
Are platform clipless pedals just hype?


Mar 30, 2003
I have a set of Shimano 545's. If I un-clip in rough terain my foot is sure to slip right off the raised SPD pedal mechanism. Can I expect to ride un-clipped in Time Z's or Egg Beater Mallets or ? Seems like the platform is a good resting place for your foot or band-aid for weaker soled shoes? Thanx


Jun 1, 2003
the platform is nice if you become unclipped and you need to keep your foot on the pedal....but dont expect to be riding these pedals without your spd shoes and being able to stay on them without slipping off


Feb 7, 2003
Sheffield, England
I like larger platforms (636s) on the DH bike, as if you don't get clipped in immediately then you can still get a pedal stroke or two in, rather than fumbling to get in. Used to have some 545s on my XC bike, and they didn't seem that grat - the platform felt too small and too low, all they seem to do was get caught on rocks and undergrowth.

Never tried the time or eggbeaters, but 2 friends use the Z-controls and find them better than smaller times or 545s


Oct 17, 2001
williamsburg, va
I wouldn't waste my time with the 545s, they have basically NO grip on the platform (no pins, no teeth, no nothing). Ditto with the next one down, 434 I think it is?

A pair of 646s would be more grippy, they have sharp teeth on 'em that should help you not slip off.

None of 'em are as grippy when unclipped as a platform pedal. That's why they're SPDs.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 5, 2001
North Van
Personally I can't stand platforms. I tried for a couple weeks but they don't work for the technical ups and flats at all. And I hate being unclipped if its the least bit rough. I seem to be able to stand on my 959's just fine unclipped for the odd time I can't quite make it in.

But I can see the advantages of flats for the more extreme stuff guys do. It is a better landing platform, you don't worry about being stuck in when your on a skinny and need to bail. You can throw a foot out right now when you need to and get back on just as fast. You can't pull up on a flat nor are they as secure as clipped in. The 646 and the like seem like a good combo for a lot of riders as they combine the best of both worlds.
I have been riding with 545s and 646s for years.

I actually prefer the 545s, although I'm using 646s now because they have been on sale. I find it easier to clip in under uncertain circumstances and I can go down to the local store without putting on special shoes.

They also mean I can wear winter boots through Vermont's December to March hard biking season when any type of clipless will just freeze up if you try to ride with cleats.



Mar 30, 2003
Well my 545's don't cut it and I don't see any big difference w/ the 646. Both pedals have the SPD raised above the platform so your shoe/ cleat is sliding all over. The 646 does have some teeth to bite the shoe but I found I had to do more sole grinding to fit my shoes. I am leaning towards a Time Z. Two narrow springs above the platform and the cleat is clearanced for the springs. The Ebb Beater Mallet looks interesting but the rotating clipless mechanisim may roll your foot off the pedal?


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by keen
Well my 545's don't cut it and I don't see any big difference w/ the 646. Both pedals have the SPD raised above the platform so your shoe/ cleat is sliding all over. The 646 does have some teeth to bite the shoe but I found I had to do more sole grinding to fit my shoes. I am leaning towards a Time Z. Two narrow springs above the platform and the cleat is clearanced for the springs. The Ebb Beater Mallet looks interesting but the rotating clipless mechanisim may roll your foot off the pedal?
I run the Z pedals. Times mechs are much nicer IMO than shimano. The idea of platform clipless is a little of both worlds, not BOTH worlds entirely. Your grip with the Z pedals will be better than the 545s, but much like the 646s when unclipped. Unless you've ridden the EBs and liked them, I'd go with the Times. For the tech east coast riding, the extra platform is great for when you can't clip in right away. Just don't expect them to be what they aren't.


Mar 30, 2003
Not intending to ride in sneakers or ride all day long un-clipped. I'd like to unclip in the technical singletracks and feel some what confident that I can ride on the platform un-clipped.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Originally posted by keen
Not intending to ride in sneakers or ride all day long un-clipped. I'd like to unclip in the technical singletracks and feel some what confident that I can ride on the platform un-clipped.
so get the Zs unless you've ridden and liked the EBs.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Originally posted by keen
Not intending to ride in sneakers or ride all day long un-clipped. I'd like to unclip in the technical singletracks and feel some what confident that I can ride on the platform un-clipped.
They are both very good pedals. I have ridden both and think the Mallet C's are slightly better. You can see them here compared.


Mar 30, 2003
Syadasti- What did you like more about the Mallets? I was kind of sold on the Times, as I thought the non- rotating mechanism would give a stable platform un-clipped.


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
Originally posted by keen
Syadasti- What did you like more about the Mallets? I was kind of sold on the Times, as I thought the non- rotating mechanism would give a stable platform un-clipped.
You can read my writeup here:


The Mallet C's are the most stable feeling clipless platform I've ridden unclipped. The rotating of the mechanism has no noticeable effect on riding with them unclipped and makes clipping in easier.


Jan 18, 2002
Denver, CO
I'd like to read your review or a comparison with the other pedals. Sadly though, your link only takes me to a log-in page for a website that I do not belong to.


Mar 30, 2003
mr_dove. I too came to the web page log in. I registered and was able to read the review. Coudn't pass up a Pricepoint Time Z shoe deal so I went that route.


Aug 9, 2002
Olympia, WA
I prefer either one or the other, the platform clipless I've had have never worked as well for either purpose for me... the platform would cake up with mud/rocks/ice and make the cleats impossible to use. The platforms on them weren't as useful as platforms (except in emergency) either.

Personally, I'd go with one or the other - egg beaters if you like to pedal (I thought those things were just there to keep your feet off the ground, i didn't know people actually moved their bikes with them), or a good set of platforms if that's what you do.