
Anyone else hate their cell phone provider?


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
So, i've been through 6 different phones with Verizon (software glitches, poor service, etc.) and I get this new camera phone to finally replace my crapped out Kyocera Slider. I get the phone and within a couple weeks of having it, the reception is just horrid, battery doesn't hold it's life for a day and it's just a bad phone. I go to return it with the reciept and exchange for a new, better phone and they won't let me. Since it was within 30 days of purchasing it (for $235) I had to return everything that came with it or they would charge me. $15 for the instruction book, $15 for the AC Power Plug, $15 for the BOX it came in, and $20 for the belt clip. Whaa!? ok, if I didn't return my phone with all those items, I would be out $65 on crap that's hardly used. In frustration, they just give me a new phone of what I had...which has the same problems. aaggghhh, it's just aggravating as hell. And when I called verizon to explain my dilemma, they just said "oh, go talk to the store manager and try to get some pity out of him or you're just going to have to pay for all the stuff you don't have"...I'm switching to Nextel.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Dude I love my cell phone, I have a LG from my provider Telus. Anyways, I got it almost 2 years ago this thing is like for military use just never dies, I've dropped it in water, got it muddy biking i just wash it under tap, dropped it countless times on to concrete, and I use it alot to. It really is incredible my phone, also it gets recharged about 3 times a week just to give u an idea how much i use it and the battery is as good or has no noticable difference from 2 years ago. :heart:


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
My cell phone provider WAS nextel. Until i threw my cell phone off the side off a cliff.

I was tired of their crappy phone and shotty service.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
BigMike said:

You wash your phune under the tap???
Yeah I know it's crazy, after I do the screen usaully stops working for a bit, you just give it maybe 30 mins and it dries out and works perfect again. Everyone I know who has the same phone as me has had them for ever. It won't die :eek:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
chicodude01 said:
My cell phone provider WAS nextel. Until i threw my cell phone off the side off a cliff.

I was tired of their crappy phone and shotty service.
I think I may do that just to see if my phone is immortal as i believe it is.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Had Sprint... Was alright, as long as you were in a big city, near a big hiway. I now have Tmobile, which I enjoy, good service and all. To bad I got acrappy Sony Color lcd/camera phone... Which is cool and all, but you cant see the LCD in sunlight! at all!!

Was looking into Nextel, but then heard about govt being able to tap into the direct conect, much like ONstar.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Had Sprint. Had bad customer service for about 5 years. Switched to cingular last year and I'm quite happy with them. service is better, coverage is good, works overseas, phone cost me nothing for a smartphone with bluetooth, etc. And rollover is a great idea. i've got about 3k minutes built up now so i don't go over anymore. comes in handy since I organize major events about twice a year and it's nice to have the reserve.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
=[Stinky]= said:
Was looking into Nextel, but then heard about govt being able to tap into the direct conect, much like ONstar.
Most modern cell phones have GPS built in them these days, thats not unique to Nextel...

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
I have nextel, it sucks. The radio feature is nice, but i cant get a signal anywhere. Their phones suck too, or maybe I just have good luck breaking them. Ive went through 7 in 2004, I wonder how many I'll destroy this year?

1- fell 4 stories to its doom
2- walking around with it open trying to find something, flip face ripped off by wall
3- Dropped in cement tub
4- Got smashed while clipped to my hip
5- Dropped another in a tub of cement
7- Melted with settling torch
8- Still alive


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Consumer Reports rated Verizon the best service all over the nation. So thats what im gonna get when my ****ty alltel runs out.


Dec 14, 2001
Durango, CO
Curb Hucker said:
Their phones suck too, or maybe I just have good luck breaking them. Ive went through 7 in 2004, I wonder how many I'll destroy this year?

1- fell 4 stories to its doom
2- walking around with it open trying to find something, flip face ripped off by wall
3- Dropped in cement tub
4- Got smashed while clipped to my hip
5- Dropped another in a tub of cement
7- Melted with settling torch
8- Still alive
How can you say their phones suck when you are doing that to them?
4 stories? of course it is going to break. what the hell are you doing dropping your phone from 4 stories anyway?
why do you keep running into things? it seems like you broke atleast 2 of them by not looking at where you are going and just walking into things.
tub of cement twice? how the hell does that happen?
and melted one with a torch? what the hell did your phone do to you to deserve this abuse?


Dec 14, 2001
Durango, CO
I went though 3 motorollas over the past 2 years because the charger thing on them sucked. The cell phone insurance company gave me a Kyocera and the thing has been great since I have gotten it.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
heikkihall said:
How can you say their phones suck when you are doing that to them?
4 stories? of course it is going to break. what the hell are you doing dropping your phone from 4 stories anyway?
why do you keep running into things? it seems like you broke atleast 2 of them by not looking at where you are going and just walking into things.
tub of cement twice? how the hell does that happen?
and melted one with a torch? what the hell did your phone do to you to deserve this abuse?
Their phones suck because they get no signal in chicago compared to other service providers.

As for breaking them: Stirring cement with the phone in my breast pocket, fell out into tub of cement.

I was 4 stories up on some scaffolding trying to talk by pinching the phone against my ear, it squeezed out, and fell.

The broken off flip face was my fault, the one that got smashed while clipped onto my belt was someone else's fault, the hit me with a pallet full of bricks

And the torched one, I had the phone on the workbench on speakephone, someone was telling me measurements while i was cutting, turned around with the torch still in my hand, instant glob of plastic goo.

Construction Kills Phones.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I'm going to personally hunt down Catherine Zeta Jones and break her kneecaps. T-Mobile's pretty loose with their definition of coverage areas.


Jun 10, 2002
i still like Sprint. have only had one bad customer service experience in the 6yrs i've been with them. though, that one experience cost my dad like $1000 worth of work.

manziman, i think your problem might be buying gimicky phones. i am a firm believe that once your phone becomes more than a flip/ non-flip PHONE(!!!), as in slider, rotator, pda+phone+camera+dildoe, you start losing quality.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the Inbred said:
manziman, i think your problem might be buying gimicky phones. i am a firm believe that once your phone becomes more than a flip/ non-flip PHONE(!!!), as in slider, rotator, pda+phone+camera+dildoe, you start losing quality.
you're just a luddite :D . if anything the gimmicky phones should work better, as they are being refined and developed actively, while the old models languish.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
the Inbred said:
"should" is the key word.
i just know that my nokia 3650 and sony ericsson t637 (both "smartphones" to some degree) both have reception WORLDS better than my old, phone-only-and-no-gimmicks samsung. sure, the networks are different etc. etc. but my point is generalizations like "phones with added features have to be worse phones than those without" don't hold true. as long as you pick a phone that gets good reception in www.howardchui.com 's reviews you should get just that, good reception.


I like Verizon pretty well. AT&T coverage was best, but cust serv sucks.


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
=[Stinky]= said:
Was looking into Nextel, but then heard about govt being able to tap into the direct conect, much like ONstar.
The gov't can tap into any cell phone that they want to. All cell phone providers have it.


Jun 10, 2002
verizon is the only other company with service in fredericksburg...you ever travel that way? kinda curious what coverage is like. i get Sprint coverage from Austin to Fredericksburg with no out-areas.


Aug 15, 2001
Redmond, Washington
manziman said:
So, i've been through 6 different phones with Verizon (software glitches, poor service, etc.) and I get this new camera phone to finally replace my crapped out Kyocera Slider. I get the phone and within a couple weeks of having it, the reception is just horrid, battery doesn't hold it's life for a day and it's just a bad phone. I go to return it with the reciept and exchange for a new, better phone and they won't let me. Since it was within 30 days of purchasing it (for $235) I had to return everything that came with it or they would charge me. $15 for the instruction book, $15 for the AC Power Plug, $15 for the BOX it came in, and $20 for the belt clip. Whaa!? ok, if I didn't return my phone with all those items, I would be out $65 on crap that's hardly used. In frustration, they just give me a new phone of what I had...which has the same problems. aaggghhh, it's just aggravating as hell. And when I called verizon to explain my dilemma, they just said "oh, go talk to the store manager and try to get some pity out of him or you're just going to have to pay for all the stuff you don't have"...I'm switching to Nextel.
I think that cellular companies should just provide the service and forget about selling the phones.

Then everyone would have to provide their own phone when they sign up for service.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
korked7 said:
1989?!?! did u have one of those sweet 20lb brick phones??
I started with a car mount, then went to the brick, it was big and bulky, but worked awesome, Then went to a Motorola 950 flip which also was big, however best phone I ever owned period. My opinion..............Analog is 100000000 time better the digital.


Aug 8, 2002
Park City, Utah, USA
Wow... Thats crazy. Those bricks r bad as hell. I want one :D. Anyway, I use Verizon... It's awesome. When I lived in Jackson Hole it sucked tho. I think that was because I was in a valley so it made it hard to get a signal. Even when I go up to visit I drop calls like crazy and lose service every 10 feet. In cities it works perfect tho. I'd suggest a more local service if you dont do alot of traveling. IE: Cricket, cheep, easy, local-ish


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
well, ok, it's not necesarily the service/signal. It's the actual phone I bought with the shotty reception. I have had full signal and not been able to hear/understand who I was talking with. I had a long discussion with verizon during my drive down to LA and they just said "go talk to the store". So, i'll have to go into the store on monday and demand vengance. But, thanks for all the advice, especially that Nextel isn't worth it. Anyone want to sell me their Treo 650 for like $20?


the Inbred said:
verizon is the only other company with service in fredericksburg...you ever travel that way? kinda curious what coverage is like. i get Sprint coverage from Austin to Fredericksburg with no out-areas.
I may head to Comfort in a few weeks. I will check it then. I'll see if you are up for the trip as well.