


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
I have the Apple Trifecta here (Macbook, Ipad2, Iphone 4) and I think the fanboys are fvcking ridiculous on both sides. I prefer mac, but it's just a tool. An overgrown toaster. It's funny to watch overexcitable persons get all frothy about it (looking at you sys, let it go)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
H8R is the lone ubuntu zealot on here.

his kool aid is weak....


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Linux yes.

But a typical pc 'zealot' is usually nothing more than a reaction to the annoying applefags. At least in my experience.
I think most PC users have nothing against apple products and OS's, just the dumba$$es who think anything apple makes is the greatest $hit around, and won't hear otherwise.

I still have no idea why the fvck you would stay up all night and stand in line to buy some new electronic product?

Not all that dis-similar to what you hear from some 29er riders........:rofl:


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Not all that dis-similar to what you hear from some 29er riders........:rofl:
I think the Cannondale demographic was the first to coincide with the Apple demographic. Like most people who know anything about bikes in regards to Cannondale...Apple is just another PC vendor - proprietary isn't necessarily better and its still just another over marketed brand.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Well, think about it from another perspective:

The desktop market is still 95% PC, and we had have Windows shoved down our throats, despite very obvious flaws which make all our of lives miserable.

While the Apple World is more focused on Iphones & Ipads now, I can appreciate how Apple loyalists can feel a certain defensiveness and now vindication.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
This is just as stupid as anything an Apple fanboy has ever said.
So if Apple doesn't make personal computers, what do they make - mainframes:rofl: You want to talk about stupid fans - marketing something as something else doesn't change reality.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
Linux yes.

But a typical pc 'zealot' is usually nothing more than a reaction to the annoying applefags. At least in my experience.
I view it as laughing at the ignorance of gullible people who are willing to spend twice as much for half as good of a product just because it has an Apple logo on it. My conversations usually go like this:

"Buy an Apple product, they're awesome!"
"Why? They cost twice as much."
"But they are better!!"
"Really, how?"
"I don't know, but they're awesome!"

Back when Apple had proprietary chip technology, an argument could be made that they ran certain media applications better than Windows. Now that they're running the exact same chipset/hardware as everything else on the market (and many PCs can run OSX just fine), it comes down to gullible people paying $1500 for a $1000 laptop and then bragging and trying to get you to fall for the same scheme to make themselves feel better.

It's like people with kids bragging about awesome they are, and how you should have them too!!! They forget that you actually worked with them for the kid's first 6 months, and got to listen to them complain in a bleary, sleep-deprived voice how the little poop-monster woke them up ever 2 hours the night before......


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Just when I thought you couldn't be stupider...you go and surprise me.
Dante broke it down for you. I'm sorry you are slow, but its not a hard concept. Its true they are primarily a consumer electronics company now, but their marketing does not make them in a segment by themselves.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Just when I thought you couldn't be stupider...you go and surprise me.
Okay.....apple is a very successful toy manufacturer.....right up there with tonka and the other greats. Kids of all ages swoop to the stores, I give them credit for that. In that same light, I have equal 'respect' for the producers of the saw movies. :D

I'll admit this: apple's native camera raw compatibility is about the only thing I've ever come accross (in the last 10 years at least) that would in any way be a nice addition. But even that's not that big of a deal.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
"Buy an Apple product, they're awesome!"
"Why? They cost twice as much."
"But they are better!!"
"Really, how?"
"I don't know, but they're awesome!"
Mine usually goes something like this

So let's do this project, I'm on a mac so I can handle media tasks

Here, check out this clip

My mac won't play that what is it?

A common largely circulated format

Do you have a quicktime one?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Dante broke it down for you. I'm sorry you are slow, but its not a hard concept. Its true they are primarily a consumer electronics company now, but their marketing does not make them in a segment by themselves.
No, they are just another PC vendor. Heard that from a retard about 5 minutes ago.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'll admit this: apple's native camera raw compatibility is about the only thing I've ever come accross (in the last 10 years at least) that would in any way be a nice addition. But even that's not that big of a deal.
I've never looked at photos through the native OS interface. That sounds about as delightful as pounding a roofing nail through my cock with a spoon.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
No, they are just another PC vendor. Heard that from a retard about 5 minutes ago.
All PC manufacturers and software developers have been trying to adapt to changes in the market/consumer demands as technological convergence (something they've been talking up for decades) has become a realization, but that does not negate the history and origins of these companies or the traditional Mac vs. PC banter which Apple actively promoted from 2006-2010.

Keep on enforcing the fanboy stereotype if you can't differentiate between marketing and reality...


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
To someone who is new to using a computer, there is a huge difference between a mac and a pc. Windows makes no goddamn sense and is ridiculously frustrating to use. OS-X has a more intuitive interface which makes it fun to learn how to use a computer.

Several years ago I was almost totally computer illiterate and couldn't type a letter in word to save my life. I got turned on to a mac, bought a mini, and three months later was taking web design classes.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
The only apple product I have ever come in physical contact with is the iPhone on my hands right now. As someone who has been computer literate for a long time, dos 3.1 ftw, I have been very anti Mac. But now that I have the iPhone I do see the attraction. Not enough to make me switch though.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
To someone who is new to using a computer, there is a huge difference between a mac and a pc. Windows makes no goddamn sense and is ridiculously frustrating to use. OS-X has a more intuitive interface which makes it fun to learn how to use a computer.

Several years ago I was almost totally computer illiterate and couldn't type a letter in word to save my life. I got turned on to a mac, bought a mini, and three months later was taking web design classes.
Oh, me too, I can tell a personal anecdote too!

To someone who is new to using a computer, there is no longer any significant difference between OSX and Windows.

In 2006 I setup a home user (60 years old) with a PPC Mac Mini. They were totally computer illiterate and annoyingly frustrating to teach anything. In fact, their own mother who is self-taught is more computer proficient than she is - that person is around 80 and uses a PC by herself but is actually motivated learn (for social reasons I assume - that is why most seniors like computers these days).

To this day the former mini user only uses a computer to check email, barely browse the web (they still don't get the concept of an address bar - URLs are typed into yahoo search - their home page - and then clicked on), and use facebook. I am one among many who has tried to teach her more without success - I've given up long ago.

They used this mini up until early 2011. At that time I swapped their computer to Windows 7 box - I kept their screen and mouse the same (they were not using the regular one button Apple mouse) and I installed Safari as the default browser. Around three months after I switched the computer they realized they were not using the Mac Mini after they could not figure out why the power button on the mini would not turn the computer on! I left the Mac mini on the desk but disconnected everything from it - that is what clued them in - they saw that :rofl: A power failure must have shut their computer off because they leave it on all the time. They never questioned anything until then and they personally told me they didn't realize it wasn't the same computer when I asked them which they liked better (yes I know for certain they were using the computer because their facebook has activity daily and I occasionally get emails):D

Good thing I was never asked on how to use their iPod Nano with iTunes (I actually never even knew they had one until shortly before they figured out their Mini wasn't actually their computer). iTunes - now there is truly crappy bloatware:rant: