
Anyone ever have their "Ex" try and hook them up?

Ok, so I had been dating this woman for the past 7-8 months. She's a really great person, but you know, sometimes people just weren't meant to be. We have no hard feelings towards each other or anything like that. I mean we're still friends, have lunch and go out on a date once in a while. We just weren't meant to be a lifelong couple.

So, we're out at the local club to see a band this last Friday, and during the course of our conversation, she tells me, "...you know, I've never tried my hand at this match making stuff before, but I was talking with xxxx the other night, and we think you and xxxx should get together." :eek: "The guy she was dating dumped her so she's single now. I'm pretty sure he bailed because she's really up front about wanting to have kids, starting a family and all that. I mean, that's what you're after too isn't it?" Holy shi* man! She totally caught me off guard. I told her I was flattered, but wasn't sure. I mean, she's kinda been "on a roll." Going through a few guys here lately. Do I want to be just another mark on the belt, or do I take a chance and see what happens?

Now, since all these woman know each other through adventure racing, I've actually meet this girl and find her quite attractive. Of course at the time, you have to respect the one you're with so I haven't had a lot of interaction beyond the courtious small talk. So needless to say, I asked my ex "Wouldn't it be awkward for you?" She says no and that she thinks everyone should have an opportunity for happiness.

Sorry, in all my years dating and through all the relationships I've had, not once, EVER have I had this happen. Is my ex really just trying to be a "good samaritan"? Is she just trying to put that something extra between us to really solidify the fact that we are over? Or could she just be trying to screw me?

What would you do? Oh yeah, and girls, have you ever done this for one of your ex's?
Jul 26, 2004
Seattle, WA
put it in her butt..

p.s. yea, my ex hooked me up with the last chick i dated. it was kinda cool. she knew me, and knew that me and the other chick would work together, and that we were looking for the same thing (aka, random hook-up, nothing serious)

go for it, if you think you might like the chick, who cares what the relationship might be with other people? as long as there isn't crazy drama, go for it?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
...what do you have to lose by going out on a date with this woman?

It doesn't really matter why your ex is trying to hook you up with her. If you've met her, and she seems okay, and you're attracted to her, then go out with her.

What would really suck is to meet this girl again in a year when she's in a happy relationship, and to have her end up being perfect for you when you can't do anything about it.


Sep 20, 2003
Clayton, NC
Yeah dude totally go out on at least one date with this chick. Do not even bother to tell your X about it. Better yet just listen to what she has to say about xxxx. That will give you intel on the new girl. Also when you are out with xxxx don't talk about your X. The less you say about one to the other the more the they will tell you what the other has to say, and the easier it will be to see what is going on. Who gives a damn about the power trip thing. At the end of the day you can bang her and her friend.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Hey, What happened to the Coffee Girl?
Not the same girl I take it.....

So what would it hurt to go out on a date with the XXX girl?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Hahahaha...that has never happened to me but I don't think it would present any particular problems. Some women(and gaggles of them) take a very matter-of-fact approach to dating once they've seen some mileage: Men are recruited, sampled, assessed, employed and then traded off to a non-divisional rival once the lifeforce has been mostly drained from them.


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
Men are recruited, sampled, assessed, employed and then traded off to a non-divisional rival once the lifeforce has been mostly drained from them.
Once again, a sig worthy statement from Mr. LL. I see this in my office everyday. It is filled with late 30's divorced singles.....

Go for it man.....


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
llkoolkeg said:
Men are recruited, sampled, assessed, employed and then traded off to a non-divisional rival once the lifeforce has been mostly drained from them.
LMFAO!!!! Where do you come up with these...I just laughed out loud in the school library! :D

I think you should go for it. I have hooked up a friend with one of the guys I had dated a couple of times and it was cool. If you don't question her motives then what have you got to loose?
Oh man, you guys kill me. I knew I was opening a REALLY big opporunity for some "interesting" replies.

jmvar, man you are so right! My ex was always telling me she was creating a "case file" on me. :rolleyes:

Brian, she did make the comment Friday night that the other girl had a really great body...hmm....and the ex has batted from the other side of the plate before :think: :evil:

Well, I have to say I agree with everyone that says I should go for it. From my view point, there really is nothing to loose. Nothing wrong with going out on a date with someone.

Oh yeah, DVNT, haven't run into the hotty barista since my post on that subject. Still keeping that option on the table though..