
Anyone see the pregnant lady try and jump off a bridge...


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
after taking cops on a car chase....she stopped on a bridge and actually went over the edge with a cop right behind her grabbing her at the last minute.

Caught on his patrol car tape. I watched in on the morning news....but couldn't find it on the web. Anyone able to find it or heard about it?

I think it was in Michigen or Wisconsin....can't remember.

I guess whe was Pregnant and just opened her car door and walked around the front very casually before stepping over the railing....:eek:

I think if she really wanted to jump she would have ran for it....lol

Not much to discuss but she did go over. :eek: unless there was some walk way or something...she was on her way down.