
Are scooters (eg. Vespa) a good idea?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
narlus said:
probably, esp the older ones. they always seem to be trailing blue plumes of smoke.
Yeah, older two strokes can burn too much oil. They probably just need a tune. Actually these days a lot of the more modern ones are 4 stroke engines now. These are quieter, and supposedly more reliable (?) but 2 strokes are more fun IMO. More bang for the buck. All the really fast ones are 2 stroke.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
I used to like the older model of the italjets. they had the front suspension under your feet...and came in a 180cc top of the line model but looked just the same as the 50cc...wicked


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Ridemonkey said:
North America needs fewer nervous mothers. In most of europe and asia everyone is on scooter, including kids, and you hardly hear about some pandemic of scooter fatalities in Italian children do you? And hell, Italian kids can drink when they're 12!

Stop taking the fun out of life North America!

The government hopes the new measure will reduce the death rate among young riders. While the number of Italians who have died in road accidents has halved over the last three decades, the death rate in the 15-29 age group has remained consistently high.

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
I was absolutely amazed by the driving skills of the scooter riders in Taipei. Swarms of them like bees at the red lights and moving through traffic like a school of fish. They all run four strokes by law though and I believe helmets are required as well. Also, no left turns at lights.

I didn't get any good pictures but I saw everything from families of four on one scooter to a woman riding with a small child sitting between her feet.