
Anybody try Coca Cola Zero?


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
dh girlie said:
Its strange...it tastes like regular coke...how in tarnation do they do that without sugar or an artificial sweetner taste?
You'll find out in a couple of years when they link it to cancer in lab rats.


I thought diet coke with splenda tasted like coke and diet coke zero was the old diet coke. Meh, I don't know. Ask SkrdShthd. He knows everything, but will tell you he hasn't tried it.


Jan 26, 2003
Rochester, NY
dh girlie said:
Its strange...it tastes like regular coke...how in tarnation do they do that without sugar or an artificial sweetner taste?

Some guy was handing it out on the streets of Manhattan yesterday (Apprentice style)... Tasted like the coke syrup my mom gave me as a kid when I felt sicky...

The drink will be sweetened partly with a blend of aspartame and acesulfame potassium. Aspartame is a key ingredient in Diet Coke, but a spokesman for the Atlanta-based company said Coca-Cola Zero will have a unique taste.



I Love Cheap Beer!
loco said:
I thought diet coke with splenda tasted like coke and diet coke zero was the old diet coke. Meh, I don't know. Ask SkrdShthd. He knows everything, but will tell you he hasn't tried it.
You are correct. A co-worker had one the other day. Said it tasted like Diet Coke. (i.e., chemical taste). :blah:


Sep 13, 2004
-Please excuse the following rant, Coke's business practices piss me off:

This is another example of why Coke's performance has been flat for the past few years. Let's see, we have Regular old Coke...Mmmm, strong consumer loaylty and still the leader in the carbonated beverage industry & Diet Coke leading the diet segment. Ok, Let's launch C2...What the hell? It flopped? Sure, it tastes like regular Coke, but if regular Coke drinkers cared about calories they would go diet...Oh, here we go again: Coke Zero! But wait, if we take all the calories out then we will rob customers form both the Coke and diet Coke segments and overall sales will remain flat. We are robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Coca-Cola's shareholders needs to oust the current geriatric board and get some people in there receptive to fresh thinking. For the past few years Coke has been content to sit on their collectives asses and be an imitator in the beverage industry. Just look at the recent growth in energy drinks...Pepsi was on top of things as were numerous smaller comanies. Coke has only recently responded with cheese-ball products such as "Full Throttle". What a bunch of wankers.
Bottom line, until Coke begins to get creative and launch some genuinely new & unique products instead of poor variations of the current line, they are going to remain as flat as old Sprite.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
loco said:
I thought diet coke with splenda tasted like coke and diet coke zero was the old diet coke. Meh, I don't know. Ask SkrdShthd. He knows everything, but will tell you he hasn't tried it.
I don't know anything about any of it.

I *do* know that it all sucks except classic Coke.

dh girlie

loco said:
I thought diet coke with splenda tasted like coke and diet coke zero was the old diet coke. Meh, I don't know. Ask SkrdShthd. He knows everything, but will tell you he hasn't tried it.

Well being that I am addicted to Diet Coke and have been for years, I will have to say that this is not correct...The Coke Zero tastes distinctly different from Diet Coke...I have not had any Diet Coke with Splenda yet...haven't been able to find it. Coke Zero does not have Splenda...I consider myself an expert on this since I have at least one diet coke a day.

dh girlie

caboverpete said:
The reason it tastes more like real coke is because Diet Coke has always been based on the New Coke formula while Coca-Cola Zero is based on the Coca-Cola Classic recipe.

Ah, ok...that makes sense. That must be why I was whisked back to my pre-diabetic days when I would enjoy a regular classic coke. You could blindfold me and give me 100 different random tests between the diet coke and the coke zero and I guarantee that I will have a 100% correct guess rate.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
dh girlie said:
Coke Zero does not have Splenda...
It's got aspartame & Ace-K (acesulfame potassium).

Ace-K has been pretty good in everything I've tried it in - no aftertaste. It also seems to synergize into a very sugar-like taste when combined with aspartame.
I have some ace-K here in the lab in pure form, and at the concentrations that you would use in food - tastes pretty good without too much chemical or off taste.
Should be available in packets witin the year.

dh girlie

Mackie said:
It's got aspartame & Ace-K (acesulfame potassium).

Ace-K has been pretty good in everything I've tried it in - no aftertaste. It also seems to synergize into a very sugar-like taste when combined with aspartame.
I have some ace-K here in the lab in pure form, and at the concentrations that you would use in food - tastes pretty good without too much chemical or off taste.
Should be available in packets witin the year.
It soooo reminded me of back in the day when I could drink regular coke...and it's nice cuz it really ISN'T sugary sweet... :think:


Basking in fail.
Jan 28, 2004
dh girlie said:
Well being that I am addicted to Diet Coke and have been for years, I will have to say that this is not correct...The Coke Zero tastes distinctly different from Diet Coke...I have not had any Diet Coke with Splenda yet...haven't been able to find it. Coke Zero does not have Splenda...I consider myself an expert on this since I have at least one diet coke a day.

SPARKLE, It's Diet Coke time.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
see i though diet coke with splenda tasted very similar to reg coke. I am sure in a mixed drink you couldnt tell the difference between the two. Havent tried the zero yet, i still like the diet cherry and diet lime myself.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
We've had it a while now where i live, maby for about a month or so. I think just now they started to advertize it.

And yes, it does taste really good, cant tell the D.


Sep 13, 2003
Redding, CA
coke tastes like flat pepsi,
diet coke tastes like really old flat pepsi,
any diet pop is probably worse for you than the regular, and tastes gross
and all pop will rot your teeth

so in sumation, coke sucks, pepsi is better, and pop will kill you

oh, and if you get any of that "cancer" stuff they warn you about, just get yourself a bowl of broccoli, clear that right up


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Aspartame is really bad for you. Stick to sugar. Diabeties is managable, and brain cancer just isn't cool.