
Apple's Boot Camp

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Now that was a smart move.

They just vastly expanded their potential customer base. Good for them.

Their hardware is still too expensive, though ;) :D


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Holy crap, now THAT came out of the blue. I guess seeing as a few guys figured out how to boot xp with out it, they may as well make it easy.

Have you tried it yet Toshi?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I will be installing Tiger on my P4 desktop this weekend. I look forward to running something other than XP on my game box.

I would not go through the trouble of installing XP on a Mac Laptop though. For what I do, I don't see the point.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
from a design standpoint I can certainly see the point, would be awesome to be able to proof sites in IE without having to boot up my PC or pester web design buddies to look at it on their machines if they are on PCs. For everyday stuff though, I'll stick with Mac os, thanks.

I wonder how it would handle things like gaming and such? This could be a HUGE boost for mac hardware sales...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
no, i haven't tried it yet. am waiting on both my dell 24" :D and a kosher xp disc from my microsoft buddies. but i will do it, just because i can...

i don't have the mbp anymore btw. returned two, got sick of the teething problems, so instead got another first revision machine, the core duo mac mini. this is because i'm smrt


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Transcend said:
from a design standpoint I can certainly see the point, would be awesome to be able to proof sites in IE without having to boot up my PC or pester web design buddies to look at it on their machines if they are on PCs. For everyday stuff though, I'll stick with Mac os, thanks.

I wonder how it would handle things like gaming and such? This could be a HUGE boost for mac hardware sales...
I can understand testing IE (but I wish IE would die). I dig the idea of the Intel based Mac because I love the Mac hardware and have gotten quite fond of OS-X. I think an X86 based Mac is one of the best things to come along in a while.

I can't wait to see how well Tiger runs on my Intel hardware, my desktop system is buff.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Toshi said:
no, i haven't tried it yet. am waiting on both my dell 24" :D and a kosher xp disc from my microsoft buddies. but i will do it, just because i can...

i don't have the mbp anymore btw. returned two, got sick of the teething problems, so instead got another first revision machine, the core duo mac mini. this is because i'm smrt
Whoa no kidding? What sort of issues were you having? Good job on getting another machine that may or may not have these issues! :rofl:

I am waiting on the g5 replacements and will get a desktop - mini just doesn't have the power I want to churn out photos in c1 and then work on 50mb tiffs in CS2.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Transcend said:
I wonder how it would handle things like gaming and such? This could be a HUGE boost for mac hardware sales...
a key difference between bootcamp and the earlier hacks is that the apple offering has drivers for everything. well at least for the video cards if not bluetooth keyboards. translation: gaming should be at full speed.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
jimmydean said:
I can understand testing IE (but I wish IE would die). I dig the idea of the Intel based Mac because I love the Mac hardware and have gotten quite fond of OS-X. I think an X86 based Mac is one of the best things to come along in a while.

I can't wait to see how well Tiger runs on my Intel hardware, my desktop system is buff.
You have no idea how much I wish IE would die. Unfortunately, ie 7 is even worse. Yeah for ignoring standards, guys! :rolleyes:


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
jimmydean said:
I will be installing Tiger on my P4 desktop this weekend. I look forward to running something other than XP on my game box.

I would not go through the trouble of installing XP on a Mac Laptop though. For what I do, I don't see the point.
Not to be a downer, but I don't think that is possible without some really heavy hacking. Tiger would require EFI instead of BOIS and you would have to trick it into thinking the P4 is a Mac... not easy to do.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Transcend said:
Whoa no kidding? What sort of issues were you having? Good job on getting another machine that may or may not have these issues! :rofl:

I am waiting on the g5 replacements and will get a desktop - mini just doesn't have the power I want to churn out photos in c1 and then work on 50mb tiffs in CS2.
mbp 1 had the display whine. mbp 2 had a freak color management issue, and by that time i'd lost all patience

speaking of losing patience w/ faulty machines i'm just a step away from stripping my wrx, selling it and the parts, and switching to either a mini non-s or a mazda3. both would remain stock for reliability and to stay legal for the H Stock autocross class


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
kinghami3 said:
Not to be a downer, but I don't think that is possible without some really heavy hacking. Tiger would require EFI instead of BOIS and you would have to trick it into thinking the P4 is a Mac... not easy to do.
plenty of people have done it. the only catch is that sw update doesn't work and you're thus stuck w/ 10.4.1 iirc


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
kinghami3 said:
Not to be a downer, but I don't think that is possible without some really heavy hacking. Tiger would require EFI instead of BOIS and you would have to trick it into thinking the P4 is a Mac... not easy to do.
It has been done.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Toshi said:
plenty of people have done it. the only catch is that sw update doesn't work and you're thus stuck w/ 10.4.1 iirc
You're right, but I just wanted to make sure jimmydean didn't go into it thinking it would miraculously work, but I don't know if jimmydean has mad hacking skillz or not.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
kinghami3 said:
You're right, but I just wanted to make sure jimmydean didn't go into it thinking it would miraculously work, but I don't know if jimmydean has mad hacking skillz or not.
I worked for a year in a Linux Complience lab at Intel as a Quality Assurance Engineer. I'm well aware of what's involved in getting OSX installed on an X86 platform. But thanks for the vote of confidence ;)


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
jimmydean said:
I worked for a year in a Linux Complience lab at Intel as a Quality Assurance Engineer. I'm well aware of what's involved in getting OSX installed on an X86 platform. But thanks for the vote of confidence ;)

I think that qualifies as mad hacking skills.
Apr 4, 2006
Apple is an awesome company, but I could never buy anything they make, I just think Steve Jobs is too pushy to his employees.
Apr 4, 2006
I actually have a lot of respect for Steve Wazniak and Jobs, they created most of the software Microsoft got started on, wait let me refrase that, all the software Miscrsoft got started on.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
jimmydean said:
I worked for a year in a Linux Complience lab at Intel as a Quality Assurance Engineer. I'm well aware of what's involved in getting OSX installed on an X86 platform. But thanks for the vote of confidence ;)
Hey, I just wasn't sure if you were a Quality Assurance Engineer who worked in a Linux Complience lab at Intel, or the lady who bought a 30" Cinema Display thinking it was an iMac CoreDuo. I'm glad you're the former.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
kinghami3 said:
Not to be a downer, but I don't think that is possible without some really heavy hacking. Tiger would require EFI instead of BOIS and you would have to trick it into thinking the P4 is a Mac... not easy to do.
I've got one under my desk. Software update worked for a little while too. Then it stopped. Props to Apple for taking the teeth out of the need to steal OS X...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
please, people, do not sully the reputation of mac users with your spelling errors:

"wOzniak", aka the woz

on the other hand testers have little reputation to uphold so go ahead, jd :D


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Toshi said:
please, people, do not sully the reputation of mac users with your spelling errors:

"wOzniak", aka the woz

on the other hand testers have little reputation to uphold so go ahead, jd :D
Ouch, thanks. Just to be clear, I don't consider myself a mac user, I'm a Linux geek that uses a mac. :D

<edit> Also, I quit being a "tester" about 8 years ago, I've been a QA Engineer for 10 years now.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
hehe, defend thyself! i just like heckling qa/test types since a few of my friends do that for ms these days (along w/ codemonkeys and pms), and back when i was an intern at palm my good middle school friend whom i hadn't seen since then turned out to be a test intern for the product i was coding


Mar 11, 2006
I just wish that I could run XP on my Powermac G5 so I could run solidworks and the like. As of now, Im afraid I will be stuck having to get a dedicated engineering pc for home use.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
HaveFaith said:
I just wish that I could run XP on my Powermac G5 so I could run solidworks and the like. As of now, Im afraid I will be stuck having to get a dedicated engineering pc for home use.
Have faith, this summer will bring new Apple desktops. :)


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Toshi said:
hehe, defend thyself! i just like heckling qa/test types since a few of my friends do that for ms these days (along w/ codemonkeys and pms), and back when i was an intern at palm my good middle school friend whom i hadn't seen since then turned out to be a test intern for the product i was coding
It's a fun job. But when it gets to the point of writing code to break others code, it goes a lot further than "testing". :D

I break sh!t on a whole new level now a days! :thumb:


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
engadget update:

While some early message-board reviews of Apple's new Boot Camp software -- which was announced earlier today -- seem to show that there are at least some hazards to running Windows on a Mac (see the pic at right, which is apparently one of the first Boot Camp-assisted Mac BSODs), The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg has given the new boot manager a thumbs up. According to Mossberg (who was able to sneak a copy out of Cupertino a few days ago), after installing Boot Camp and Windows on an Intel iMac, Windows ran "blazingly fast," and all of the apps he tested ran "flawlessly." Mossberg put the install time -- including both installing Boot Camp itself and running the usual Windows installer -- at 57 minutes, 40 of which were claimed by the Windows setup program. Despite being generally pleased, Mossberg did find a few glitches, including having to reset the clock every time Windows is booted (apparently the system clock used by the iMac isn't recognized by Windows) and not being able to use Apple's iSight camera. All in all, however, Mossberg summed things up with what may soon become Apple's new tagline: "Whether you want to run Mac or Windows programs, an Apple computer may be the only computer you'll need."


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Barbaton said:
Have faith, this summer will bring new Apple desktops. :)
Any idea when this summer? Like 2 months from now 5 months, 6 years? I'm about to upgrade to a G5 but if the intel chip is comming I'll wait a little longer, from what I've heard the intel chip is blindingly fast. Also anyone know when an intel Mac native version of Photoshop is due? As for the windows thing, I don't really care.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
maxyedor said:
Any idea when this summer? Like 2 months from now 5 months, 6 years? I'm about to upgrade to a G5 but if the intel chip is comming I'll wait a little longer, from what I've heard the intel chip is blindingly fast. Also anyone know when an intel Mac native version of Photoshop is due? As for the windows thing, I don't really care.
Most likely this summer. Dual DualCore :drool:


Mar 19, 2006
Boca Raton, FL
I want to congratulate Mac for either:

1) Completely screwing themselves out of the market by slowly helping to kill OS X
2) Or by staying exactly where they are now, at 5% of computer market share and not growing at all

Mac has basically turned into a PC maker that also makes portable sound (read: MP3) systems. Mac’s now use Intel chips and use Windows…so other than a slightly more stylish exterior and a 1-button mouse, what makes Mac different than a Dell?



My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
imageWIS said:
I want to congratulate Mac for either:

1) Completely screwing themselves out of the market by slowly helping to kill OS X
2) Or by staying exactly where they are now, at 5% of computer market share and not growing at all

Mac has basically turned into a PC maker that also makes portable sound (read: MP3) systems. Mac&#8217;s now use Intel chips and use Windows&#8230;so other than a slightly more stylish exterior and a 1-button mouse, what makes Mac different than a Dell?

Way to be another troll!

People who don't use macs just won't ever get it. I have come to this conclusion. Yes, os x is dying off...sure.

I love how people who have clue what they are talking about, explain how a processor change makes it a wintel box now. It was motorolla, then went to IBM...didn't become a wintel box then. Now they move to intel and it's all of a sudden no different from a PC?

Guess what, LG has a fridge with an intel processor in it. I guess it's a lousy fridge now too. Way to go LG, killing off the fridge market by selling PCs...

My 4.5lb powerbook has as much power as some of the 11lb dells, with a nicer lcd to boot. My system is much more pleasant to use, and much more user friendly for most things. I can leverage pretty much any linux application if I want, as well.

Also, one button mice have been dead since the 90s.

That's a good place to start. :rolleyes:

I have 6 computers in my office. I run linux, macos and windows in different flavours on a daily basis. For daily use, i pick my powerbook every single time.