
anyone want a ride to anglefire?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 25, 2005
In the Northwest.
We are leaving for anglefire on thurday night at about 9pm. The plan is to drive through the night and arrive friday evening. this allows for p[ractice saturday/sunday and racing monday. as soon as awards are over, we will be heading home and arrive back on tuesday evening.

We will be leaving from Spokane, however, one of the guys going is in seattle and will give someone a lift if you need a ride to get to spokane and will be going back on tuesday night if you need to get home.

We have room for quite a few people if more than one person wants to go (we have a van) as it is now, if one person comes it will be about 100 dollars for gas per person, if 2 more people come it will be about 80 dollars per person etc....

We will most likely be camping with a possible night in a hotel depending on what people want to do.

this will be a fun trip if anyone wants to come!
