
Anyone see that movie The Village?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I thought it was okay. I had the same problem with it that I did with Signs, though. He directs an excellent suspense movie, and then goes and spoils it with an ending like that: not that it wasn't a fine ending, just that it could have been a really excellent monster movie.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
I thought it was a very good flick......saw it in the theater and it was money well spent. Especially since I normally don't like m.knights movies....


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
I haven't seen it and probably won't. I hear it's pretty much the same deal as that Shamalamalama dude's other movies, which stopped being clever about 2 movies ago.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
binary visions said:
I thought it was okay. I had the same problem with it that I did with Signs, though. He directs an excellent suspense movie, and then goes and spoils it with an ending like that: not that it wasn't a fine ending, just that it could have been a really excellent monster movie.

Totally agree. I thought this movie was really well done, and I was all into it,
especially the scene with them at their front door. I was about to crap myself, but the problem is that I never got to finish. Don't get me wrong, the twist at the end was interesting and made for a good movie, but it was like false advertising.
The previews lead me to believe there would be crapping of the pants, and by God that is what I payed for. If I want a twist at the end, I'll go see
Shawshank Redemption, but I signed up to scream like a schoolgirl and got let down. Oh well, I still liked it, and the red headed chick was cool enough to make it worth it anyway.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Echo said:
I haven't seen it and probably won't. I hear it's pretty much the same deal as that Shamalamalama dude's other movies, which stopped being clever about 2 movies ago.
:stupid: I saw the preview and guessed the ending/plot of the movie... one of my freinds who saw it confirmed that I was right.

I'll save my $/time for another movie...


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
I saw it and was a little let down with the ending. I thought that he could have held the suspense through the last chase scene in the woods. Then revealed the twist at the VERY end. Instead you were left thinking WTF?

I liked Signs much better.

dh girlie

JSB said:
I thought it was some one here that said they related him to sex. He builds you up and build you up but dissapoints you right before the climax.

I don't think so...I liked 6th sense and signs...this one had me thinking, "this is okay, but nuthin to write home about"...then the ending took me by surprise...so I went from thinking it was okay to damn! that was a totally cool unexpected ending! 'Those' that we do not speak of kinda scared me.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
The twist demolished what could have been a scary movie. Sadly, I guessed the ending about 15 minutes into the movie...

dh girlie

xbluethunderx said:
The twist demolished what could have been a scary movie. Sadly, I guessed the ending about 15 minutes into the movie...
Oh puuulleeease!!! You guessed that the elders were lying and that they lived on an animal preserve in real time, but lived like they were in the 1800's? pffff!

on another note, I thought that those we do not speak of looked rather modern for the time frame of the movie...I was surprised they weren't driving red corvettes!

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
i loved that movie, i thought the same thing to, it was aiiiight, then the end made me go, OH, COOL!

but when i first saw the creature, i was like, oh.my.god, couldnt' m.knightshamalaymadingdong pitch in a LITTLE extra money to make the thing not look like a costume?

soooo....what's the lesson? don't try to speak in an old english accent cause you'll just sound stupid?

dh girlie

Megan Black said:
i loved that movie, i thought the same thing to, it was aiiiight, then the end made me go, OH, COOL!

but when i first saw the creature, i was like, oh.my.god, couldnt' m.knightshamalaymadingdong pitch in a LITTLE extra money to make the thing not look like a costume?

soooo....what's the lesson? don't try to speak in an old english accent cause you'll just sound stupid?
The lesson was ignorance is bliss...those peeps thought they were in the 1800's...and the elders kept them ignorant by instilling the fear of God in em with those creepy 'those we don't speak of' characters. Tellin em they were in the woods and they would get em if they went into the woods. It really started to dawn on me when they opened that locked box with all the newspaper clippings of the elders loved ones who had been murdered and you could hear the elders saying stuff like, my brother was shot and killed by a drug addict in the medical clinic who came in for a rib injury, etc.

Oh and they were SUPPOSED to be costumes...those we do not speak of...cuz the non elders in the village have never seen any bad horror movies with bad costumes or trick or treated in costumes...so they had nothing to compare it too...I think...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
I don't think that's the lesson dh girlie. I think the lesson is that utopias don't exist. The elders created the village to escape all the things they feared in society, yet in order to hold that "utopia" together and keep the deceived within the acceptable boundaries they had to create fear. For the elders it was a utopia but for those in the village that didn't know the truth it was just as scary as the world the elders ran away from......arguably even scarier.

dh girlie

zod said:
I don't think that's the lesson dh girlie. I think the lesson is that utopias don't exist. The elders created the village to escape all the things they feared in society, yet in order to hold that "utopia" together and keep the deceived within the acceptable boundaries they had to create fear. For the elders it was a utopia but for those in the village that didn't know the truth it was just as scary as the world the elders ran away from......arguably even scarier.

Well hell yes it was scarier...there are no 'those we don't speak of' hiding in the woods around here!


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
zod said:
I don't think that's the lesson dh girlie. I think the lesson is that utopias don't exist. The elders created the village to escape all the things they feared in society, yet in order to hold that "utopia" together and keep the deceived within the acceptable boundaries they had to create fear. For the elders it was a utopia but for those in the village that didn't know the truth it was just as scary as the world the elders ran away from......arguably even scarier.
Hmmm, one more step and we could take this to the political forum...

Color warning system - monsters put red on the doors as a sign


Turbo Monkey
Jul 17, 2003
G-County, NC
Slugman said:
Hmmm, one more step and we could take this to the political forum...

Color warning system - monsters put red on the doors as a sign

I think it's a radical view of the movie but I did consider that maybe the point of the movie was to question our own reality and whether or not our elders (government) are not creating a utopia for us to live in......


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
zod said:
I think it's a radical view of the movie but I did consider that maybe the point of the movie was to question our own reality and whether or not our elders (government) are not creating a utopia for us to live in......
Or that they try to make us feel like we live in a Utupiua and to keep us there and feeling that way they have to convince us that anywhere outside of our homeland is too dangerous...

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
zod said:

hella yum.

i only read the book, but i went over to a friend's house and someone was watching the movie and as we walked out i caught the scene where he was in room 101 w/ the rats and the face and the cage and i had to break out because it was scuuuuurrry!


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
dh girlie said:
Oh puuulleeease!!! You guessed that the elders were lying and that they lived on an animal preserve in real time, but lived like they were in the 1800's? pffff!
Yes, actually. The setting was eerily similar to a book I read in 4th grade called Running Out of Time

Perhaps shamallama was ripping off a children's novel? I dunno.