Jive, 5 JivesOr at least some series uh potential misdemeano''s in Colo'ado Sprin's. Mah' neighbo' wo'ks in Denva' fo' de FBI. I'm not real sho' man in whut capacity, we neva' real rap, he's fine reclusive. Lawn hardly eva' gets mowed, lots uh trash, crib ain't had paint in whuts clearly been at least some decade, 1 immobile wheels etc. Co' got d' beat! He also gots two teenage daughters, de oldest uh which be a walkin' Asian rollr stereotype, she's no mo'e dat 20 and totaled ha' second wheels about some mond ago. 'S coo', bro. Little upside a week ago some flat bed drops de wheels off, apparently dey bought da damn wreck back and da damn daughta' has been drivin' it eva' since. Car still gots grease pencil fum de cops/towin' company all upside de windows, no license plates, and dey've been parkin' it right in front uh my crib all week. Ya' know? Dis happened when de daughta' totaled da damn Dodge neon(), apparently dey duzn't wanna gots'ta look out deir window and see some wrecked pile uh a wheels so dey park it in front uh mine. ah' talked t'dem about dis last time and gots fine much told t'fvck off but dey eventually moved it anyway. Slap mah fro! Couple days ago ah' come crib and sho' man as de sun rises in de east, de new wreck be in front uh my crib. I'm already in an amazin'ly baaaad mood fum dealin' wid de parts/"customa' service" department at Colo'ado Sprin's BMW moto'cycle and when ah' saw de wheels in front uh de crib ah' went into full boil. ah' went upside to de neighbo's and whup' on de doo' and uh course no one be crib. Mah' mama, who saw me mosey on down crib be standin' on de front po'ch when ah' come back tells me "de keys is still in de car". ah' go and look, sho' man as sh*t dey are. In fact dey is tied around da damn steerin' column wid de steel cable da damn towin' company/cops used t'keep de keys wid de car. Ah be baaad... It be physically impossible fo' de neighbo's t'remove da damn keys fum de car. Ah be baaad... So's I hop in (de wheels is disgustin' inside, gots'ta have been 10000 cigarette butts) back de wheels up and park it in de neighbo's rollway. Slap mah fro! ah' den grabbed some pair uh wire cutters, clipped off de keys fum de column, and drew dem in de neighbo's trash. Lop some boogie. Course, not 10 minutes goes by, neighbo' and daughta' come crib and is on mah' po'ch ax'in' if ah' know nuthin about it. Man! ah' duzn't honky jibe a'cuz ah' am furious and some confrontashun follows where in ah' 'spress mah' displeasho' man in no uncertain terms wid de fact dat ah' have t'deal wid dem as neighbo's. Doodads dig fine heated, ah' say GTFO and slam de doo' on dem. WORD! Yesterday mo'nin' ah' get some phone call fum CSPD wants'in' t'discuss de "incident" wid said neighbo'. De cop on de rap rod tells me twice, dat dis ain't cuz' dey wuz contacted by de neighbo', dey wuz in fact contacted by mah' "neighbo's employa' and cuz' of who dey is and da damn nature uh our relashunship wid dem ah' wuz told by mah' Man t'contact ya'". ah' wuz incredulous. "You's mean cuz' he wo'ks fo' de FBI ya' gots'ta snatch time t'call me about dis even if he ain't contacted ya'?" Cop wuz surprised ah' knowed dis and ah' told him ah' dought it irrelevant. Man! Said ah' dun didn't cut a sh*t if de neighbo' wuz God himself, IMHO he be still some inconsiderate asshole. Cop proceeds t'tell mah' ah' committed at least dree misdemeano' offenses by movin' de car, which in all honesty ah' fine much knowed ah' wuz committin' at least one. Cop made me promise it wouldn't happen again and ah' danked him fo' his time. I guess whut digs me, besides de fact dat mah' neighbo' be an inconsiderate, trashy low life, be de fact dat it would seem dat da damn FBI gots nodin' betta' to do dan see t'it dat ah' get hassled by de joker ova' a dispute wid one uh deir employees? If de neighbo' had called da damn cops and dey had mosey on down ova' dat would gots been on doodad, hell ah' 'spected it and if it had happened I'd gots dealt wid it den. 'S coo', bro. But dis round about "I gots homeys in high places" doodad be fvckin' retarded. I'm considerin' firin' off an e-mail t'de field office o' DC and ax'in' if dis radical closeted intimidashun be typical o' duz it plum happen here? /rant