
Anyone use a slideboard for Mtn bike training?


Not long enough
I'm still pretty jacked from my wreck and surgeries 2 years ago.I just had knee surgery in October and another one a couple weeks ago.
The times I have ridden my bike I feel really horrible and stiff on it. I noticed that my hips have lost all stability and strength and can't find an exercise that I feel works them correctly.

I work out alot with weights , but they don't really give a dynamic workout.I tried crossfit before my wreck and it was extremely hard and it seemed to work the stabilizers alot, but im so jacked, i couldnt do half the moves now anyway, even if I wanted to--nevermind the safety of some of them.

I'm not really cleared for Mtn Biking yet, but I'll start pretty soon.Im just really worried about how stiff and unstable I am right now.Ive seen these boards and they look like a really good leg killing workout.They also look like it could get my hips and my knee back inline and loosen up.
I haven't seen any dh'rs talk about them so I didn't know if its worth a shot.

Pretty soon I'm gonna switch to posting on a geriatric rehab site anyway.
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Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
Any plyometric stuff. Just find a class at the local gym for it, or download some videos. As long as there aren't any weird exercises that cantilever the hell out of your back, they're pretty much all good in some way. The P90X stuff that I checked out briefly was very guilty of that.

Cliff Racer

Sep 21, 2012
You could perhaps get a light kettlebell, do some turkish get ups, swings, one arm rows, and overhead presses. Get moving, get some mobility and balance back in basic movement patterns. Buy a heavier one as you progress, making sure your progress evaluation is based on your weakest points. Dan John's "Intervention" and Kelly Starrett's "Becoming a supple leopard" really helped to get myself out of a hole. Gray Cook's two books as well.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
Sounds like you could try swimming. Might be the best thing for your situation. If you can't swim you can do other things in the water. Maybe just kicking....

Tossing weights around with all your issues might be the worse thing you can do...


Not long enough
Then wtf do you want us to recommend? Towel exercises??
I asked if anyone has used the SLIDEBOARD for Mtn Biking.

Why do do have to be such a d1ck ALL THE TIME, even when your trying to be helpful? Who does that?!

I didn't list all my injuries and my limitations because wasn't trying to be a whiney bitch, I was trying to find out if anyone has used the SLIDEBOARD FOR MTN BIKING!


Not long enough
Sounds like you could try swimming. Might be the best thing for your situation. If you can't swim you can do other things in the water. Maybe just kicking....

Tossing weights around with all your issues might be the worse thing you can do...
I don't "toss weights around" I lift them.
I've lifted for 20+years.If I stop, everything stops working and my back goes out.
I think weightlifting is mandatory for everyone.

Cant Climb

Turbo Monkey
May 9, 2004
I don't "toss weights around" I lift them.
I've lifted for 20+years.If I stop, everything stops working and my back goes out.
I think weightlifting is mandatory for everyone.
Weightlifting is not mandatory. There are many ways to strengthen your back. Walking on a treadmill is excellent for strengthening your lower back. You could also look into resistance bands, might be much better for someone as "crunked up" as yourself.

No swimming....?.....will stretch you out and work almost everything without bearing weight on your joints. You could also run in a pool.

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
Swimming will serve many purposes. It will get you all around stronger without any impact, and it will get the sand out of your vagina. You may have more of a sense of humor with your head under the water unable to hear anyone, and it will probably also keep you from whining (despite your best efforts).

In all seriousness though, swimming actually gets me into shape WAY faster than pedaling does. Kinda interesting.


Not long enough
It's not just my back.its everything. Believe me , I've had enough time away from them to see what it does to me .
I appreciate your suggestions but I'm not 95 yet.Im in much better shape than most people 20 years younger than me, I just have some movements that I physically am not able to do anymore from injuries.

so, have you used a slideboard or no?

Kanye West

220# bag of hacktastic
Aug 31, 2006
Do a Google image search for it. Then try to contain your laughter.

It starts out as a slideboard, then quickly deteriorates into more obscure forms of exercise, until total disaster occurs. See figure below.

It's a slippery slope. This will be SCARY in 6 months, guaranteed.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Why do do have to be such a d1ck ALL THE TIME, even when your trying to be helpful? Who does that?!
I do :D

People always think getting back into biking shape (and I mean coordination, muscle memory and a baseline of bike specific strength) is some secret of buying shlt and paying someone in weird shorts to tell them what to do.

1. Go ride a damn bike. As soon as humanly possible. If you're feeling weak it's because you're trying to use muscles that aren't there so guess what continuing to use them will do..... But get outside, ride slow, don't take chances and ride like you never do. Enjoy girls running in yoga pants, scaring raccoons and riding next to trees because life outside is good and bikes are awesome. It's also going to be 100+ degrees where you live so enjoy it while it's not.

2. Go swim. This is the only thing I can stand to do when riding is absolutely out of the question. It uses so many muscle groups simultaneously as well as pumping your heart.... But as soon as humanly possible, see #1.

3. Go build a fvcking trail. People who join crossfit and spend money on memberships to that crap when they could be doing something equally as strenuous and a hell of a lot more productive need to die. This is typically the self centered racing crowd that you're already a part of so bunk the fad yo?

See? Some good info but I really was a total dick about it. :D

And no I'm not going to answer your original question because that's the one activity that roller blades are actually better for (other than getting beat up in public).
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May 14, 2010
Tampere, Finland
Kidwoo, can I hire you to be my personal trainer! Oops, that's actually like paying somebody in weird shorts.
But I like your 'Three steps to be a fitter mountain biker' training program :D


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
Sit-ups. Once you get core strength you can better isolate your upper and lower leg muscles.

One fave I have is after some heavy leg press or very high rep w/ med. weight (500lbs), immediately cool off with either two kettle bell or 15-20lb free weight.

Stand over the balls of your feet, in line with your hips with the weights by each side, then raise both in a smooth forward arc until infront of your shoulders. But - as this is being done, rise up on your tip toes and hold for a sec - sec and a half.
Then lower the weights while you lower your tip toe stance. Great way to stay symmetrical with strength building.


May 27, 2009
I honestly like Kidwoos advice a lot on this. I have known many very high level riders in my life, and very few did any gym work, they all laugh at me for liking it more less, not to be a better rider per se I just like the gym

They got good, and have recovered from serious injuries by riding bikes! You want to be really good at something DO THAT ACTIVITY

That aside, I have not used a slide board, I see its merit though, I do have a balance board and I use to as stability work in between heavy working sets just to stay active, I enjoy it a lot and I do think it has helped me as a athlete and person with minor mobility issues.

Good luck, find things that are fun and you will continue to do them, then you will get better ;)