
Anyone been on a cruise?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Where did you go? What cruise line did you use? Would you do it again?

I'm planning a vacation for the end of March and am considering a nice long Caribbean cruise. :)



Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
i've never been on one, but my girlfriend went on a carribean cruise a few years ago and hated it. she took Royal Carribean. it was full of old people and families with bratty children, and most of the time you just sat on the boat in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, which gets old real quick. when they did go onland, it was only for about half a day so you didn't really get to do much.

personally i've never seen the appeal of them. if i can't bring my bike, it's not a vacation.

why not just go to a carribean island instead? or Moab!


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
my parents did an Alaska cruise in september & it sounded cool. I think just being at sea with only views of h2o would get old quick, but in AK they cruise the coast along glaciers & icebergs & my parents even saw humpback wales. it sounded good for outdoorsy types. at every stop they would hike, kayak, bike, etc...


Oct 18, 2003
U-District, WA
squarewheels said:
i've never been on one, but my girlfriend went on a carribean cruise a few years ago and hated it. she took Royal Carribean. it was full of old people and families with bratty children, and most of the time you just sat on the boat in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight, which gets old real quick. when they did go onland, it was only for about half a day so you didn't really get to do much.

personally i've never seen the appeal of them. if i can't bring my bike, it's not a vacation.

why not just go to a carribean island instead? or Moab!
this is all true BTW


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Dont drink the water...

Why would you want to go on a cruise with a bunch of old people when you could take a normal vacation. Sorry, I have just seen how small the rooms are and how you can get really sick, doesnt seem like much fun at all.


Dec 13, 2001
Hebron, ohio
McGRP01 said:
Where did you go? What cruise line did you use? Would you do it again?

I'm planning a vacation for the end of March and am considering a nice long Caribbean cruise. :)

Where did you go? Alaska

What cruise line did you use? Carnival

Would you do it again? in a heart beat

I'd love to do it again and this time try to get in more riding and less drinking and parting

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I've been on several cruises, Alaska, Caribbean, Mexico, Canada. They tend to cater to the older folk, however you'll find several young people too. Alaska is typically an older croud. Hit the tropical places, I've been on several ships and the BEST so for was Celebrity (I want to hit the new Princess ships, Yeti DHer could probably help out on that one). The dinner was all 5 star meals, and I mean REALLY good. As of right now that would be one of the main cruise lines I would take again. Carnival does cater to the younger folk definatly, but its not as glamorous, foods not as good but a more party atmosphere. Cruises can be kinda boring especially if you have a full day out at sea, but if you are looking to just veg, get tan, eat & eat & eat & eat its a blast.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Never been on a cruise myself but everyone I know that has seemed to have a pretty good time. Friends and family have gone to Alaska and some islands and all have gotten mostly positive reviews.

Personally, I would never want to go on a cruise. Just not my thing really. Well, like I said, I've never been on a real cruise, so maybe I'm just being ignorant. I went to Alaska for two weeks and had an amazing time; it was probably the best vacation I've ever been on. My absolute least favorite part was the time I spent on a big boat. Our group (my immediate family and another family, 11 people total) considered a an Alaska cruise but we vetoed it and I am sooooo happy we did. I guess I'm just naturally anti-cruise. If I want to go to somewhere warm and laze, I want to be drinking a mojito on a hammock reading a book near the beach. If I want to get out and do stuff, I want to have the freedom to camp and hike and bike for days without schedules. If I want to go somewhere far away and new, I want to travel on the ground and get a feel for the country. None of these ideals involves a big ass boat. Sorry for the rant.