

Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
<sigh> my absentee ballot is waiting to be mailed tomorrow.

Haven't picked yet because there is no 'none of the above' box


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I was undecided until recently, at which point I decided I am voting against incumbents and for the Libertarian party.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
i should probably check my mail for my absentee ballot. last year i got it the day after the massachusetts primary...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Both canidates suck. I think they are both going to do harm the country trying to make sure they bring about "change".

I really wish there was a none of the above option so my opinion could be counted. I am sick of this voting for the best of the worst.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 23, 2004
Both canidates suck. I think they are both going to do harm the country trying to make sure they bring about "change".

I really wish there was a none of the above option so my opinion could be counted. I am sick of this voting for the best of the worst.
so you think our country is perfect as is right now?


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Both canidates suck. I think they are both going to do harm the country trying to make sure they bring about "change".

I really wish there was a none of the above option so my opinion could be counted. I am sick of this voting for the best of the worst.
Well guess what....

One of the two will become president regardless of who you'd really like to see.

So tough shlt. Best of the worst is what you get. Don't let apathy make it the worst of the worst. :)


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
There is not much to discuss. What I have heard from the two candidates I do not like. The more I listen the less I want either one. I am seriously considering leaving the presidential part of my ballot blank and just voting on everything else. Like I said I wish there was a none of the above column so I could truly express my feelings in the election. For now since that is not an option I think a blank vote will do.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I was undecided, leaning toward Obama until the Palin pick. That sealed the Obama vote for me.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Nope. My mind was made up about 6 years ago by our current commander in chief. If McCain had come out with a moderate stance and a combination of liberal social positions and fiscally responsibility as his main talking points, I probably would be up in the air as I'm not thrilled with what the Dems are preaching. However, more tax cuts when we're borrowing to fund a war and in the midst of an economic bailout of epic proportions doesn't exactly strike me as fiscally responsible, and we've seen where the Republican party is on social issues.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Neither major party candidate endorses genocide or ethnic cleansing in America. WTF?

Now who do I pick??



Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I was undecided until recently, at which point I decided I am voting against incumbents and for the Libertarian party.
"“The bailout will set back the economy’s recovery. It tosses good money after bad. It also punishes companies that attempt to work through their problems without taxpayer largess. Now only a fool will take tough steps to clean up his firm’s balance sheet,"

Sounds pretty rational to me...

Fvck the two majors.


N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
you must really impress your english teacher w/ yr formidable essay skills.
My english skill suck, writing essays is not something I need in life and I am getting along fine with how my skills are. You can continue making fun of them but just know it has no effect on me other than lowering the amount of respect I have for you.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Great plan. Stick with it. Proficiency in English never helped anyone.
It has helped people but there are more things than being able to speak well. I always have had the problem of not being able to explain my ideas in words. Give me a chalk board or pencil and paper and I can show you my ideas. Brains are all wired differently, mine just happens to not like using words. At the sametime you can explain things to me all you want with perfect English and I might not be able to understand what you are saying.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
It has helped people but there are more things than being able to speak well. I always have had the problem of not being able to explain my ideas in words. Give me a chalk board or pencil and paper and I can show you my ideas. Brains are all wired differently, mine just happens to not like using words. At the sametime you can explain things to me all you want with perfect English and I might not be able to understand what you are saying.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
It has helped people but there are more things than being able to speak well. I always have had the problem of not being able to explain my ideas in words. Give me a chalk board or pencil and paper and I can show you my ideas. Brains are all wired differently, mine just happens to not like using words. At the sametime you can explain things to me all you want with perfect English and I might not be able to understand what you are saying.
Then do the rest of us a favor and put your genius ideas up on youtube.

Would it help if we drew you a ****ing picture?


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
It has helped people but there are more things than being able to speak well. I always have had the problem of not being able to explain my ideas in words. Give me a chalk board or pencil and paper and I can show you my ideas. Brains are all wired differently, mine just happens to not like using words. At the sametime you can explain things to me all you want with perfect English and I might not be able to understand what you are saying.
Let's try this a different way...

Describe your ideal candidate. Do not use generalities such as "puts country first" or "supports the troops/working families/circus freaks" or "understands me and my needs." Describe what their economic policies would be. Describe their positions on social issues. Describe how you would like them to approach foreign policy and interact with foreign governments. Share what social programs you think should or should not exist.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Let's try this a different way...

Describe your ideal candidate. Do not use generalities such as "puts country first" or "supports the troops/working families/circus freaks" or "understands me and my needs." Describe what their economic policies would be. Describe their positions on social issues. Describe how you would like them to approach foreign policy and interact with foreign governments. Share what social programs you think should or should not exist.
Use charts, graphs and hieroglyphs, as required.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Let's try this a different way...

Describe your ideal candidate. Do not use generalities such as "puts country first" or "supports the troops/working families/circus freaks" or "understands me and my needs." Describe what their economic policies would be. Describe their positions on social issues. Describe how you would like them to approach foreign policy and interact with foreign governments. Share what social programs you think should or should not exist.

Drink up, bitches!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2008
I can't believe people would vote for someone just because they are a hockey mom! SOCCER SUPERIORITY! GO TIGERS!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 20, 2006
The Ranch
Taxes are big but not just tax cuts to one class but all taxes. How are the candidates going to change all taxes like capital gains, buisness taxes, etc.

Health care, I am not sure insurance is the sole problem. Are doctors and hospitals charging more than what should be considered reasonable? If you are going to create this great health care system for everyone how are you going to fund it?

Iraq, we started the war it is our problem to take responsibility and finish it. A time line is just giving our opposition a date they have to survive to until they can do what ever they want. At the same time what is considered a victory in Iraq?

Economy, I am not sure where I sit on this one. If you watch CNN or any other major news network the world is going to end. Other sources(people who invest heavily in the stock market) are not so doom and gloom. This has been a good wake up call to people, saying if you do not have the money you can't buy it. Honestly I have not been effected yet, and my job is anything but a necessity for my employer. The economy goes up and down, how well you are prepared for the lows is up to you.

Immigration. Would somebody please look up the definition of the word illegal and make sure all of our Senators, Representatives and the President understand the meaning. If someone is here illegally there is no debate just send them back. There was a recent ICE raid on a factory and someone made this comment and I quote "They just came in here and rounded them up like criminals." As far as I am concerned an illegal immigrant is a criminal. I would love to see statistics right now showing if the illegal immigrants are or are not experiencing job shortages.

I think the government needs to do some serious housecleaning. The government needs to look at all the policies, committees, and so forth and see what is working what isn't and clean house. Before coming up with anything new lets make sure everything in existences is working efficiently.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
As far as I am concerned an illegal immigrant is a criminal.
I have met some people who are here illegally and they are about as far from what you would think of a "criminal" as one can get. Sweet, generous, hard working, honest, etc.

Not criminal, just desperate to work. Unfortunately, not born in a place where it's easy.

Some people do what they can in life, sometimes it's not legal.

At the same time I have met people of great privilege and luck and wealth who are born into it and the way they squander it should be criminal.

Two sides to every coin.