you should be able to get a short term loan through your school if the stafford won't come through in time. your fafsa should have been done at this time LAST year...
I think they take a little while to process, but I always did mine way ahead of time.
I still the remeber the tremendous feeling of writing a ginormous check (and killing the rest of my college savings) and telling the Stafford folks to bug off once and for all.
They take a little while to process, but if you go and see your school's bursar or the financial aid office, they can help get things expedited and may just put a hold on your bill until it comes through rather than having to get extra loans.
I've had larger loans from bike shops. I'll be okay.
Why are people so deadset on estudniente loans being evil? Stafford (federally backed) loans aren't huge (2600$ a year for an undergrad), and they have a fixed interest rate of MAXIMUM 8.25%...I really could not get through school and live on my own without one.
I've had larger loans from bike shops. I'll be okay.
Why are people so deadset on estudniente loans being evil? Stafford (federally backed) loans aren't huge (2600$ a year for an undergrad), and they have a fixed interest rate of MAXIMUM 8.25%...I really could not get through school and live on my own without one.
I never said it was evil. What is evil is what can happen if you don't pay it back. You would be surprised at how many people default on student loans.
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