
Anyone else think Keystone is BEAT?


Mar 31, 2005
I just have to rant really quick about how, once again, Keystone has gone yet another season advertising and promoting their bike park and all the work they've done when in actuality, the bike park at Keystone is a joke. Sure, the trails that are there can be fun to ride, but since there are only 3 top to bottom routes to take they get old quickly. Furthermore, the existing trails are FILLED with what Keystone considers to be "safe" stunts/jumps that are in inactuality extremely dangerous to any rider who chooses to hit them with any sort of speed. Not to mention Keystone's answer to the water bar: Install super sharp, 2 foot wide, metal grates for everyone to hit at 50 mph. God forbid if anyone ever falls before one of these and lands on it, they're gonna die!!! And to anyone who's gonna give me this business about "the forest service won't let them build", I've heard it before and I'm not impressed. If that's really the case (that no new trails have been OK'd), which is debatable, how about simply bringing the existing trails up to a standard comparable with that of Whistler and building jumps and features that actually flow and work appropriately. And Greg, with all due respect, quit standing around at the top of the lift telling everyone how great you and your trail crew are. You really have not stepped up to the plate at all. OK, now everyone freak out on me.
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Apr 6, 2006
fort collins CO
Yeah and gotta love paying $35 and having to ride the road back to the lift, and wait 20 minutes at the bottom and mid station because lift operators cant figure out how to space out the sh*ty new gondolas. WTF keystone, get youre sh*t together.


Jul 12, 2009
agreed....that place hasnt changed since 2004. well it has...its just more washed out and rutted.

I have said it before and I will say it again...."money" blows donkeys...those things are painful to hit on a dh bike.

I still think you should try it for trhe experience...the mountain gets old after a while

May 30, 2005
You should ride Winter Park. I hear Gravity Logic has made that place siiiiiick!:rofl:

I still enjoy Keystone, except for Money. That trail is the worst! Those jumps are fricking dangerous at any moderate speed.
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Apr 6, 2006
fort collins CO
Winter Park is begining to step it up, boulevard is actually a lot of fun this year. As far as keystone, I think there biggest issue is the management. It would be nice to get a whole run similar to Helter Skelter.


Jul 12, 2009
I think the trails they have have the potential to be sick, but not a lot of stuff makes sense.

Money sucks..personally I think there is to much lip for 8+ inches of travel
High speed dirt = Washed out and rutted
The only log bridges that make sense are the spiral and the fork to skinny to drop...every other drop at that place is just weird and out of the way. Put something big in the trail on the run and fine I will hit it...but I aint going out og my way to hit a drop..just doesnt make sense to me.



Jul 16, 2007
Keystone hasn't changed since 2004? Have you seen the number of trails they've added in the last 2-3 years?

They haven't added anything new this year, but there is some trail maintenance going on. Just not as much as needed apparently.

WP is adding new trails, I've ridden several of them and they are fun. You rode Vail, did you like Old 9 Line? If you did and want more rocky and steep runs Keystone is still going to be your choice.


Mar 31, 2005
QUOTE: "Keystone hasn't changed since 2004? Have you seen the number of trails they've added in the last 2-3 years?"

Give me a break, they've added about one trail per year in that time. And that's if you can call a section of trail that goes 1/5 of the way down the mountain a new trail.

QUOTE: """You rode Vail, did you like Old 9 Line? If you did and want more rocky and steep runs Keystone is still going to be your choice.[/QUOTE]"""

What trails at Keystone are you refering to? There is very close to ZERO technical, rocky and steep terrain at Keystone unless you go off the legal trails.


Jul 12, 2009
Keystone hasn't changed since 2004? Have you seen the number of trails they've added in the last 2-3 years?

They haven't added anything new this year, but there is some trail maintenance going on. Just not as much as needed apparently.

WP is adding new trails, I've ridden several of them and they are fun. You rode Vail, did you like Old 9 Line? If you did and want more rocky and steep runs Keystone is still going to be your choice.
They have added some new trails but nothing major. The old trails that have been there since I started riding there haven't changed one bit...except for being more washed out. Some of the new trails are fun and flow nicely...but over all they seem to have sat back on their success and now the lack of maintenance is starting to hurt them in my opinion.

example of sitting back and letting the trail corrode? The sequential berms on money are washed out and rutted. The entry to the first one has a big rut at the entrance, and the transfer to the second one, the left hander, is grooved to the point where you are either above the groove or below it. Below it doesn't set you up right and above it risks going above the top edge. The problem is if you stay below the groove with speed you are too low on the next one and the line is now botched. If you go high your transfer is now crazy hard and not smooth. the groove is right in the travel line. Things like that are unacceptable when you charge $35. Now $35 isnt much....but to let a main feature like a berm wash out is kind of ridiculous. I have been up a few times this year and the berm is the same every time.



Jul 12, 2009
QUOTE: "Keystone hasn't changed since 2004? Have you seen the number of trails they've added in the last 2-3 years?"

Give me a break, they've added about one trail per year in that time. And that's if you can call a section of trail that goes 1/5 of the way down the mountain a new trail.

QUOTE: """You rode Vail, did you like Old 9 Line? If you did and want more rocky and steep runs Keystone is still going to be your choice.

What trails at Keystone are you refering to? There is very close to ZERO technical, rocky and steep terrain at Keystone unless you go off the legal trails.[/QUOTE]

not growing up out here...out east is where the steep rocky stuff is. There is nothing at Keystone that I would consider steep, and rocky.

I have been trying to find the illegal trails because I crave for rooty, rocky, steep technical stuff...:(



Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2004
Keystone is a "man's mountain".

It will either make you a better rider, or you will bitch and complain about how it sucks.

Personally, I enjoy the challenge of the ever-changing trails. Yes it kinda sucks that my bash guard hits roots in the corners up top on Milky, but that just gives me a challenge to figure out how to do it fast, and smooth, without bashing the bashy. Same for all the other trails that need a little TLC.

Boosted: Sorry our trails aren't steep and rocky like back east. You will have to learn to like what we have here. I spent a week in whizzler and by the 3rd day I was hankering for our fast, flowy singletrack in CO. Can't really explain it. You always want to ride what you're used to. And everyone has their idea of what a trail should be like. I suggest just trying to go faster! ;)


Jul 16, 2007
Give me a break, they've added about one trail per year in that time. And that's if you can call a section of trail that goes 1/5 of the way down the mountain a new trail.

What trails at Keystone are you refering to? There is very close to ZERO technical, rocky and steep terrain at Keystone unless you go off the legal trails.
Well if you consider Keystone is 2,300 vertical their partial trails are as long as some at much smaller resorts.

Look, I'm not a Keystone fan boy. I just get sick of E-whining. ZERO technical at Keystone huh? I guess I'll have to check the next time I'm there, but I was pretty sure they had some steep stuff.

There are "make you nervous" steep trails in CO. Keystone doesn't have those type of trails (I don't think any resort legally can), but its still rocky.


Mar 31, 2005
Keystone is a "man's mountain".

It will either make you a better rider, or you will bitch and complain about how it sucks.

Personally, I enjoy the challenge of the ever-changing trails. Yes it kinda sucks that my bash guard hits roots in the corners up top on Milky, but that just gives me a challenge to figure out how to do it fast, and smooth, without bashing the bashy. Same for all the other trails that need a little TLC.

Boosted: Sorry our trails aren't steep and rocky like back east. You will have to learn to like what we have here. I spent a week in whizzler and by the 3rd day I was hankering for our fast, flowy singletrack in CO. Can't really explain it. You always want to ride what you're used to. And everyone has their idea of what a trail should be like. I suggest just trying to go faster! ;)
Please. It's not a man's or woman's mountain. My female riding friends think it's a joke as much as I do. I'll take option B. Goin' to a mountain where they put in work so I can better: a little place called WHISTLER!
I'm not complaining about trail maintenance, which in my opinion has been fine. I am talking about the total lack of NEW, innovative, quality, fun, flowing, trail. Fast and smooth, slow and tech, jumpy, I like 'em all.
Boosted, worry not!!! There is plenty of good, steep, tech around, you just have to know where to look. Keep meeting people and asking around and you'll find it. As far as getting a "hankering" for our fast, flowy singletrack and getting sick of Whistler, give me a break!!! Period.


Jul 12, 2009
Keystone is a "man's mountain".

It will either make you a better rider, or you will bitch and complain about how it sucks.

Personally, I enjoy the challenge of the ever-changing trails. Yes it kinda sucks that my bash guard hits roots in the corners up top on Milky, but that just gives me a challenge to figure out how to do it fast, and smooth, without bashing the bashy. Same for all the other trails that need a little TLC.

Boosted: Sorry our trails aren't steep and rocky like back east. You will have to learn to like what we have here. I spent a week in whizzler and by the 3rd day I was hankering for our fast, flowy singletrack in CO. Can't really explain it. You always want to ride what you're used to. And everyone has their idea of what a trail should be like. I suggest just trying to go faster! ;)
I have fun no matter where I ride...but I am getting board with keystone and the same runs over and over again. personally the most fun part of keystone for me is the first part of cowboy up. stick to the right...air the root that sticks up, land half way down the section, compress suspension and air the last part and slide a little left. That sets you up for the berm into the first step off...that to me is probably the most fun part of the mountain..:p

I enjoy keystone...but I am not amp'd to go ride there anymore. Now I go to ride my bike because I enjoy riding my bike, not because I enjoy riding my bike at keystone.



Apr 6, 2006
fort collins CO
I think it would be great if keystone would build a top to bottom run, similar to A Line or Crank it up. They could always revamp Paid in Full.. Also if your going to inconvenience riders by pulling the terrain park at the bottom, and not completing the bridge you could at least not jack up prices untill you get these things fixed.

p.s. much love to keystone trail crew.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
Keystone is a "man's mountain".

It will either make you a better rider, or you will bitch and complain about how it sucks.
I know this is an old thread, but I couldn't help myself on this one... What exactly makes keystone a "man's mountain"? Is it the well worn and brainless lines through the rock gardens? The midget sized and incorrectly shaped jumps with no gaps? Maybe it's the tooth-rattling brake bumps, that would probably be the manliest feature. Keystone is more or less a joke, whistler might not have the burliest features either, but at least it's well groomed (not without it's share of brake bumps either) and most of the trails have pretty good flow. I more or less gave up on keystone after 07, as the long awaited new trails were pretty much a disappointment. Maybe it was the sheet of plywood underneath the Busch Booter. If you want manly, go to Sol Vista, with half the elevation the Sol Vista crew has built a mountain that puts Keystone to shame. It definately takes some getting used to, and the difficulty of riding the loose stuff will make you feel like you suck for a while, but IMO it is far more rewarding once you get the hang of it. It's also far more rewarding to sack up and hit a big, scary looking gap and butter it because it was built right than it is to hit 50 jumps and overshoot every single one of them because they were built to look safe, not to be safe.


Nov 22, 2009
Denver, CO
I am a BIG keystone fan for both summer and winter. That being said, I think they really let me know this year. Not only did the prices go up, but there was that hellacious road ride after you got down to the bottom. The chairlift has been replaced with the one bike gondola which sucks and the trails hadn't been improved for a while. I went back at the end of the year and found out that they did add some cool stuff and some new jumps which is always good but overall I think they need to kick it up some. If anyone from keystone is reading all you have to do is:
1. Go back to the chairlift
2. Fix the jumps on money
3. Allow us to go LEFT after we get off the lift so we can easily get to cowboy up
4. Have another race!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
i dont feel so bad out here on the east coast, we have a place that is sweet with some big drops and a so so a-line type trail with 7 tables on one and 3 on another but there trail maint. is crap and for every new thing they add in the spring we lose 2 or more sweet features by mid season and to top it off its only 1000' vert(their claim, i say 750) with a $38 lift tickets
i go less and less every year, and with a couple new places opening with drops and jump lines im hoping to never go back..they treat there paying customers liks a**

its all about profits!!


Jul 16, 2007
was that hellacious road ride after you got down to the bottom.

1. Go back to the chairlift
2. Fix the jumps on money
3. Allow us to go LEFT after we get off the lift so we can easily get to cowboy up
4. Have another race!!!
That road ride was 1-2 minutes and its nearly flat, sorry but get in shape. The gondola works fine for me, its just as many bikes as the chair lift, but that's opinion so some people may prefer a chair. I'll agree the jumps need improvement, not just on money; but they did add a few better ones on Paid in Full. Going left after the lift? Its possibly 1 minute to go around the other way. I do want the buy get one free back. And they are having another race, MSC is back at Keystone next year.

So some of those concerns have been addressed.


Mar 30, 2005
fort collins, colorado
I would continue to go to keystone if they made some of the improvements suggested above. Out of all the mountains, the keystone parking lot atmosphere is by far the best. The people that work there always make me feel welcome, its the management that I have issues with, remember they play the biggest part when it comes to forking over the doe to get the trails maintained. Also just a quick comment on Sol Vista yes they have sick trails but they just dont have that Big Mountain feel that made me fall in love with riding.
I think it would be great if keystone would build a top to bottom run, similar to A Line or Crank it up. They could always revamp Paid in Full.. Also if your going to inconvenience riders by pulling the terrain park at the bottom, and not completing the bridge you could at least not jack up prices untill you get these things fixed.

p.s. much love to keystone trail crew.
Thar terain park was dangerous and built incorectly. I know from first hand experience, as well as seeing too much carnage there. Only rode there once since 2006.


Dec 21, 2009
Jam rock, Heter, Skelter, great trails. Steep and rocky and you have to work hard to ride them fast. The first post mentioned how easy it is to fall and get hurt on the man made stunts, this is what sets Keystone apart from Winterpark, the complete disregard for human life is rare to see on trails inside a bike park anymore.


Mar 9, 2005
the loins of god
Face it, every place in blown-out...
memo: Mountain biking had its hurrah 10 years ago. Go pat your buddies ass in the locker room or buy a CRF like everyone else


Dec 23, 2008
wow didnt think so many people would be hatin...personally i really enjoy keystone but only other place ive been is vail so meh. I found a few trails that seemed pretty technical in my book forget there names but multiple drops in a row and some rocky nar **** always fun in my book no matter how many times its riddin...if you want riding like whistler then hell move there:D would be pretty hard to create a place that comes close to that considering how big that place is and how much doe it brings in. Have any of you spoken with anyone about your "complaints"? What are you into riding for? For me its to have fun and improve skills, what better way to do that then nail a line over and over again creating faster times. Maybe if it gets boring for you manual the whole way down hah. If you want new trails every time you ride then get out on some non lift mountains. Was kinda sad when i arrived and saw no tables at the bottom though.

Al C. Oholic

Feb 11, 2010
I haven't been up keystone in a couple seasons, i'm in the Army and they've called me away for training both of the last two summers. I always thought it was pretty good, granted I agree their ideas for water bars are just stupid and a lot of their stuff is outta the way. but if i'm gonna spend thirty five bucks on a ticket, by god i'm gonna go explore as much of it as i can so that doesn't really bug me much.
but these new trails they built, like money, what kinda riding is it and is it really that bad? i'd be disappointed


Turbo Monkey
Jun 15, 2009
I'm waving. Can you see me now?
I feel that keystone was really unflowy. I did thoroughly enjoy helter skelter when I went. But the ride back to the lift is not that bad. That is what bikes are for, pedaling. But shyt like loggers run sucks. First you are vertical and then you are pedaling uphill wtf. The "freeride zone" is ridiculous. Those drops are totally unsafe unless you are going as slow as you can. The landing is really washed out.

But in comparison, winter park sucked cock, steamboat was ****ing awesome, and I have yet to go to sol vista.

Al C. Oholic

Feb 11, 2010
the keystone parking lot atmosphere is by far the best. The people that work there always make me feel welcome.
And the guys at the shop at the base have always been fantastic. I don't have the luxury of having all my own tools to keep in my truck, and they've never had a problem with me borrowing a couple tools and finding a corner out of the way.
It's never good to have your day ended due to the need for an allen wrench