
Anyone have a 1.5 fork I can borrow for Wolf?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
My crappy manipoo Travis Intrinsic is screwed and Morewood is supposed to be sending me an 08 TPC travis but they have been so busy with Nationals and now Worlds so I haven't gotten it yet. I already have a hotel room for Wolf and I really wanna go, but I can't race with the fork the way it is.

Does anyone have a 1.5 fork I could borrow/rent for the weekend?
Feb 26, 2007
I was going to make a new topic about wolf and didnt know where to put it since Im new here, but since you guys are going maybe you can help ? I know theres no camping at the resort ( i think ), and I'm a broke college kid who doesnt have money for a hotel. Are there any places to camp for the night for cheap near the resort, or does anybody have a place for someone to stay, and wouldnt mind a stranger crashing on the floor , I'd glady pitch in some cash too ? I dont realy want to have to sleep in my truck in a Wal Mart parking lot again...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Check with G-Spot (Richmond crew), he has one for sale. Dartman knows him as well as I, so you can trust him....He's a fed cop for the treasury....FYI
Feb 26, 2007
Hey Mattmatt that would be great if I could bum a place to stay, I'll throw some cash your way, and I'm absolutley cool with takin the floor too ! I should be at the resort by 11:30 or so. I dont know how to private message so I guess Ill post it publicaly, you can reach me at 828-320-9322, just ask for Cameron.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
Well, good news and bad news. I took apart the travis today and fixed it. But now my buddies on the Clemson Cycling team are going to Snowshoe instead. If I can still get a hotel room I might still go.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
dude, you need to chain your cycling team to your car/truck and take them to wolf. we need the numbers to help w/ the possibility of a bike park there! dangit! that's an order! tell them that if they don't go to wolf, i'll have every highway patrolman looking out for vehicles with bikes to write them tickets! ;)