
Appalachian Trail: Other ways to enjoy VA's trails.


Feb 12, 2006
I posted this on another forum, but figured I'd share it here too....

10 years ago, at the age of 18 I attempted a thru hike of the AT with a good friend. My friend became extremely ill in northern VA and had to leave the trail. I continued on but ran into many road blocks, including a fairly major ankle issue that arose in the rocks of PA. By the time I hit Harrisburg, PA. my spirits were broken and my body tattered. I left the trail and went back home.

I often think back on how I wish I took a break for a week or so and tried to heal up to continue on, but honestly know I just wasn't mentally ready to finish out either. Today, I am definitely mentally prepared, but have a life that currently will not allow another attempt, atleast for the time being. Hopefully my 2nd chance will come sooner than later.

The trail and I are still good friends and see each other often these days. Typically only for a few days at a time, but quality time none the less.

Here are some pics of my wife and I out backpacking on the AT over the weekend, as well as some other pics hiking a section further north with a friend of mine just 5 days prior. We did a point to point that was about 21 miles this weekend and about the same the previous weekend. My wife and I are going to get another 9 days on the trail at the end of the month in which we will hit Mt. Rogers, VA. and head south into the Smokies, TN/NC.

While I completely respect and agree on the rule of no MTB's on the AT, I still can't help to drool over how sweet much of the trail would be to throw some rubber down on.



Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Wytheville Virginia
Great pics man. I had been planning a trip on the AT for july but then the wife went and got preggers on me! There's a section near Buena Vista called Wiggan's Springs where the AT comes up over Long Mountain on the way towards the Lynchburg Reservior. That section through there would be absolutely killer on a bike but the fines arent worth the risk. Anywho, thanks for the new background!


Jun 20, 2005
Morgantown, WV
Im going to be attempting a thru hike in not too long. Sorry to hear about your first attempt, making it to PA is no small feat though. You should give it another try another day


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Sweet. But you really ought to shake the dew off that lilly! Have fun in Mt. Rogers and points south. When you are drooling over the MTB terrain their just remember that most of the blue blaze trails in MRNRA are legal to ride. You can always come back with the bike someday if you see something you like.

Also as you are going south be sure to be kind to any north bound through hikers. An extra bag or two of mini snickers bars in your pack doled out at shelters and along the trail goes a long way towards repaying / paying forward trail karma.


Feb 12, 2006
Also as you are going south be sure to be kind to any north bound through hikers. An extra bag or two of mini snickers bars in your pack doled out at shelters and along the trail goes a long way towards repaying / paying forward trail karma.
One step ahead of ya! Picked up 4 bags at the grocery yesterday. Snickers is the universal candy bar of the trail it always seems. Although I will be rewarding the stragglers, most people should already be just slightly passed Mt. Rogers or much further by then. :)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
cool pics. good luck with your journey -- i'm envious for sure.


Feb 12, 2006
You're gonna love Mt. Rogers. It is a killer hike and worth every step.
Definitely, one of my favorites. My wife has never been there so I can't wait to take her. It is also the start of the rhodo and mtn. laurel bloom so we should have some incredible photo's to share when we get back.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Well, trail days in Damascus is this week. (17th - 20th) I'm sure there will be plenty of straggling northbounds still coming through for the next couple of weeks. Sometimes it hard for them to get there butts back in gear.

Cool story, one year I did a section hike in Mt Rogers on Mother's day. I met a kid going NB as I was leaving the trail and gave him a ride into town to call his Mom. Later that summer I did a section hike from Tye River to the James River in VA. It was our first day on the trail and we carried in loaves of bread and sandwich meat with us and set up a trail side lunch station. I ran into the same guy still hiking north and gave him a sandwich. Much later in the season, I went to Vermont to volunteer for trail maintence on the Long Trail. And I ran into the same guy again (this time with snickers bars)! Over 2000 miles of trail and I meet the same guy 3 times? What are the odds?