So I got a new phone the other day and activated the internet service since it is free for a couple of months. I decided to check out ringtones and wallpaper through Sprint, I figured there might be some free stuff out there. I was just going to buy a data cable and do it myself, but figured I would save the $20.
Each and every download they had available was like $2 or 2.50 + tax and just to add insut to injury, they delete themselves after 90 days! Not only that but I did a search for "free" and even the "free" ones, were still like $2...
It is funny how you pay a premium for a service, but they still nickel and dime you for every thing they can.
Each and every download they had available was like $2 or 2.50 + tax and just to add insut to injury, they delete themselves after 90 days! Not only that but I did a search for "free" and even the "free" ones, were still like $2...
It is funny how you pay a premium for a service, but they still nickel and dime you for every thing they can.