
Anyone ever been too depressed to ride?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I haven't really ridden in three weeks...I want to, and I love it when I do it...but I just don't want to do it...anyone else felt like this? It makes me hate myself because riding makes me so happy...



Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
From time to time I guess, but then I just make myself go do it. Its like when youre little and your parents threaten you to eat your vegetables. Despite how much you dont feel like it at the moment, you need to do it anyways and then you'll end up doing it more:D

I dunno.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
turn back to the light....your slipping away...don't go to the dark side

Everybody gets burned out from time to time, but we you get back on your ride you'll fill like a new man


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
It's not burnout...I'm just uber depressed with life currently and I want the bike and I need the bike but I just don't want to get out and ride and I don't know why...Last week the shop was closed so I was only working and going to school instead of working 2 jobs and going to school but I still didn't ride...gah...I'm pissed at myself.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I get in bad moods where I just don't want to be bothered with anything. Not lazyness, not burnout... something else - hard to describe. I'm not really depressed, at least, not like I used to get, but I just don't want to be bothered to pack up my gear and go ride. I want to ride... but the "effort" it takes to get me riding (packing up my gear, driving to the trails, etc.) just seems like too much.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
jacksonpt said:
I get in bad moods where I just don't want to be bothered with anything. Not lazyness, not burnout... something else - hard to describe. I'm not really depressed, at least, not like I used to get, but I just don't want to be bothered to pack up my gear and go ride. I want to ride... but the "effort" it takes to get me riding (packing up my gear, driving to the trails, etc.) just seems like too much.

road bike, problem solved

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
douglas said:
road bike, problem solved

Yeah, I've gone through periods of not wanting to MTB, but you force yourself to do it anyway, and feel frikkin great once you get out there. It's very theraputic when feeling down. :)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I've had the same problem lately. I have not been able to ride for the past 2 months or so because of work and family issues. Well that has all passed now but I just can't get back into it. Not really depressed just unmotivated. I manage to get myself on the bike but it just doesn't feel like it used to and I end up quitting after just a few miles. Part of it is I am in bad shape now where I was in the best shape of my life earlier in the year. My body has gone through some major physiological changes. But something else is missing. I am going to keep riding but not let it take all my time. I plan on learning to rock climb this fall and start hiking a lot again. I figure it will come back again and I will be in full bike obsession mode again soon.


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
This is what you suffer from always gets me late in the year you just gotta plow through it.

Main Entry: en·nui
Pronunciation: "än-'wE
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Old French enui annoyance, from enuier to annoy -- more at ANNOY
: a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
When I feel down I get obsessive about riding. Bills are piling up, I go for a ride because its free. Women problems, go for a ride. Family problems, go for a ride. I think I might use cycling as a escape. Not sure if thats good or not?? I also think riding helps me to not want to drink. I feel like crap after I go out drinking so I end up not drinking so I can ride. The only problem with all this is when I do actually have things to do, I put them off to ride. Or when I am angry and ride with a group I tend to turn up the pace and grind my friends into dust. It got so bad that I ended up riding alone for a while. The way I look at it the more I ride the better I feel. So if I feel like ****.....I go for a ride......jdcamb


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
jacksonpt said:
I get in bad moods where I just don't want to be bothered with anything. Not lazyness, not burnout... something else - hard to describe. I'm not really depressed, at least, not like I used to get, but I just don't want to be bothered to pack up my gear and go ride. I want to ride... but the "effort" it takes to get me riding (packing up my gear, driving to the trails, etc.) just seems like too much.
Thats EXACTLY it...And my roadie is cracked in three places... :(


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I'm so pissed at myself. I need to be ready to race at Pueblo in February and I need to be riding but I'm not....GRRRR...I'm thinking of not showing up to work today. This has motivated me, at least somewhat :rolleyes: but then the motivation wears off after a full day and I can actually RIDE. I need to go borrow someone's roadie.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
some times i just take a break from riding. i just dont feel the drive for long periods of time. then when i do get back on my bike its like a fresh start. i push myself harder, try new things, and just feel better about being on my bike. i always realize that i miss it more than i thought i did. i wouldnt sweat it. if you are so worried about it, then i think its time to get back on your bike.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
it's kinda like a double edge sword. You stop riding, which brings on depression, then you get even more depressed that you lost the feelling to ride. From there it just snowballs and you end up in a terrible rut.


took the red pill
jacksonpt said:
I get in bad moods where I just don't want to be bothered with anything. Not lazyness, not burnout... something else - hard to describe. I'm not really depressed, at least, not like I used to get, but I just don't want to be bothered to pack up my gear and go ride. I want to ride... but the "effort" it takes to get me riding (packing up my gear, driving to the trails, etc.) just seems like too much.
I hear that man. Work doesn't want me to ride. Get home at 6, pack crap then it's 6:30, get to trail at about 7:30, pitch black at 8

Not worth it. So, I'll be like the rest of the PHUCING droids that love work do, just sit here and phucking rot like them. My data, my reports. Wonder what it's like to have NO_HOBBY and NO_LIFE other than work. Makes me want to :mumble:
So, I just don't ride anymore. I rode 3 weeks ago on a Saturday.

Does not good to complain, I'm just a working stiff. 34 years on this sorry ass planet and I still run against the grain. I don't know why. It's no use.




Aug 17, 2004
Knuckleslammer said:
I hear that man. Work doesn't want me to ride. Get home at 6, pack crap then it's 6:30, get to trail at about 7:30, pitch black at 8

Not worth it. So, I'll be like the rest of the PHUCING droids that love work do, just sit here and phucking rot like them. My data, my reports. Wonder what it's like to have NO_HOBBY and NO_LIFE other than work. Makes me want to :mumble:
So, I just don't ride anymore. I rode 3 weeks ago on a Saturday.

Does not good to complain, I'm just a working stiff. 34 years on this sorry ass planet and I still run against the grain. I don't know why. It's no use.


**** that.

I bring the park bike to work and sneak out at lunch to play on the local landscaping - not riding technically, but close enough when the trails are covered w/ snow.

It's a sorry person who has nothing beyond work.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Knuckleslammer said:
I hear that man. Work doesn't want me to ride. Get home at 6, pack crap then it's 6:30, get to trail at about 7:30, pitch black at 8
Yea... this time of year sucks. I get out of work at 4, and I'm lucky if I get to ride once a week after work. If it's sunny out, it's light till 6:30. If it's cloudy/overcast - dark by 5. Being a husband, father, and a homeowner, I have lots of things competing with my bike for my attention on the weekends.


took the red pill
s1ngletrack said:
Oh yeah - **** Allah too.

well Allah doesn't necessarily have to have muslem connotations associated with it. It can be a general term used for God, whatever that God might be, represent, or a higher power if you will. Not that I'm anti-muslem or anything

It's a phrase I'm trying to incoorperate into my thought process, though carefully, as to not to become like the rest of the droids I work with, the A.I. if you will. Don't want to become like that. But trying to have a (+) attitude is tough for me, but the hate and rage is eating at me. Especially when things go wrong. It's easier to just say "it's the will of Allah, nothing can be done" Instead of stewing about with how, or why, or hate and rage. It's tough for me, but the rage is eating away at me.



Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i felt like that almost all the time I lived in Alabama.

there was a semester i didnt go to class at all, except 10 times maybe, the entire semester, and was leaving my dorm only every 4-5 days. some other times i could spend 2 days without eating because i didnt even felt like going out to eat.

i didnt care about riding a bike, and i was so depressed i couldnt even go online to buy a air ticket back home.

but then i discovered the wonders of antidepressants. antidepressants are as necesarilly as water for me if i ever go back to that place.

shifty S

Jun 6, 2002
i actually had a problem with this earlier this year, got depressed over some ****, then didnt ride, then got really stressed and didnt ride, and this lasted....way too long. anyways ive decided that since it was riding that helped me relieve stress that i was just compounding it by not riding. then as soon as i had decided that i ran out of TIME to ride....

edit: rode tonight for the first time since....may. damn i needed that. rode from about 730 pm til 1 am, about 90% of that with some cool cats, and the other 10% by myself in the city with my headphones on and not a care in the world. dayum.
i cant move my arms or legs and i couldnt be happier.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
I haven't really ridden in three weeks
I'm just uber depressed with life currently and I want the bike and I need the bike but I just don't want to get out and ride and I don't know why
I have had some really great rides on days / times where I felt like I didn't want to ride. I personally think that if you get out there and ride it will HELP you get passed any depression, assuming you really like riding. There is nothing better than hitting some singletrack on a nice sunny day miles away from everything and everyone to allow you to forget all the bullsh*t in life. Go out and ride. :)


Jun 10, 2002
imagine going on a 4000 mile bike ride, from TX to Alaska, by way of 4 Corners, Virgin, Utah, Rachel, Nevada, Mammoth Lakes, San Fran, HWY 1 and 101, up through Van, Whistler, PG, the Yukon, with 20 of your closest friends, camping on the side of the road, celebrating when you were given a bed and a shower, watching 7 of your friends puke their guts out all within 3 days of eachother, goign to sleep just waiting to wake up puking your own guts out, sleeping in ghost towns, sleeping 5' from black bears, riding 10' from grizzly bears while being 200mi from the closest hospital and out of 911 service, thinking about the man's daughter who is dieing of cancer, feeling guilty you didn't ask his name, and saw the tears in his eyes. wake up, eat, ride, eat, go to bed...that's your daily schedule for 2 months.

then one morning you wake up, and it's over. feels like you were dreaming, but man, those weren't dreams. a week later school starts. that's depressing. and i think i'm fulling pulling out. i had the urge to ride today for the first time since early September.


Jan 26, 2003
man you cats are depressing. Go ride your bikes. Find a friend to ride with, they will call you out and get you to ride.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Overanalyzing things can make you cross-eyed permanantly.
Whenever you untie the knots that are preventing you from riding, the trails will still be there, they usually don't disappear.