
Anyone have a Mt Washington race report?


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
I DO I DO I DO!!!!!!

Ok, the Mt Wa low down.....

Well after battling Everett and Vancouver traffic we finally made it onto a boat. Once on the other side its about 1-1.5 hrs to the village. Its a quiet place, but really growing. The place we staied in WAS really nice. I bet there is some cleaning crew cursing us up left and right...

The first day was foggy and rainy. We got moving around noon and hit the new side of the place that has some great trails... Big brother is ala A-line, The wizard, and helter skelter were real natural and rough with some built up structures. The conditions were real sloppy and mucky. Fenders adn goggles were a must. Too bad no one had fenders so goggles were pretty much a waste. Cory(bibs) raced 4x and made it to the final round, but lost it with his front end sliding out in the muck then he got ran over manglng his derailler hanger. We got him in a gear that didnt skip for consolation round, but he couldnt keep up not being able to shift near the bottom where it flattened out with big speed sucking mud pits. While he was racing we all went and did a few practice runs on the DH course. WOW! What a trail. I dont know where to start the description......

Top was alpine-ish with rocky sections, big switchbacks. It quickly dropped into the trees and it was pretty steep in spots. Very rooty and rocky. Similar to 38's gnarly trails. The mud was a mess, but there was enough rock to catch on for breaking. There were really no jumps, and only 2 spots that most people had to climb... Short little sections.... More talented riders were making it through, but not knowing the trail very well you'd forget the section was there and be caught off guard. There really was only 2 short road sections and they were fast! They also cut in and out of the trees so you had to stay on your toes to be ready for the transition. The lift that serviced the race ran sorta slow because of foor passengers... the other chair however ran real fast. It was also a 6 person chair!!!!! We rode pretty good to about 6 or so. After watching the finals for 4x we decided to call it a day.

On race day the weather cleared up. The trail was still soupy in spots, but it was starting to dry out in other places. A funny thing happened while registering. If your not BC licensed to race you have to race the lowest cat for your age. Some expert/semi pros got stuck in beginner and sport. I managed to keep in expert since i pre registered online. They also run the cats backwards there with pro/elite last and beginners first. I didnt race till about 3:00 because of my class and by that time the sun had popped out and really made the course tacky. I think it helped alot in some areas. Fastest times were in the 5:11's (that was before Shams raced though). My time was 6:31.27. I had almost a clean run. the only time i bobbled bad was early and in a spot that was easy to get back on trail. In all i'd say the race was the most challenging thing ive done. Terrain wise it was brutal, the conditions were slippery as hell, and the lenght pretty long. Its a very well ran race too. Timing is all electronic, and there is a 5 second (beeps) window for the start...like the World Cup riders get....

The bad part of the trip was the distance, and the ferrys. We left Mt wa at 4:00 shooting for a 7:00 boat back..thats giving roughly 1.5 hrs window before the boat arrived...... Well we were delayed a bit... the time estimates kept getting worse. One person would say 8:00, then well 8, or 9... then... well the 9's not looking so good....but maybe..... We ended up on what was called the 11:00, but lookign at the clock once moving it was 11:50. Add 1.5 hrs for crossing then the standard 2.5 hrs back to seattle, then my 1+ hr drive back to oly... i got home at 6 am!!! Im only posting now because i had to check into work.... not im off to bed..... feel sorry for some of those who had to go to work or school! I would definatly do it again, but not returning home on a sunday.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
RhinofromWA said:
Well do ya? :)

Hope everyone had a blast....and came home in as many peices as the left in.

I believe I'm the only one to make it in to work by 8 this morning, but you might want to check with Snacks. We left Mt. Washington at 4pm and we got back into Everett at 4am

I'll make it short and sweet cause that's all I have energy for: it was the hardest thing i've ever done! i couldn't have picked a more challenging situation for my first race, but hanging with the SMR guys made it the best experience.

the caliber of the racers was INCREDIBLE. the course was INEXPLICABLE (to me at least, the most challenging riding i personally have done). I heard many people say it was the longest and most techincal course they've ridden for a race.

Here are a few results. I don't remember how trailhacker, or the little guy that was with us placed: considering the course and the competition, I though everyone did AWESOME.

oly kicked some a$$ in the expert class, coming in 11th

bibs took on the 4X and landed 1st and 2nd spots in the qualifying, but a fall in the final resulting in a busted deraileur took his lead away :(

there were lots guys from all over who didn't have an international racing license and had to register in the beginner class, so there was some stiff competition going on, but n-dog, the sandbagging king stole first place ;)

i personally got creamed in my class. my circus act run left me with my bike on the ground many times. there were only 3 women in my class (i couldn't even race beginner because there was no beginner category for women) and my time was ridiculous to land a podium spot. but for how challenging it was for me, I felt like I earned 3rd place purely with determination :)

no big injuries, but I am gimping around today because I fell and landed on the camera in my shorts pocket giving me a deep bruise in my quad muscle.

nobody got broken, but everything hurts


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Uhg, I'm still in a daze :( Everytime I blink my eyeballs feel like sandpaper.

I didn't race so I don't have a race report, but to add to the others. The condo was trashed by yesterday afternoon. We used the sauna to dry shoes and pads.

Nick, Damon, and Meagan both kicked ass. I can't believe that they sent eveyone down the same course.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
:D sounds like quite the adventure!

I can't say I am sorry I missed it ....I chilled out and relaxed on the beachand the camp fire at Deception Pass State Park.

That drive back sounds insane. :(

Glad noone got hurt bad.....that beg class must have been crazy with all them USA sandbaggers.....:D hahaha
that was the most fun I have ever had at a race, MTX was fun,the DH was good to, but I finished last in both classes due to mub(a ass load of it) and slippin and slidin..it was nasty..but so much damn fun! We got home at 5am....I had 2 cups (lrgs) of coffee and a red bull to get home!..I was so amped I could..oh wait I still almost fell alseep :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
bibs said:
I had 2 cups (lrgs) of coffee and a red bull to get home!..I was so amped I could..oh wait I still almost fell alseep :D
Ya, I woke up a few times to the sound of the truck hitting the stutter bumps on the side of the highway :eek: I don't know how Kevin drove the whole way home without falling asleep.

Ahh......one more hour left of work and it's off to bed :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
Here are a few pictures from the weekend. I didn't get too many since I really couldn't hike up the moutain with my ankle.

Oly and Meagan after practice


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
Glad to hear you all had such a good time! It was nice to put faces to the Snacks and Trailhacker names.

Hope to see you guys up here again soon. :)


Mar 8, 2003
Congrats Oly and BIbs, sounds like a great time :thumb:
Did they only move you to a lower class if you didnt pre-register? or did you have to have a Inter License?
Mocha said:
Hmm... maybe it's cuz you don't come up here to ride enough!

J/k...you know I love ya, Bibster. :)

so true! I felt fast in alot of sections but then I would eat **** and end 10 feet away from my bike, But Ill be back at that race next year! Sorry I didnt get to see you guys! The Isand is soo cool, people were so nice, and they ragged on us americans all weekend..it was funny!..made alot of new friends! and the 6 hour wait in the ferry line was a huge party...!! it was actually fun! even though I got home at 5am..... ;) :thumb:
AA_Freeze said:
Congrats Oly and BIbs, sounds like a great time :thumb:
Did they only move you to a lower class if you didnt pre-register? or did you have to have a Inter License?

Back from the dead! :D yea, if you didnt have a license, you started from the begginer class, but those guys were no begginers, fast bastards!! :thumb: I like the way there system is, you have to earn points to move up a bracket, like BMX!..should be that way here!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
bibs said:
the 6 hour wait in the ferry line was a huge party...!! it was actually fun! even though I got home at 5am..... ;) :thumb:
I will never be able to listen to Guns n Roses, Sweet Child O' Mine again ;)


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
I got a response from one of thosse photo people. I gave all our plate #'s. She said by this weeeknd they will all be downloaded. Ill share what i get back. Im sure she wants $$ for them??


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
oly said:
Universe sent me a coupld pics but they wernt us. The dude on an orange stock sticker DHR......
Damn! I really thought that was you. I have no idea who it was. We did take a lot of pics, but not of people we didn't know. Oh well, I guess standing in the slimy forest for 3 hours will blur your judgement a little bit. :blah:


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Mocha said:
Damn! I really thought that was you. I have no idea who it was. We did take a lot of pics, but not of people we didn't know. Oh well, I guess standing in the slimy forest for 3 hours will blur your judgement a little bit. :blah:
That mud was slimy. I think it was harder to walk that stuff then ride........