
Anyone heard of a Kuwahara Matrix 2?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
bikegrrl said:
Supposedly it's a ".243 replica" but I'm a little suspicious. LOOKS like a .243. Sweet components, for the most part. But I'm wondering if the frame is garbage.
Wow...Kuwahara!! There's a name I haven't heard in a while!! I had a 20" Kuwahara BMX when I was in Jr. High (just about 20 years ago) that I used to ride 1/2 pipe on. Not sure about Mtn. bikes, but Kuwahara has always had a good reputaion around the BMX scene as solid bikes from a solid company. Hope this helps.


Jun 19, 2004
Food Fondlers' Convention
McGRP01 said:
Not sure about Mtn. bikes, but Kuwahara has always had a good reputaion around the BMX scene as solid bikes from a solid company.
i've been riding a haro escape bike for about 3 months. never heard of a haro mtb bike until i got it, but it rides excellent. so the same might be for kuwahara. worth a try, if you can try it out before you buy it.