read the paper today and it mentioned a Newsweek poll, which found that 42% of americans believe that there was a direct link between saddam hussein and the 9/11 attacks.
I know several people who are well informed, well educated and usually reasonable individuals. They tell me that they just have a feeling and know their must be a connection, WTF?narlus said:read the paper today and it mentioned a Newsweek poll, which found that 42% of americans believe that there was a direct link between saddam hussein and the 9/11 attacks.
Yep, most Iraqis and the Hijackers shared a darker than your average soccer mom skin color. Kill them all.N8 said:That's cuz there is a direct link.
I'm glad to see your changingN8 said:That's cuz there is no direct link.
Unless... you happen to believe in the Easter Bunny and Sammy Claws.
Its all a misunderstanding anyways so who f'n caresLordOpie said:the answer is always 42.
*cue spooky music*
nate, can you actually say that w/ a straight face?N8 said:That's cuz there is a direct link.
Didn't he lead us to safety in Battlestar Galactica?Echo said:You mean Sodama...
Prove it... I dare you.N8 said:That's cuz there is a direct link.
Unless... you happen to believe in the Easter Bunny and Sammy Claws and N8.
Be more realistic, dare him to do something within his capabilites. See if you can get N8 to search, cut and paste some crap from a right wing website.Ciaran said:Prove it... I dare you.
BurlySurly said:more than 80 or 90% of Americans also believe in an "unprovable" god. Proof has little to do with belief in the world. When you hippies gunna get it?
Hasn't the Bush administration itself denied ever making a direct link between 9/11 and Hussein? It only established that Al-Queada members had met with members of Hussein's government.N8 said:That's cuz there is a direct link.
Unless... you happen to believe in the Easter Bunny and Sammy Claws.
I think that people in general are really that ignorant. We certainly do not have the market cornered on that trait and I assure you that 42% of Britons could be polled who believe that Jack the Ripper was a member of the royal family. Everybody loves a good Oliver Stone/Michael Moore-style conspiracy.narlus said:read the paper today and it mentioned a Newsweek poll, which found that 42% of americans believe that there was a direct link between saddam hussein and the 9/11 attacks.
No, because WE were the ones whose towers got knocked down and whose civilians got buried in the mess. It doesn't make us more ignorant; just more primed for a fight. We had more reason to kick a little azz than you guys did over those puny little useless rocks known as the Falklands.narlus said:my point is, though, can you think of any other nation on this planet where that poll would have similar numbers?
brainwashing via the media does work, i suppose.
So if the media is brainwashing everyone, how do you know about what is happening "over there"? Who is it that has led you to believe that the EU has done more 'brainwashing' than the the US?llkoolkeg said:Brainwashing via the media does work, but we are no more susceptible to it than you. Europe is just more homogenized into popular liberal thought. At least we still have debate here. Over there, most everyone seems to have received the same EU script as to what REALLY happened so who now is really the more brainwashed?
narlus said:hey ll, i got news for you. i'm an american, living (again) in america.
Me and my damn idealism again. It's my own fault for thinking that people can think for themselves and make intelligent decisions. I should already know that people are sheep and always do what's best for themselves without regard for their fellow human being. Damn my naivete!Westy said:Be more realistic, dare him to do something within his capabilites. See if you can get N8 to search, cut and paste some crap from a right wing website.
let me guess, yr one of those "my country, right or wrong" dip****s, huh?N8 said:You should have put a face on your post. It would be in keeping with your stance.
I know, but you have been corrupted by too much exposure to the Guardian. You will now have to reapply for citizenship or else just hang out in the airport terminal like Tom least until Nov. 3.narlus said:hey ll, i got news for you. i'm an american, living (again) in america.
MikeD said:Hasn't the Bush administration itself denied ever making a direct link between 9/11 and Hussein? It only established that Al-Queada members had met with members of Hussein's government.
Do you know something the President doesn't? (this is a real question, not a glib attempt to start a fight...)
Yes, that is correct.narlus said:let me guess, yr one of those "my country, right or wrong" dip****s, huh?
Unsubstantiated beliefs or unproven theories should not set national agendas whether as a means for dictating policies or inspiring public support of them.BurlySurly said:more than 80 or 90% of Americans also believe in an "unprovable" god. Proof has little to do with belief in the world. When you hippies gunna get it?
they were all out of copies of _grit_. and the manchester union-leader too.llkoolkeg said:I know, but you have been corrupted by too much exposure to the Guardian. You will now have to reapply for citizenship or else just hang out in the airport terminal like Tom least until Nov. 3.
Actually, I visit Europe whenever I get sick of things here. I've been more times than I can count but always end up coming home to good ol' U S of A no matter how much fun I've had with the local lasses and grasses. I have a nasty habit of hanging out in quaint pubs until very late and getting into debates with whoever is across the foosball table, so I have had more than ample opportunity to gather data first hand.Slugman said:So if the media is brainwashing everyone, how do you know about what is happening "over there"? Who is it that has led you to believe that the EU has done more 'brainwashing' than the the US?
Kind of hard to prove your point if your source is the same media that you claim is brainwashing us...
Look how many Bush supporters there are.narlus said:are americans really that ignorant?
Funny, because GW doesn't...N8 said:I believe in Sammy Claws...