
application for employment


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003

just in case you ever got uppity by exercising your constitutional rights, Big Brother from Another Mother wants to know about it:
"Please list and, if readily available, provide a copy of each book, article, column or publication (including but not limited to any posts or comments on blogs or other websites) you have authored, individually or with others. Please list all aliases or "handles" you have used to communicate on the Internet" (page 2, question 10).

"Have you ever had any association with any person, group or business venture that could be used--even unfairly--to impugn or attack your character and qualifications for government service?" (page 7, question 61).

"Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun?" (page 7, question 59).
of course, most of us needn't apply once reading this question:
"If you have ever sent an electronic communication, including but not limited to an email, text message or instant message, that could suggest a conflict of interest or be a possible source of embarrassment to you, your family, or the President-Elect if it were made public, please describe.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 28, 2007
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