oh, and I'll add to that, I will trade any of the above mentionned for the lending of:

- A heavy duty vacuum and/or rug cleaner to clean up the mess that my f'in roomate left in his room
- help on repainting my apartment and/or rug cleaning services
- a ride to Dulles airport on May 14th, early afternoon ;)

- a place to store my computer/various stuff for the Summer while I'm in Belgium 'cause storage space is a total rip off ...