
Anyone here collects their spare change?


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
I use a big metal keg to keep my spare change in...well I finally decided to crack that sucker open last month since it was overflowing and couldn't put any more $$ in it. Took me forever to sort the change and roll all that up. Heck I didn't even roll the pennies since I have way too much.

Last week and went to the bank to deposit all my rolls - I couldn't believe how much $$ I had in change I had collected over the past few years!!! :eek: euhhh...I mean :thumb: ;)


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
I empty my change jar about once every 3 - 4 months. typically it ranges from $40 - $60.

My Freind uses an old water cooler bottle. She fills that thing in about a year (bartender) and typically cashed out around $700...


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
I don't trust those Coinstar machines...reason why I decided to roll them myself. Might bring my pennies there to since i have way too much.

just in silver coins I had close to $670 :thumb:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Acadian said:
I use a big metal keg to keep my spare change in...well I finally decided to crack that sucker open last month since it was overflowing and couldn't put any more $$ in it. Took me forever to sort the change and roll all that up. Heck I didn't even roll the pennies since I have way too much.

Last week and went to the bank to deposit all my rolls - I couldn't believe how much $$ I had in change I had collected over the past few years!!! :eek: euhhh...I mean :thumb: ;)
So how much was it, ya tease?

EDIT: Nevermind. $670!? YIKES!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I used to put all spare change in the cup holder of my Tacoma. When it got too full to be able to put a can of soda on top of it, I'd cash it in. Usually got a full tank of gas every time I did that.

I should start doing it at home...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Jeez!! That's a lot of money! I've got a small one in my room, just a decent sized cup/bowl, and considering the only change i ever really get is from lunch money it doesn't accumulate too quickly but every few months I get a good 20-40 out of it. Guess I'll have to go find an empty keg or water cooler and start savin up.:)


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Acadian said:
I use a big metal keg to keep my spare change in...well I finally decided to crack that sucker open last month since it was overflowing and couldn't put any more $$ in it. Took me forever to sort the change and roll all that up. Heck I didn't even roll the pennies since I have way too much.

Last week and went to the bank to deposit all my rolls - I couldn't believe how much $$ I had in change I had collected over the past few years!!! :eek: euhhh...I mean :thumb: ;)
Dude. Take it to your bank. They *should* sort it and count it for free. It's alot faster - they have a big automatic sorting machine to do it.


dh girlie

Acadian said:
I don't trust those Coinstar machines...reason why I decided to roll them myself. Might bring my pennies there to since i have way too much.

just in silver coins I had close to $670 :thumb:
I figure to roll that much freakin change is not worth the few pennies they charge or might even short change you...I think of how precious my free time is...if they skim 5 cents off the dollar then it's well worth it to me to not sit there and handle filthy coins and stuff em in those roller thingys...how long did it take you to roll nearly 700 bucks in change???


Mar 4, 2004
New York
dh girlie said:
I throw all mine in a big vat thingy and I took it to one of those Coinstar things just to get rid of it and I had an extra 106 bucks for my Mexico trip! Not too shabby!
Here in NY we have Commerce bank - they have a counting machine that counts for free, and then they give you the cash.
Not only does the machine not take a cut - it gives you games to play while it counts - like if you guess how much change the machine counted that day you get a shirt or something silly.

Anyway, it bugs me to pay those Coinstar bastards....


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Acadian said:
I don't trust those Coinstar machines...reason why I decided to roll them myself. Might bring my pennies there to since i have way too much.

just in silver coins I had close to $670 :thumb:
You can buy a coin sorter for about $20. I saw one at some department store while holiday shopping.
They even ahve a slot for the coin wrapper.

I use Coin Star, and I trus it, but it does take $9 out of every $100 you pour in.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
SkaredShtles said:
Wow. I didn't realize there were this many people who still used *cash* :confused: :p
seriously. i generate change at about $1/month since i put everything possible on my school id (husky cash) or the credit card. there's a small cash back rebate on the card, and i feel sneaky since the card companies charge the merchant a fee yet most places don't have a cash discount...


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
dh girlie said:
I figure to roll that much freakin change is not worth the few pennies they charge or might even short change you...I think of how precious my free time is...if they skim 5 cents off the dollar then it's well worth it to me to not sit there and handle filthy coins and stuff em in those roller thingys...how long did it take you to roll nearly 700 bucks in change???
Is coinstar those green machines in supermarkets?

I didn't roll all of it at one time...just did it when I had free time. Didn't take that long actually.

SkaredShtles: Yeah...after going to the bank will all those rolls, they told me that I can get some bag, fill it up with my coins and they will sort it and deposit it for me. :thumb: I'll know next time. BUT I think they only take $500 in those.

Another thing...when I got to the bank me made me write my ACC# on each roll :dead: but the guy was nice enough to help me out ;)


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
we do. one time we got a bunch....$300 or so I think. we got more now but are too lazy to sort & count.
coinstar costs too much, i cant remember how much, but it was too much for me.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
They charge 9%?!?! That amounts to f*#&ng usury.............

If you knew what some things actually cost vs what they were sold for 9% seems good. I know of companies that sell machine repair parts at 900% over their cost.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Westy said:
If you knew what some things actually cost vs what they were sold for 9% seems good. I know of companies that sell machine repair parts at 900% over their cost.
Yeah - but this is counting *MONEY*

They're charging you for a service that the bank across the street will do for free.

It's just weird.



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
SkaredShtles said:
But why wouldn't you let someone do it for you for free? That's odd. Maybe it's just me? :confused:

Well for one thing, just because your bank does it doesn't mean every bank does it. And don't try to tell me that's a reason to switch banks because that would be ludicrous.

And yes, it's worth 80 bucks to me to be able to go to a place within 1 mile of my house, whenever I want (24 hours a day, 365 days a year), not wait in line, and not get hassled or otherwise annoyed by some teller who doesn't really feel like dealing with my 90 pounds of coins.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
14 grand! Can a coinstar handle 14 grand? i wouldnt count & roll 1.4 million pennies.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Echo said:
Well for one thing, just because your bank does it doesn't mean every bank does it. And don't try to tell me that's a reason to switch banks because that would be ludicrous.

And yes, it's worth 80 bucks to me to be able to go to a place within 1 mile of my house, whenever I want (24 hours a day, 365 days a year), not wait in line, and not get hassled or otherwise annoyed by some teller who doesn't really feel like dealing with my 90 pounds of coins.

And thus the proliferation of Coinstars, I guess.


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Echo said:
Well for one thing, just because your bank does it doesn't mean every bank does it. And don't try to tell me that's a reason to switch banks because that would be ludicrous.
Most banks charge a fee to count your loose coins. If a bank does not charge for that service, that bank is the exception, not the norm. One of my college jobs was working for a place that had some coin operated video games. I lugged coins to a lot of different banks looking for one that did that for free and none did, not even the one we had an account with.

I have my own machine that counts and rolls coins for free. I call it "MtnBikerChk."


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I Are Baboon said:
Most banks charge a fee to count your loose coins. If a bank does not charge for that service, that bank is the exception, not the norm. One of my college jobs was working for a place that had some coin operated video games. I lugged coins to a lot of different banks looking for one that did that for free and none did, not even the one we had an account with.

I have my own machine that counts and rolls coins for free. I call it "MtnBikerChk."
I guess I think it's weird. I guess it's not much different than charging for a debit card and such. Or the billion other little fees that banks charge for stuff. :mumble:


I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
SkaredShtles said:
I guess I think it's weird. I guess it's not much different than charging for a debit card and such. Or the billion other little fees that banks charge for stuff. :mumble:

Yeah, and if the bank is not charging you to count your change, they are hitting you with fees somewhere else. There is absolutely no escaping it, short of not using a bank for anything.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I throw all my change at kids waiting for the school bus when I drive to work. You wouldn't beleive the sound a $.50 peice makes when it hits a 10 year old upside the head.