
Anyone have a micormanager for a boss??


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
ARGH! :mad:

My boss is such a friggin micromanager and worry wart, always assuming the worst case scenario.

Really pisses me off.

Do others have to deal with a micromanaging beotch of a boss? How do you deal/handle the situation?

:angry: :angry:


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
I bust my employee's a$$'s. I want to know when they are doing something and how they are doing it. If it wasn't for the :monkey: I would just sit down right next to them :p


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
I've been lucky so far and have had good bosses. My current boss not only doesn't micromanage, she has no idea what I am working on!
Yep, sounds like my boss. Half the time I have to remind him what projects I have and what I need from him.

Hey, wait a minute. I think I run this place!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
mine are the opposite.

they don't even know what I do. or how long it takes to do it.

I have never slacked so hard in all my life. they are both bullsh1ters.

the management around here is a joke. but they think they are great leaders. ahahahahaha.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by pnj
mine are the opposite.
i have that problem too. i complain since i don't have enough work to do and am sitting around bored, and then get told to be more "proactive. :confused:


Aug 21, 2003
Norcal :/
Where I work, we have a group called "Micro".
They make all the really small items, 99% of their work is done under a microscope.

Anyway, all the different groups have signs that hang above their work area to make it easier to figure out what is where.

So, of course, they take all the managers of Micro, put them all together, and they made them a sign.

It looks like this:

|Micro Management|

No BS. It was the best moment of my first day of work here and is still good for a laugh.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
I got one... thinks he's an exper on everything and is better at everyones job when in fact he knows jack chit about most everything but sales... sometimes he wants something done a certain way just so he can give an order, usually there's a better way.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Mines a pinhead. He has no idea WTF is going on. He is always concerned about cutting costs... Yet he cheaps out so bad we end up spending twice the money on everything. Just blows me away when I witness his lame attempts at being a manager. When I see him walking towards me with that ****ing daily planner in his hand. I want to hit him with it.

He had me take measurements today of a cart? I sent him the spec sheet instead. He paged me because he wanted the "actual" measurements. That meant stop what your doing. Go to maintenance borrow a tape measure (they hate that). Walk into the wharehouse 2 buildings away. Take the phucking measurements. Then walk to his office 2 buildings away and give him the same damn measurements I sent him 40 minutes before?? Then hear him say... Wow your right they are the same... I wanted to phucking choke the stupid phuck....

The kicker is that I already anticipated his needs and got the right cart for him a week before. All he had to is tell me what he was up to and it would have saved literally hours of his and my work. I make a teamsters wage and it gets charged back to the Gubment so he basically wasted your money too. Thanks for listening.....jdcamb


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
I have like 8 of them! Ok in reality our owners are crazy about MicroManaging, to the point where they monitor every invoice over about 100 bucks. There are about 3-4 people that have a stake in the company and each one makes new micro managing rules that they don't talk to the other people about. So we have conficting rules based on who is looking at the invoices at what time.
They spend money on the stangest stuff, they make everyone have paid time off except the sales staff...now don't get me wrong, I get paid pretty good, but isn't the sales staff the people that bring in the money, where as, shipping, recieving and all other aspects are makeing the sales go smooth?

It wouldn't be that bad if there was just one person micro managing, but it is just rediculous. I had one day when my boss was on PC anywhere on my computer "keeping an eye out"
I have never, ever had my work ethic questioned until I worked here. The only people that question it are the people that monitor everything on the computer... :angry:

Anyway if you have time, I can go on for hours! :p


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Do others have to deal with a micromanaging beotch of a boss? How do you deal/handle the situation?
Nope. I don't have a manager. Report straight to a director who does nothing but attend meetings all day. The only time I see her is in passing in the hallway, or if we are in the same meeting. :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
Nope, from my limited experience, my two bosses' do a fantastic job. Well, does anybody know what "baptism by fire" is? Yeah, that's kinda my job. I NEVER had anybody snoop in my office to make sure I'm working. The crappy thing is that virtually every single minute (well, rounded to the nearest 6 minutes) is accountable on the cpu. To the best of my knowledge, they look at that mainly to see that I'm getting better/quicker at what I do; well, that and to bill clients.

Do you consider a micromanager to be the result of an incompetant boss or just someone who just doesn't know better?


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Originally posted by reflux

Do you consider a micromanager to be the result of an incompetant boss or just someone who just doesn't know better?
We have several different types here. One is an incompetant boss, the others rely on Numbers more than customers. They come up with these grandios plans that you would see as a senerio in business school but wouldnt work in real life. then they put them in action. In a couple weeks they figure out that it wont work but forge ahead with some modifications..

The thing that annoys me the most is that they NEVER ask the sales staff about what needs to happen, and when we make suggestions they NEVER listen (well except for 1 guy that just is a "yes" man) So the main department that deals with the customers is ignored... that can't be good :rolleyes:


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Mine changes her mind :)

somedays she micromanages, takes over my projects to prove she can do them too...etc etc...

most of the time though, she leaves me a lone...primarily because she tried to do my job once for me while I was out...and uh...I had to have a chat with her about appropriate tones to take with customers ....at least she was cool about her employee lecturing her about how to answer "help" related questions. :D


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
I have a macromanager with no knowledge of time contraints or what day to day requires. A micromanager who knows what the hell is going on sure would be nice sometimes, at least then he might know what makes 8 hours of work instead of 12.

Nate at RIT

Oct 8, 2003
bending stuff in the ROC
Have one at the college cafeteria I work at. She's always looking over everyone's shoulder. Asked me multiple times if I could keep the flames down on the grill (cooking those cheap burgers), and other assorted stupid questions. One day she asked me that when I was having a bad day, told her "yeah, we could stop cooking, how's that?" and left.

Although, given the common sense of the students working there, I sort of see why. We had somone look themselves in the freezer. Door has a knob. Now, most people see a knob and think to themselves "There's 3 options: turn it, push it, pull it". This kid apparently didn't make that mental connection. Got locked in, sued the school and won.Now there's an emergency knob you push if you get locked in there, located less than a foot away from the door knob. Oh yeah, the door knob is also a 'push' knob. Seems to me if you can't figure out the main knob, you're screwed when it comes to the emergency knob.