i was impressed with clinton as usual. he may like interns but man can that guy ever put on a speech. as for the reverend from columbia south carolina he sucked!that guy should not have even been up there! it was painful to listen to him!
I saw it, he was on the major news channels at... 8? 9? Can't remember. Not surprisingly, fox had O'Reilly on. How they can even pretend to be a news organization is beyond me...
Try the BBC. They said on their news yesterday that the full speech was available on their web-site. I had a quick look but couldn't find. Maybe you can if do a bit more searching.
Convention Recap-Day 2: Losers on Parade crushkerry.com | 7/28/04
Got to give the Dems credit. On the only night not televised by the networks, they let all the "crazy aunts" out of the attic (save one glaring exception) and into the family room. They were smart to get all the loons and losers out of the way when nobody (except us of course) were watching.
Pretty much everyone on the dais tonight was a loser: Kennedy in 1980; Daschle lost the Senate Majority in 2002; Gephart lost the House 4 straight times and the Dem Presidential primary twice; Moseley Braun lost IN ILLINOIS; Dean lost all but his home state in 2004 and Te-RAY-za lost her self respect and sanity a long time ago.
Still we are here to serve you our loyal readers, and thus we review night 2 of the Dem convention.
Teddy "I Drowned a Girl Once" Kennedy
Fittingly, this dried out old lush went first. Why fittingly? Because he could hit the bars hours before closing time. Had he gone on at 10:30 this whiskey-sponge would have had a nose more red than Rudolph.
His speech? Pathetic. We could choose other words like "hateful", "leftist" and "incoherent" (he said "City against Serb" twice before spitting out "suburb"). Obviously the "hate Bush" ban was thrown out, as the Swimmer compared the President to the monarch we overthrew in the 1700's. Hey fatso, does "taxation without representation" ring a bell. It should. Have another beer.
He also longs to be "respected" again in the world like we were after 9/11. Only problem is that it took 3,000 dead Americans to get the French and UN to like us. No thanks.
Grade for helping Kerry: D Helps with the bar crowd, but even his own family couldn't stay awake
Grade for helping Bush B Can't we get him to give the speech after Jimmy Carter at the RNC Convention?
The Three Stooges
Actually it was Gephart, Daschle and Moseley-Braun. They are the equivalent of a rock band announcing a drum solo in the middle of a concert: an excuse to go the bathroom and grab a beer.
Grade for helping Bush and Kerry: Incomplete. Nobody cares.
Howard Dean
The maniac cometh. You could just see the anger and the arrogance seething in being forced to praise a man he hates (no knock on Kerry, Dean hates pretty much everyone who isn't him). He thinks he's entitled to be the President, and that anyone who thinks differently is stupid. And he's still keeping up the lie "they're attacking our patriotism" line. No, not your patriotism, only your sanity.
His speech was simply brutal. He, like Teddy was slamming Bush. However, what was noticeable is that he wasn't praising Kerry. Rather, he was talking about people not being "ashamed" to call themselves Democrats again. The only implication is that Kerry's move to the center is phony. And he's right. After all, who else could he be referring to, but the middle of the road Democrat John Kerry is trying to make himself out to be?
But oddly the best part of this speech was the cut-aways camera shots from CSPAN. Hillary and Chelsea guzzling champagne, the Meathead cheering for a meathead, and Vanessa Kerry getting VERY, VERY close with an unknown female.
Grade for helping Kerry: D After hearing this why would the Dean supporters not decide to screw Kerry and write-in Dean's name? After all it's all about Howie. Then again most Deaniacs will miss voting in order to get stoned and bloviate in coffee bars on Election Day
Grade for helping Bush: C Even most Democrats can't stand this guy, so that's one thing everyone agrees on. He does, however, put an angry face on the Bush hatred actually felt by these libs in the hall rather than the phony happy faces they are trying to convey this week.
Barak Obama
Sadly, a star is born. This guy is gold. He's got the perfect American success story, he's intelligent, charismatic and well spoken. He's also a minority that doesn't scare white people like Jesse of Rev. Al. He even spoke the truth the need to stop demonizing education by some in the black community, saying: "we have to stop saying black kids with books are acting white"
Sure, he was spouting typical socialist crap about govt. being the answer, but like Clinton he sounded good doing it. Not bitter, not hateful, but hopeful. He also did a great job of using biblical references. If he keeps this up, you just got a preview of a future President. Not to say we'd vote for him, but we can see a lot of others doing so based on tonight.
Grade for helping Kerry: A+ They should let this guy give all the speeches and hide Kerry. Too bad for the GOP that it is Republican values that helped this kid make it here. If the Dems were smart they'd end the convention right now. No chance anybody else does better than this.
Grade for helping Bush: F I wouldn't want this kid on the other side of me. One of the very few Democrats who can make people feel good about their lives.
Ron Reagan
What a pedantic, obnoxious, ingrate. He denigrated people of faith and misled everyone about the nature and usefulness of embryonic stem cell research. We don't think this helped or hurt anyone, but Ron Reagan. He got his wish, which was to give the finger to his dad and family. Just found out tonight he supported Nader in 2000 and called the naval ship named after his dad a "weapon of mass destruction".
Annie Wexler
Yeah, she's only 12, and maybe it's a cheap shot, but this was the most obnoxious kid I've ever heard. She reminds me of a Spelling Bee Champion on crack. Somebody should give her a time out. Go back to camp kid. Your parents should be committed for letting you around this bunch.
Te-RAY-za Heinz Kerry
Ugh. Is this the Twilight Zone? What the hell was this dingbat broad trying to say? What was the theme? I don't know either.
The only thing I do know is that she's as nutty as Arianna. She's talking in tongues and drifting all over the joint. How much did she talk about her husband? Beats me. She's a tree hugging whacko who is incoherent. She did get digs in at Bush- "My husband earned his medals the old fashioned way" (and threw them away, or did he?) and mentions alternate fuels and the fiction of global warming. Like most elite foreigners she longs for the UN as the guiding force.
But we must mention one thing. She laments how women are looked down on because of their outspokenness and opinions (preemptive strike?) and how women need to be free to express their opinions. Then why isn't she voting for George Bush, who freed millions of Muslim women in Afghanistan and Iraq from fundamentalists and dictators?
Grade for helping Kerry: D Her kid may be the only one left voting for him based on what his mom said. I don't see how this babbling did anything to help John Boy. She did nothing to help her image either. The "Peace Corps" as America's best face abroad?
Grade for helping Bush: C Anyone trying likely switched the channel before she got to a point. She was worthless. Why was she a main speaker?*
The Three Stooges
Actually it was Gephart, Daschle and Moseley-Braun. They are the equivalent of a rock band announcing a drum solo in the middle of a concert: an excuse to go the bathroom and grab a beer.
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