
Anyone ever used Henna Tattoos before?

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
I'm in Medic school right now and when I go do my internship at another Fire Department, as a joke, I want to get all my protocols and drug info tatted up on my upper arms and stomach (up side down so I can read it while bending over). I did some reading on henna and is seems like the way to go but they say that if you henna over a wound it gets down to the dermal layer of your skin and its permanent....That I don't want. Like I said I'm doing it just as a joke. I thought it would be funny as hell to be treating a patient and have my preceptors catch me sneaking a quick peak at my left arm where I plan to have my LA County Policies 806 and 808 tattooed on. Of course I won't tell them that its only a henna tat.

Anyone have any Bad experiences with Henna?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Never heard of it being permanent in an open wound. Though the wife tells me that there are two basic types of henna used... black, and red. Black in an open wound can be bad (as in get you sick bad), and the red is not bad.

Aside from that I know that henna is temporary, and it tends to look brown. Some girls in the SCA (the medieval group) use it.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
no, it doesn't hurt.

Like Ciaran said, stay away from the black henna.

I've had henna done on me, and I have hennad myself... haven't had a bad experience. The only thing that bugs me is that i have to sit still while the henna is absorbed (you have to let the paste sit on you until it dries out and falls off).

There are absolutely beautiful designs out there.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Doesn't it run and bleed a bit? Seems like it would be hard to get really crisp lines (i.e. text) to be legible. Or am I wrong?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
I had a henna tattooed up the side of my leg from my ankle to mid calf...it was the ****in coolest!! The only thing I hated...was the fact that i couldn't find anyone to keep it going. It fades in about 1-2 weeks...and unless you have someone to do the upkeep...bye bye tattoo.

Here's what i don't get about your question though...why would you put ANYTHING on an open wound? Did I miss something there? How about doing the tattoo AROUND the open wound...just a thought...

Post a photo if you get it done.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Permanent "henna"...

My wife ^^ had this done in a brown ink to simulate the appearance of henna. It came out pretty good, though there are stil a few more hours of touch up work to do. (It's a real tattoo)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
WOW..that is amazing!!! you have to PM me and tell me about the permanent henna...no needles right...and i can get it on my leg...holy cow...Gotta get that!!!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
BurlyShirley said:

What's the other side look like?
Frikkin awsome. Big nice boobage, and a pretty face. I love my wife!

The tattoo is just that. A real tattoo. It was done in a brown ink to SIMULATE henna. It still hurts like hell to get done. :D


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Henna's used at lots of desi weddings... most of the woment apply it to their hands & feet. They put it on, let it dry for a few hours (the longer it's on, the darker it will be & last) and then wash it off.

Go to any indian store & get what they use... that won't be permanent.

this is what it looks like before its washed off ...

& this is after it's been washed off... fades in about a week.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
Gotta LOVE Henna...but I must admit...i like how the real tattoo imitating the henna is pretty damn cool too. What's a girl to do? Perhaps I'll stick to my sunflower/lion design someone is drawing for me...i think THAT'S gonna hurt....lower back...with vines coming off either end of the flower/lion. ooowch